Prayer & Bible Reading Guide
August 2017
During the month of August the pastor will continue his series of messages on Three Simple Rules of John Wesley. Remember to pray in agreement with the whole church. There is power in agreement! Matthew 18:19
Tuesday, August 1 Psalm 34:8 What are we invited to do? Are you doing it?
Prayer: O Lord, you are so good! I am blessed to know you and take refuge in you.
In You I am safe! Amen Father God, thank you for the United Methodist Men who are meerting tonight. Bless their time together with good fellowship.
Wednesday, August 2 Psalm 25:8 What does David affirm about the nature of God? Because God is good and upright, what does he do? Prayer: Lord, thank you for the choir which starts back practicing tonight. Be with Laura DCamp as she leads this group. Give her your strength and peace.
Thursday, August 3 Psalm 37:3 What does David encourage us to do? Prayer: Help us Father, to trust in you and do good.
Friday, August 4 Ephesians 2:10 Who are we? Why do we exist? Are we doing what God created us for? Prayer: Thank you Lord, that we are your masterpiece. Help us understand what that means. Thank you for creating us anew and planning out good things for us to do.
Saturday, August 5 Luke 6:27-28 Who are we to do good to? Why? Prayer: Father God, help us to love our enemies, for this is hard. Help us to do good for them and to bless them and pray for them!

Sunday, August 6 Three Simple Rules-Do Good Prayer: Lord, we want to approach you with awe this morning. Help us worship you truly today.
Monday, August 7 Psalm 127:1 What is absolutely necessary in life? Why? Prayer: Father God, we lift up the Women’s Bible Study that meets tonight and ask that they grow in their faith and their walk with you.
Tuesday, August 8 Matthew 18:20 What promise does Jesus give? Prayer: Lord, today our teachers start back. Give them grace and enthusiasm for the new year.
Wednesday, August 9 Hebrews 12:11 What is the value of discipline? What does it produce? Prayer: Help us remember that discipline is good for us, that it brings a peaceful harvest of right living.
Thursday, August 10 2 Timothy 2:1-7 How does Paul talk about the grace in Jesus Christ? What images or metaphors does he use? Reflect on these images. Prayer: Father God, help us to grow in you.
Friday, August 11 Romans 12:9-10 What should we hate? What should we cling to? How should we relate? Prayer: Lord, help us to really love other people, to cling to what is good, to take delight in honoring one another, to not be lazy but to work hard and serve enthusiastically.
Saturday, August 12 Hebrews 12:14-15 What should we make every effort to do? Why? What causes trouble? How are people affected? Prayer: Father, today is our Friends in Deed Fall distribution time. We ask your blessings on these young people that we are helping. May they come to know you and the power of your love.
Sunday, August 13 Three Simple Rules-Staying in Love with God Prayer: Lord, today is the Blessing of the Backpacks and our back to school bash for the children. We do ask you to bless our children as they prepare to go back to school. Give them all a great year this year.
Monday, August 14 Psalm 90 This is a prayer of Moses. Read through it and reflect on the prayer. What affirmations does Moses make? What requests? What observations about life? Prayer: Father, remind us of the brevity of our lives. Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so that we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.
Tuesday, August 15 Psalm 86 After reading this Psalm of David, what requests are made? Why? Prayer: Father God, today is the Prep Day for the Teacher’s Luncheon. Enable us to work together with grace and joy.
Wednesday, August 16 Psalm 97 How does the psalmist describe God’s power?What reason is given for worshipping God alone? Prayer: Lord, today is the Teacher’s Luncheon. May everyone who comes through our doors feel your love!
Thursday, August 17 Psalm 93 In this psalm of praise, what observations does the psalmist make about God? Prayer: Father, today is the first day of school. Be with the teachers and the students. Give them your peace as they start off this new year.
Friday, August 18 Psalm 98 In this great psalm of praise, what reasons are given for praising God so joyfully? Prayer: Shout to the Lord, all the earth; break out in praise and sing to joy!
Saturday, August 19 Psalm 100 In this Psalm of grateful praise, what is the writer asking us to do? Prayer: Father, help us worship you with gladness, come before you with singing; help us acknowledge that you are God and that you made us!
Sunday, August 20 Psalm 92:1-5 It is good to praise theLordand make musicto your name,O Most High,proclaiming your love in the morningand your faithfulness at night. Prayer: Help us worship you today Lord, with singing and with joy!
Monday, August 21 Matthew 6:25-34 What advice does Jesus regarding worry? Elaborate on the meaning of verse 33. Prayer: Father, we want to seek first your kingdom above all else and to live righteously. Show us how to do this today.
Tuesday, August 22 Philippians 4:13 What has Paul learned? (see verses 11 and 12) How about you? Prayer: Lord, we lift up the Administrative Council that meets tonight. Give them your wisdom as they lead our church.
Wednesday, August 23 Philippians 2:1-11 What does having the mind of Christ look like? Prayer: Help us Father God, to agree wholeheartedly with one another, to love each other, and to work together with one mind and one purpose.
Thursday, August 24 Jeremiah 29:10-14 What is God’s promise to Israel? What about your current situation? Prayer: Thank you Lord, that you have good plans for us, plans with a future and a hope.
Friday, August 25 William James said: “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind.” Prayer: Father, help us to renew our minds in you.
Saturday, August 26 James Balfour said: “The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to your father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all people, love. Prayer: Lord, help us to do all these things.
Sunday, August 27 Today Matters: Attitude Jeremiah 29:10-14 Prayer: Father, may we come with the right attitude of worship this morning.
Monday, August 28 Ephesians 5:15-16 What does Paul encourage us to do? Think about how God wants you to live with wisdom. (see James 3:17-18) Prayer: Lord, help us live wisely, making the most of every opportunity.
Tuesday, August 29 Galatians 6:7-10 What is the cause and effect of the flesh or the Spirit? What are the results of each? Prayer: Father, be with our college students as they head back to school. Help them to sow to the Spirit not the flesh this year. Be with their parents as they send them off.
Wednesday, August 30 John 8:12 What does Jesus say will happen if we follow him? Prayer: Lord, help us to follow you and walk in the light.
Thursday, August 31 John 8:31-36 What does Jesus explain about freedom? Prayer:
Help us experience the freedom that comes in you, Father.