50th Congress: 18th-21st September 2017

Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape Province

Golden Innovations for Sustainable Animal Agriculture

Hosted by:

SASAS - Eastern Cape Branch


NB. Most invited speakers have confirmed (see list on Page 3)

Please ensure that you register as soon as possible to assist us in the planning process.


The South African Society for Animal Science (SASAS) is inviting all members of the association, managers, scientists, students and decision-makers in the field of animal science research and related industries to attend the 50th Congress at the Boardwalk Conference Centre in Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape, from 18th -21st September 2017.

MAIN THEME: “Golden Innovations for Sustainable Animal Agriculture”

Sub themes

·  Climate change and animal science

·  Ruminant Nutrition

·  Animal Breeding & Genetics

·  Meat Science

·  Poultry Nutrition and Products

·  Wildlife Sciences/Production

·  Welfare & health

·  Aquaculture

·  Pig Production

·  Dairy Science

·  Beef Production

·  Small stock Production/Extension


The call for papers, both title and abstracts, will be opened and communicated soon

All papers will be submitted online, submission link will be provided soon

Guidelines for papers will also be provided on the 50th SASAS congress website


Submissions of paper/poster titles : 30th April 2017

Submissions of abstracts : 30th June 2017

Final submission of registration forms : 31st May 2017

Final date for payment of registration fees : 31st July 2017

Cancellation : 31st August 2017 (No reimbursement)


SASAS full members: R4700.00

Non-SASAS members: R5000.00

SASAS student members: R3500.00

Non-SASAS student members : R3800.00

Day Visitors: R1 900.00

NB: Persons without proof of registration and/or payment by 31 July will not be allowed to attend the congress


Industries or institutions that wish to display their information are requested to pay a display cost of R5000. 00.

International speakers/Academic

Dr D. Harmernik, USA” Role of Technology in sustainable livestock production”

Dr J. Sartin, USA “Kisspeptin as a novel regulator of GH”, and

“Appetite control by the brain in disease”

Dr Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe, USA “Public acceptance of GMOs”

Dr D. Bole, USA “Sustainability and meat science”

Prof D. Mpairwe – Makerere University, Uganda “Animal Agriculture in Africa”

Local speakers/Academic

Prof J.B.J. Van Ryssen, University of Pretoria Keynote address – Animal Science and the SASAS 50th Congress

Prof Este vanMarle-Koster, University of Pretoria”Genomics Overview”

Prof L. Wotshela, University of Fort Hare “Animal Science and the University of Fort Hare over the last 100 years”

Prof. V. Muchenje, University of Fort Hare “A farm to fork approach to meat science”

Prof M. Chimonyo, University of KwaZulu-Natal “recent developments in pig research”

Prof Victor Mlambo, North West University “Publication process”

Dr Y.Z. Njisane, University of Fort Hare “Livestock production conditions and their subsequent effects on product quality”

Dr T.T. Nkukwana, University of Pretoria “Poultry science research”

Dr Niall Vine, University of Fort Hare (Aquaculture research and development”

Prof R.E. Schulze, ”Climate change and Animal Science”

Dr A. Aucamp, Dohne Agric. Development Institute “Dohne Agric. Development Institute and its impact in the Eastern Cape Agriculture”

Prof S. Cloete Western Cape Agriculture


Poultry Science South African Poultry Association (SAPA) (TBA)

Mr P. Makube, First National Bank “Economics in Animal Production”

South African Pork Producers’ Organization (SAPPO) (TBA)

Mr Buchner “Dairy Farmer”

Mr Mavume “Marine culture in South Africa”

Panel Discussions on hot topics

A)  Communicating science among scientists and the public; through publications and extension- Prof John Mupangwa (UFH); Dr Debora Hamernik (USA); Dr James Sartin (USA); Prof Joseph Francis (UNIVEN); Prof France Lategan (CPUT)

B)  Research and education for sustainable animal agriculture - Prof Frans Swanepoel (UP), Prof Charles Kadzere (DRDAR); Prof Norman Maiwashe (ARC); Dr Kathu Nephawe (TUT), Dr Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe (USA)


1.  Dr Monde Mapekula (Chairperson: 073811 4927)

2.  Dr Yonela Z. Njisane (Vice-chairperson: 073366 7601)

3.  Ms Ntombekhaya Faku (Secretary: 082303 8866)

4.  Dr Jean Rust (Treasurer: 082041 7647)

5.  Ms Zimkhitha Soji (Student member: )

6.  Mr Mzuvukile Mcayiya (Student member: )

7.  Ms Nwabisa Nongauza (Member: )

8.  Mr Mvuyisi Mbangeni (Member: )

9.  Prof Charles Kadzere (Member: )

10.  Prof Voster Muchenje (Member: )


·  For general enquiries, contact Ms N Faku ()

·  For enquiries on the scientific programme and Abstracts, contact Prof V Muchenje ()

·  The link for registration will be shared in the next communication

·  The link with accommodation details will be provided on the website

·  Some of the invited speakers are yet to confirm