English Language Arts Syllabus – 2015 – 2016 School Year – Ms. Vignocchi

Phone: 760-955-2530, ext. 45304; Email: ;

2nd Semester

Welcome to Seventh Grade English Language Arts! I am delighted to work with your student to help him/her learn about English, its structure, literature, and writing. Our curriculum is both exciting and interesting, and I hope to work together with you as your student learns through analyzing and critical writing, as well as games, activities, music, and art.

English Course Description:Students will study Reading, Writing, Grammar, written/oral conventions, listening, speaking.

Reading: encompasses: Comprehension (what does it mean?), Summarization (Analysis &Synthesis), Literary Response (essays relating to cause & effect). Students will use a variety of methods to learn and will focus on reading and analyzing short excerpts from both primary and second sources to increase reading comprehension and general knowledge.

Writing: use of writing strategies and applications with genres and characteristics. Additionally we will work on analytical writing, and students will write persuasively, citing valid evidence to support their position. Art, music, film clips, graphic organizers, and maps, as well as a variety of teaching strategies will also be used for maximizing student learning to help students experience many different viewpoints from each genre.

Grammar:as a tool to comprehension; the use of punctuation, modifiers, active voice, subject-verb agreement, and spelling: use of suffixes, prefixes, and base word

Listening and Speaking: questioning and applying evidence, presentations, analyzing electronic media. Grammar is a tool of comprehension written, reading, and oral (listening). Grammar underscores sentence structure, the producer’s clarity of thought, and the comprehension for the receiver (listener, reader).

Composition Formscovered in semester 1 were: Mary, Jip the Dog, Hen, and the Elephant pattern

I require a) 3 subject Notebook, with a supply of single loose leaf paper to turn work in OR a 1” binder filled with reinforced loose leaf paper and 3 section tabs

Student Evaluation and Grading

Assessments: Quizzes 35% of grade help check for student understanding and comprehension of assigned reading and concepts. Tests are given throughout the year. All students take semester final exams. Semester final 15%

Projects/Writing – 15% (each) of grade Students participate in projects in and outside class to facilitate comprehension of material using a variety of modalities. Students will work to learn and improve their analytical writing skills individually and as a group.

Classwork –10% of grade Active participation, interaction, and being present for class.

Assignments/ Homework – 10% of the student’s grade, Consists of: written assignments, Vocabulary, Questions, and classroom activities to facilitate understanding of concepts.

NO LATE WORK POLICY! Your behavior is your responsibility

Resubmit policy:In effectIF turned in on time. Students may resubmit work after corrections are made, EXCEPT on open-book tests.

Students will receive a letter grade based on: homework, participation, class work, projects, and quizzes.

All assignments are graded for completeness and accuracy.

No individual EXTRA CREDIT will be available. Students need to do QUALITY work and complete every assignment.

Students who are in danger of failing will receive an academic warning. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain passing grades and meet the Victor Valley Union High School Districts graduation requirements.

As I firmly believe that life-long success depends on self-discipline, I have developed a classroom discipline policy that gives every student the opportunity to manage his or her behavior. Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for academic growth. Therefore, this plan will be in effect at all times.

Your behavior is your responsibility NO LATE WORK POLICY!

Classroom rules:

  1. Respect others- Be respectful of everyone and everything.
  2. Follow Directions- Follow instructions the first time they are given.
  3. Self-Discipline- Control your own actions. (Stay on task and in your seat.)
  4. Materials- Bring all required materials to class every day. (Be ready to learn.)
  5. No gum, candy, food, or drinks (Water with a twist cap ok) or grooming in the classroom.
  6. All school rules are in effect and enforced at all times. (Refer to the Student handbook.)

Disciplinary Consequences: If students choose not to follow the classroom rules the following actions will result.

  1. First time- Verbal warning
  2. Second time- Time out in another class and parent signature on required behavior/ think sheet. Think sheets may include Sentences, essays and apology letters. (A phone call home and or referral to administration WILL result if the written communication does not come back signed by a parent and student the following day.)
  3. Third time- Call parents/detention or teacher suspension/ parent conference.
  4. Fourth time- referral to administration. (A referral will be giving for each repeat offence at this point.)
  5. Severe Clause- Send to administration (for severe disruptive behavior such as fighting, play fighting, abusive language or endangering others in any way.)

Homework will be given to students weekly. My goal is to try to have your student work in class with me to complete the majority of their work. Please support your student in helping him/her have a quiet place to work. Students will need access to the computer or Internet to complete some work and projects for class. Our school has computer labs, which may be used with the proper AUP forms submitted, and the Victorville library also offers free Internet at their branch at 15011 Circle Drive, Victorville, California 92395.

Communication is vital to your students’ success, and you are always welcome to contact me at my extension or email listed above.

Class Text: Prentice Hall. (2002). Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Bronze Level New York: Prentice Hall.

I have read the English Language Arts Syllabus, and I understand the requirements. I understand that I/my student:

Should spend aminimumof 20 minutes each day reading, studying, working, and preparing for course.

Is responsible for reading the text prior to class and completing and turning in all assignments on time.

Will bring his/her spiral notebooks every day.

Knows that any form of cheating or dishonesty will result in no credit for the assignment and disciplinary action.

By signing this syllabus, I agree and will adhere to the requirements of this course. As the parent/guardian of my student, I understand the requirements of the 7th grade English Language Arts course and will support my student in his/her efforts.


Print 1st & Last Name of StudentStudent SignatureClass Period


Print Parent/Guardian NameGuardian/Parent Signature Date