East Lake High School Summer Reading 2017

Reading is an integral part of the curriculum of East Lake High School. To keep our students in the habit of reading and to support the curriculum of the school year, the summer reading books listed below are required. All students at East Lake are to complete the readings and be prepared for assignments/projects and tests in the first week of school. Teachers will collect the work assigned and grade the tests. These will be substantial grades.While ISBN numbers are provided, students are not required to buy these editions of the books; they may read books from public libraries, electronic editions or older editions – as long as they read the titles listed. These books were chosen thoughtfully to challenge and engage our students. Please remember, all students are required to read two books and be prepared for tests and assignments/projects on these books.

Questions? Contact your child’s teacher. If you have questions over the summer, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Anderson


Class/Course / Book Title / Author / ISBN
English 1 Regular
2 books are required / The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian / Sherman Alexie / 9780316013697
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban / Malala Yousafzai / 978-0316322423
English 1 Honors *
2 books are required / The Sword of the Rightful King / Jane Yolen / 978-0152025335
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban / Malala Yousafzai / 978-0316322423
English 2
Regular **
2 books are required / Night / Elie Wiesel / 978-0-374-50001-6
Every Day
Unwind / David Levithan
Neal Shusterman / 978-0307931894
English 2 Honors** —2 books are required / Into the Wild / Jon Krakauer / 978-0385486804
Lord of the Flies / William Golding / 978-0399501487
(Any edition is fine)
English 3 Standard
2 required / Fahrenheit 451 / Ray Bradbury / 978-1451673319
Ready Player One
Another Day / Ernest Cline / 978-0307887443
David Levithan / 978-0385756204
English 3 Honors
2 required / An Unfinished Season
Something In Between / Ward Just / 978-0618568284
Melissa De La Cruz / 978-0373212385
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass / Frederick Douglass / 978-1629100081
English 4 StandardOnly one text / I am the Messenger / Markus Zusak / 978-0375836671
English 4 Honors / 1984 / George Orwell / 978-0451524935
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest / Ken Kesey / 978-0451163967
Comp 1 / 1984 / George Orwell / 978-0451524935
Comp 2 / Brave New World / Aldous Huxley / 978-0060850524

ALL COURSES: You will have tests and/or assignments over these books during your first week of school in August.

  • The summer reading assignments and/ or assessments will be a substantial portion of your grade for the first grading period, so please take this reading assignment seriously.
  • Plagiarism from websites or other students will result in a 0 for the summer reading assignment.