These reasons explain why violence is bad and some of the ways that it could be stopped. The first reason deals with gangs and gang members and how that affects many people. The next reason is protection which helps to settle things the right way and sometimes controls violence. The last reason that helps stop violence and the bad things that are around is peace.

One of the reasons for violence is the rivalry between two gangs. The rivalries of gangs are out of control. I know many people that are in gangs and I know how much they suffer because I have seen them. If you are part of a gang you have to listen to the leader and can’t think for yourself. When you get hurt or die you are not the only one that is going to suffer; your friends and family also suffer because you are not going to be with them anymore. By the way, when you try to kill somebody just to feel cool, remember you can kill innocent people on the street that have families too.I know everybody would feel bad if they shot someone in your family they would like to take revenge and shoot the person who did that. People that jump into gangs are the persons who only think for themselves. They also do it because their lives are going the wrong way. If you people haven’t noticed the most amount of Mexicans are getting hurt or dying because of the gangs. The gang members should really think about it for their future. Do they want a family or a funeral?

Violence could be stopped with protection. The army and their groups could do their best to stop terrorism. The cops could put enough effort to protect the streets and keep people safe. To stop a problem and settle it straight, first you need to stop the words and then stop the violence. People get out of hand and don’t know what they are doing. It’s really hard to control your anger but you could try at least. Is better to work out a problem with words instead of punches, because you could even kill someone like that.

The last reason that explains how violence could be stopped is peace. Peace helps because it stops the violence between things. The way you could bring peace to earth is if the government works out with other countries or states to stop the war. The war just destroys things and kills many people that don’t have any idea that a bomb is about to hit their building. For example, the twin towers were bombed without people having a clue and most of them got hurt or even died. The only thing I want and many people want is for the government to get along with the Mexicans so they could have a better life over here. They want the freedom to come over here not to hurt anybody or mess up anything but mostly they want to put food on the table for their families that’s all. Only if the government would get along with them mostly everybody would be happy.

So this is what I mean when I give my opinion about violence and what people could do to stop it. The main thing that I think about when it comes to violence is the gangs why because they are really dangerous. Another thing is how you can stop violence with protection. The last, but not least, is bringing peace between things because is really necessary. These are my opinions why violence is bad and how you can stop most of it.