October 2004

Leonard Adelman

Department of System Engineering

and Operations Research

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

(703) 993-1624



Born: August 14, 1949 in NY, NY

Married June 18, 1978; 20 year-old son and 18 year-old daughter


PhD (Psychology), University of Colorado, 1976

MA (Psychology), University of Colorado, 1973

BA (Psychology), Florida State University, 1971

Research Areas

Judgment and decision processes, cognitive systems engineering, and decision support and expert system evaluation. Dr. Adelman has participated in studies developing and evaluating prototypes for improving operational systems, including AWACS and Patriot.

Professional Experience

George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (January 1987 – present): Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research. (Hired as untenured, associate professor; tenured as of Fall, 1988; promoted to full professor as of Fall, 1994)

Decision Science Consortium, Inc., Falls Church, VA (November 1986 – January 1987): Senior Principal Associate

PAR Government Systems, Reston, VA (April 1982 – November 1986): Manager, Decision Sciences Section (July 1984 – November 1986).

Decision and Designs, Inc., McLean, VA (August 1979 – April 1982): Decision analyst.

University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business, Chicago, IL (September 1978 – June 1979): Visiting assistant professor of behavioral science.

University of Colorado, Center for Research on Judgment and Social Policy, Boulder, CO (June 1976 – August 1978): Research associate.

Professional Activities

Editorial Board, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2004 - present

Reviewer , Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1984 – present

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1982 – present

Reviewer, Human Factors, 1987 - present

Reviewer, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1997 - present

Reviewer for National Science Foundation programs

Ethics and Values, 1976 – present

Decision, Risk, and Management Science, 1986 – present

Professional Societies

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

(Member Administrative Committee, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, late 1980s)

Judgment & Decision Making Society

Brunswik Society

Human Factors & Ergonomics Society

George Mason University Courses

DESC 200: Statistical Analysis for Decision Making I

IT 803 (special topics): Human Performance Engineering

IT 958: Basic and Applied Decision Support Systems

OR/SYST 671: Judgment and Choice Processing and Decision Making

SYST 470: Human Factors Engineering

SYST 563: Empirical Research Methods

SYST 659 (special topics): Cognitive Systems Engineering

George Mason University Committees (last 5 years only)

School of Information Technology Engineering, Promotion & Tenure (1999 – 2002)

Department of Systems Engineering & Operations Research

Promotion and Tenure (ongoing)

Tau Beta Epsilon (2002 – ongoing)

Sponsored Research

MURI 97 – Understanding and measuring cognitive workload: A coordinated multidisciplinary approach (co-principal investigator with Deborah Boehm-Davis and Wayne Grey), from the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, $3,000,000 from July 1997 through March 2003.

Human and organizational issues in the Army After Next, from the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 2 awards totaling $123,300, from June 1997 – Dec 1998.

Augmentation Award for Science and Engineering Research Training (AASERT), from the US Army Research Office, $142,871, from September 1993 through August 1997.

Extending the focus on judgment heuristics and biases to team decision making, from the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, $319,540, from June 1992 – June 1995.

Enhancements to the Army Command and Control Evaluation System (ACCES), subcontract from Evidence Based Research, Inc., (funded by the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences), $180,613, from April 1990 – Sept 1993.

Decision aiding and training in tactical decision making, from the US Naval Training Systems Command, $129,600, Sept 1990 through Dec 1991.

Option generation: A broader perspective, from the National Science Foundation (Decision, Risk, and Management Science Program), $105,467, June 1989 – Aug 1992. (Note: An additional $8,000 was added under NSF’s Research Experience for Undergraduates program.)

Evaluating decision support systems, subcontract from SAIC (funded by the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences), $65,000, Nov 1987 – July 1990.

Measurement and evaluation of military intelligence information processing performance, subcontract from SAIC (funded by the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences), $67,500, Feb 1987 – Sept 1989.

Consulting (last 5 years only, listed alphabetically)

Cognitive Technologies, Inc.

Dynamics Research Corporation


Innovative Decisions, Inc.

MITRE Corporation

The DotCom Group, Inc.

User-Centered Design, Inc.



Adelman, L., & Riedel, S.L (1997). Handbook for Evaluating Knowledge-Based Systems:

Conceptual Framework and Compendium of Methods. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic.

Andriole, S.J., & Adelman, L. (1995). Cognitive Systems Engineering for User-Computer

Interface Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Adelman, L. (1992). Evaluating Decision Support and Expert Systems. New York: Wiley.

Journal Papers

Adelman, L., Miller, S.L., & Yeo, C. (2004). Testing the effectiveness of icons in supporting

distributed team decision making under time pressure. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and

Cybernetics – Part A: Systems and Humans, 34(2), 179-189.

Adelman, L., Miller, S.L., Henderson, D., & Schoelles, M. (2003). Using Brunswikian theory

and a longitudinal design to study how hierarchical teams adapt to increasing levels of time

pressure. Acta Psychologica, 112 (2), 181-206.

Jedetski, J., Adelman, L., & Yeo, C. (2002). The effect of website decision technology on

consumer decision strategies: An experiment. IEEE Internet Computing, 6(2), 72-79.

Adelman, L., Christian, M., Gualtieri, J., & Bresnick, T.A. (1998). Examining the effects of

communication training and team composition on the decision making of Patriot air defense

teams. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics -–Part A: Systems and

Humans, 28, 729-741.

Adelman, L., Christian, M., Gualtieri, J., & Johnson, K. (1998). Examining the effects of

cognitive consistency between training and displays. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,

and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 28, 1-16.

Adelman, L., Bresnick, T.A., Christian, M. Gualtieri, J., & Minionis, D. (1997). Demonstrating

the effect of context on order effects for an Army air defense task using the Patriot simulator.

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 10, 327-342.


Adelman, L., Bresnick, T.A., Black, P.K., Marvin, F.F., & Sak, S.G. (1996). Research with

Patriot air defense officers: Examining information order effects. Human Factors, 38, 250-


Adelman, L., Gualtieri, J., & Stanford, S. (1995). Examining the effect of causal focus on the

option generation process: An experiment using protocol analysis. Organizational Behavior

and Human Decision Processes, 61, 54-66.

Adelman, L., Gualtieri, J., & Riedel, S.L. (1994). A multi-faceted approach to evaluating

expert systems. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing,

8, 289-306.

Adelman, L., & Riedel, S.L. (1994). Using the multitrait-multimethod matrix to evaluate

knowledge-based systems. Communication and Cognition-Artificial Intelligence, 11, 277-


Adelman, L., Cohen, M.S., Bresnick, T.A., Chinnis Jr., J.O., & Laskey, K.B. (1993). Real-time

expert system interfaces, cognitive processes, and task performance: An empirical assessment.

Human Factors, 35, 243-261.

Adelman, L., Tolcott, M.A., & Bresnick, T.A. (1993). Examining the effect of information order

on expert judgment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 56, 348-369.

Adelman, L., & Bresnick, T.A. (1992). Examining the effect of information sequence on Patriot

air defense officiers’ judgments. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,

53, 204-228.

Adelman, L. (1991). Experiments, quasi-experiments, and case studies: A review of empirical

methods for evaluating decision support systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and

Cybernetics, 21(2), 293-301.

Adelman, L., & Rakoff, S.H. (1990). Attitudinal, normative, and affective components of decision

making: Further research on multi-component decision models. IEEE Transactions on Systems,

Man, and Cybernetics, 20(2), 464-474.

P.E. Lehner, & Adelman, L. (1990). Behavioral decision theory and its implications for

knowledge engineering. Knowledge Engineering Review, 5, 5-14.

West, S., & Adelman, L. (1990). Incorporating cognitive psychology into interface design: A

review of books. Information and Decision Technologies, 16, 107-115.

Adelman, L. (1989). Integrating evaluation methods into the DSS development process.

Information and Decision Technologies, 15, 227-241.

Adelman, L. (1989). Measurement issues in knowledge engineering. IEEE Transactions on

Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,19(3), 483-488.

Adelman, L., & Donnell, M.L. (1988). An empirical study comparing pilots’ interrater reliability

ratings for workload and effectiveness. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,

18, 978-981.

Adelman, L. (1987). Supporting option generation. Large Scale Systems, 13, 83-91.

Adelman, L., Pliske, R.M., & Lehner, P.E. (1987). An empirical investigation as to the need for

multicomponent decision models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 17,


Zirk, D.A., & Adelman, L. (1987). Extracting differences in expert mental representations: An

application of a technique for characterizing schema. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and

Cybernetics, 17, 713-717.

Adelman, L., Sticha, P.J., & Donnell, M.L. (1986). An experimental investigation of the relative

effectiveness of two techniques for structuring multiattributed hierarchies. Organizational

Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 37, 188-196.

Adelman, L., Zirk, D.A., Lehner, P.E., Moffett, R., & Hall, R. (1986). Distributed tactical

decision making: Conceptual framework and empirical results. IEEE Transactions on Systems,

Man, and Cybernetics, 16, 794-805.

Adelman, L., Rook, F.W., & Lehner, P.E. (1985). User and R&D specialist evaluation of decision

support systems: Development of a questionnaire and empirical results. IEEE Transactions on

Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 15, 334-342.

Adelman, L. (1984). Real-time support for decision analysis in a group setting: Another class of

decision support systems. Interfaces, 14, 75-83.

Adelman, L., Sticha, P.J., & Donnell, M.L. (1984). The role of task properties in determining the

relative effectiveness of multi-attribute weighting techniques. Organizational Behavior and

Human Performance, 33, 243-262.

Adelman, L. (1982). Involving users in the design of decision-analytic aids: The principal factor in

successful implementation. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 33, 333-342.

Adelman, L., Donnell, M.L., Phelps, R.H., & Patterson, J.F. (1982). An iterative Bayesian

decision aid: Toward improving the user-aid and user-organization interfaces. IEEE

Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 12, 733-742.

Adelman, L. (1981). The influence of formal, substantive, and contextual task properties on the

relative effectiveness of different forms of feedback in multiple-cue probability learning tasks.

Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 27, 423-442.

Mumpower, J., & Adelman, L. (1980). The application of Brunswikian methodology to policy

formation. New Directions for Methodology of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3, 49-60.

Adelman, L., & Mumpower, J. (1979). The analysis of expert judgment. Technological

Forecasting and Social Change, 15, 191-204.

Hammond, K.R., Cook, R.L., & Adelman, L. (1977). POLICY: An aid for decision making and

international communication. Columbia Journal of World Business, 12, 79-83.

Hammond, K.R., & Adelman, L. (1976). Science, values, and human judgment. Science, 194,


Adelman, L., Stewart, T.R., & Hammond, K.R. (1975). A case history of the application of social

judgment theory to policy formation. Policy Sciences, 6, 137-159.

Blanchard, F.A., Adelman, L., & Cook, S.W. (1975). The effect of group success and failure

upon interpersonal attraction in cooperative interracial groups. Journal of Personality and

Social Psychology, 31, 1020-1030.

Book Chapters

Adelman, L., Yeo, C., & Miller, S.L. (in press). Using Brunswikian theory and lens model

equation to understand the effects of computer displays and time pressure on the performance

of distributed teams. A. Kirlick (Ed.), Adaptation in Human-Technology Interaction: Methods,

Models, and Measures.

Adelman, L. (2001). Choice theory. In S. Gass and C. Harris (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Operations

Research and Management Science (2nd ed.). Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.


Adelman, L., Henderson, E.D., Miller, S. L. (2001). Vicarious functioning in teams. In K.R.

Hammond and T.R. Stewart (Eds.), The Essential Brunswik: Beginnings, Explications, and

Applications. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 416-423.

Adelman, L., & Ulvila, J.W. (1991). Evaluating expert system technology. In S.J. Andriole and

S.M. Halpin (Eds.), Information Technology for Command and Control, NY: IEEE Press, 537-


Adelman, L. (1990). Evaluating decision support systems: Toward integrating evaluation methods

into the development process. In S.J. Andriole (Ed.), Advanced Technologies for Command

and Control Systems Engineering. Fairfax, VA: AFCEA International Press, 352-366.

Adelman, L., Patterson, J.F., Gibson, R.F., & Donnell, M.L. (1990). Toward analytically aiding

the cost-effective allocation of training resources. In S.J. Andriole (Ed.), Advanced

Technologies for Command and Control Systems Engineering. Fairfax, VA: AFCEA

International Press,, 424-436.

Andriole, S.J., & Adelman, L. (1990). Prospects for cognitive systems engineering. In S.J.

Andriole (Ed.), Advanced Technologies for Command and Control Systems Engineering.

Fairfax, VA: AFCEA International Press, 503-515.

Adelman, L. (1990). Behavioral concerns in support system design. In A.P. Sage (Ed.), Concise

Encyclopedia of Information Processing in Systems and Organizations. Oxford, England:

Pergamon Press, 449-454.

Adelman, L. (1988). Separation of facts and values. In B. Brehmer and C.R.B. Joyce (Eds.),

Human Judgment: The SJT View. NY North-Holland, 443-464.

Adelman, L., & Donnell, M.L. (1986). Evaluating decision support systems: A general framework

and case study. In S.J. Andriole (Ed.), Microcomputer Decision Support Systems. Wellesley,

MA: QED Information Systems, Inc., 285-309.

Hammond, K.R., Rohrbaugh, J., Mumpower, J., & Adelman, L. (1977). Social judgment theory:

Applications in policy formation. In M.F. Kaplan and S. Schwartz (Eds.), Human Judgment and

Decision Processes in Applied Settings. NY: Academic Press, 1-29.

Conference (or Invited) Presentations (last 5 years)

Adelman, L. & Gambill, R. (2003). Examining the effect of reward structure and system interface

on operators’ information processing strategies under time pressure. Proceedings of the 2003

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 5-8 October 2003,

Washington DC, pp. 3924-3930.

Beaubien, J.M., Cortina, J.M., Boehm-Davis, D.A., Holt, R.W., & Adelman, L. (2003). The

effects of perceived cohesion and efficacy on pilot crews' LOE performance. In R.S. Jensen