Volunteer Positions at Saint HelenaSchool

Homeroom Parent – This is a wonderful and fulfilling volunteer position. Responsibilities should be well delegated among as many families as possible. It is assumed that all families will function as assistants to the homeroom parent. We are always seeking new faces for this job; so don’t be afraid to volunteer if you haven’t sought out this position before. Any “new” Homeroom Parent will be given a “Point of Contact” person to assist them, whether it be another parent from your class that has experienced the grade before, or last year’s Homeroom Parent. As the Homeroom Parent, your responsibilities include the following:

  • Meet with your teacher early in the year to introduce yourself as their Homeroom Parent and determine your teacher’s expectations of your role. Determine with your teacher any events/parties for the upcoming school year. Touch base with your teacher on a regular basis and keep the lines of communication open.
  • Act as a liaison between the teacher and the parents to remind families of upcoming events when the teacher requests this of you. You will receive an e-mail distribution list of all the families in your classroom.

Teacher Aide – A wonderful position, and in some cases, you may have direct contact with the students. In this position you may be involved in any number of tasks assisting the teacher with their day-to-day operations. It may involve filing, “prep” work for upcoming projects, photocopying, etc…. these responsibilities vary from grade to grade. You will establish an agreeable schedule with your teacher.

Computer Class Aide – This is a important position with lots of interaction with the students. Computer Aides are especially key with the lower grades just learning the finer points of computers and how to type. It’s also a great way to learn new tricks yourself!

Library Class Aide – A fun way to interact with the children. You will help them find books to check out and assist the librarian with checking in/out books and filing.

TLC Administrator – Nursing experience is desired, but not absolutely necessary for position. As TLC Administrator, you will help out any students who are not feeling well and will clean-up “boo-boos” as necessary. The TLC Coordinator/Nurse of the school will give the finer points of this position in detail.

Receptionist – The function of this position is to greet all visitors and volunteers to the school. You will be stationed in the office and operate the buzzer to admit visitors to the school. The receptionist will ensure that the volunteer sign-in sheet and student sign-out sheet are completed properly and completely. The school secretary, as needed, may assign other duties.

Photocopier- Photocopiers operate out of a separate photocopy room and are key to the ongoing operations of the teachers. On your given day, you will find, next to the machine, any teacher’s directions for photocopying certain materials for classroom instruction. Once copying is complete, you will place the copied materials in the teacher’s mailboxes. Our teachers rely heavily on the photocopiers. Training on the photocopy machine will be offered for any new photocopiers.

Attendance Checker- This is a very simple, but necessary task whereby you will ensure that the school has been contacted by the parents/guardian of any student marked absent by the teacher. Calls are made in the morning to families that have not contacted the school.

Brown Envelope Stuffer- Though we now have e-mail blasts every week, occasionally it is necessary to send home the brown envelope on Wednesdays with hardcopies of information for each family. The Brown Envelope Stuffer will spend, usually less than an hour, stuffing the family envelopes on Wednesday mornings to be sent home with the students. Contact the school secretary the day before to see if it is necessary to come in that week.

Morning Recess- If you drive in your child to school each morning and have a few extra moments, this is the job for you. Assist the teacher assigned to morning recess in monitoring the students in the lot and patrolling the unloading of students from cars and busses.

Lunch Recess- A fun way to interact with the entire student body as well as with your own child. You will assist the teacher assigned to lunch recess in monitoring the students in the outdoor lot. On rainy days, you will assist inside the building, patrolling the classrooms along with the 8th grade safeties. This is a great volunteer position for those with toddlers. Warning…you will tie a lot of shoelaces!

Meal Preparation- Our lunch program is totally volunteers willing to prepare and offer hot meals for our children. You would be responsible for arriving early enough to prepare the meals for the day and distribute the hot meals to the students during the lunch periods. Training will be provided. You would not be responsible for purchasing food items.

Counter Helper- This is another lunch program with lots of student interaction. The Counter Helpers “man” the counter where students purchase beverages and assorted snacks and desserts during the lunch period. Counter helpers are also responsible for providing the school secretary with an accurate inventory (on certain days) of items that need to be replenished.

Art Express: Hands-on art projects in the children’s homeroom. Team leaders coordinate the art lessons with the teacher, and aides help the students.

Art Goes to School: Volunteers present art work to all grades - Four Fridays per school year. All information and art work are provided.