Summary of project “EUROTEACH-2007”

The main aim of project “EUROTEACH - 2007” is improving the professinal competencies of teachers engineers from National professional school of fine mechanics and optics „М. V. Lomonossov” /NPSFMO/- Sofia, teaching professional subjects in the following specialities: Optics, Measuring and office technics, Audio and video systems and cinema technics.

This purpose we reached with the following three subgoals:

• Introduction to the new tendencies and standards of professional education in Europe;

• Introduction to the professional education of schools training specialists in the field of optics, fine mechanics, cinema and media technologies and measuring technics;

• Introduction to the technological novelties in companies working in the professional fields mentioned above.

9 teachers engineers from NPSFMO „М. V. Lomonossov” and one teacher engineer of computing systems from Foundation for European Education and Professional Qualification /FEEPQ /participated in the exchange .

The exchange was realized in Berlin from 01.09.2008 to 14.09.2008. The working program has be written by receiving organisation Gesellschaft Europabildung /GEB/ together with FEEPQ. All activitiesincluded in the working program were directed to achievement of main purposes of the project.

Content of working program:

1.Seminar with a representatives of professional school of information technologies and centre of European programs and projects.
Introduction to German professional system of education.
Presentation of dual system of professional education in Germany.
2. Seminar with a representative of Professional Information Centre in Berlin.
Subject of the seminar: „Professional orientation of young people" .
3. Visits of three professional schools:
• OSZ TIEM - informatics, industrial electronics, mechatronics and energy management;
• OSZ KIM–communication, information and multimedia technologies;
• Professional centre for training of specialists of optics in Ratenow.
4. Visits of companies and media centres:
OPTOTEC и SOLIRA- c company for optical technics in Ratenow ;
Steingross Feinmechanik– fine mechanics company;
H.Giese (office devices-service)-company for service of office technics;
Cinema Academie in Berlin;
TV of Deutsche Welle;
Video Centre in National Insurence Institut.
5. Visit of Technological Park in Berlin.