Parental Leave is unpaid leave, normally of one or more day’s duration, taken to make arrangements for a child or for the good of the child. If you have one year’s continuous service with Naval & Military Bible Society (“the Society”) and are the parent of a child, you are entitled to statutory Parental Leave. This consists of thirteen weeks leave of absence to be taken during the first five years of the child’s life. In the case of multiple births, you are entitled to Parental Leave for each baby. If you work part time, this will be pro-rata.

Parental Leave may be taken for shorter periods on a regular basis, for example to reduce your working week to four days, by agreement with the Executive Director. While every effort will be made to accommodate your wishes, there may be jobs or times of the year where this is not possible for Society reasons. In the event of a dispute, the Executive Director’s decision is final.

You must give your Line Manager at least four weeks’ notice in writing of your intention to take Parental Leave. If you wish to take more than two weeks at a time, you must give notice of double time of leave, e.g.: eight weeks’ notice for four weeks leave. If, however, you are a father who wishes to take leave (in addition to Paternity Leave [Policy 6]) immediately after the baby is born, you may do so if you have given the Society three months’ notice of the week in which the birth is expected. If you are an adoptive parent who wishes to take leave immediately after the child is placed with you(in addition to Paternity Leave [Policy 6]), you must give three months’ notice of the week in which the adoption is expected.

The Society will not postpone Parental Leave without good cause. However, where taking leave would affect the Society’s ability to work effectively, for example because of pressure of work, it may require you to postpone your leave for up to six months. The Society will agree a time that best suits the needs of the Society and you. If this means that your leave is postponed beyond the five-year limit, you will still have the right to take it.

You remain employed by the Society while you are on Parental Leave. On your return, you are entitled to return to your old job or, if that is not possible, to a position of the same status, terms and conditions as your old job.

Policy Sponsor:Last Review Date:

Executive DirectorFebruary 2018