Member of Staff:

Grade: MPS/UPS + 1 TLR (£2558)

Main Responsibilities: Maths/Numeracy Subject Leader; Class teacher

Academy Improvement Plan Lead a strategy group for the development of maths throughout the academy.

2012 -13

·  Class teacher to Sevenoaks class (Year 5/6)

·  4 mornings teach maths and literacy to year 6 only (there may be flexibility in that it may be more appropriate for the successful candidate to teach maths to year 5 and 6 separately)

·  1 morning – maths development

·  4 afternoons teach Sevenoaks Class using the Primary International Curriculum

·  1 afternoon - PPA

Class Teacher Responsibilities

Immediately responsible to the Vice Principal (as per school performance management structure). Teaching will be in accordance with timetable commitments.

Knowledge and Understanding

·  Have a knowledge and understanding of the AET’s and the St James the Great’s aims, priorities, targets and Improvement Plans.

·  Have a secure knowledge and understanding of the concepts and skills in all subjects.

·  Have for core subjects an extensive knowledge and understanding of the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and level descriptions.

·  Understand how pupils’ learning is affected by their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.

·  Be familiar with relevant health and safety requirements and plan lessons to avoid potential hazards

Planning Teaching and Class Management

·  Plan teaching to achieve progression in pupils’ learning.

i) Identifying clear teaching objectives and content, appropriate to the subject matter and the pupils being taught

ii) Identifying how objectives and content will be taught and assessed.

iii) Setting tasks, including homework, which challenge pupils and ensure high levels of pupil interest.

iv) Setting appropriate and demanding expectations for pupils’ learning, motivation and presentation of work.

v) Setting clear targets for pupils’ learning, building on prior attainment.

vi) Identifying pupils who have Learning difficulties. Inform the SENCo and get help in order to target support.

vii) Identifying more able pupils. Inform the Vice Principal and get help in order to target support.

·  Work with other subject coordinators and teams as appropriate to provide structures for lessons and sequences of lessons in the short, medium and longer term, which maintain pace, motivation and challenge for pupils.

·  Make effective use of assessment information on pupils’ attainment and progress to plan future lessons.

·  Establish and maintain an up-to-date numeracy and literacy working wall.

·  Plan opportunities to contribute to pupils’ personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

·  Ensure pupils acquire and consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding.

·  Evaluate own teaching critically and use this to improve effectiveness.

·  In accordance with the Staff Absence Policy provide appropriate cover for lessons when absent.

·  Set high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Establish and maintain a good standard of discipline through well-focused teaching and positive relationships.

·  Monitor and intervene to ensure sound learning and discipline. Follow the school’s Behaviour for Learning policy.

·  Establish and maintain a purposeful working atmosphere.

·  Establish a safe environment which supports learning and in which pupils feel secure and confident.

·  Use teaching methods which sustain the momentum of pupils’ work and keep pupils engaged.

·  Be familiar with the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of special educational needs. Implement Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Provision Maps and keep any records for pupils as required by the SENCo.

Work with other teachers to:

·  Plan opportunities to contribute to the school’s literacy, numeracy, citizenship and ICT policies.

·  Ensure coverage of the National Curriculum programmes of study, including preparation for Key Stage tests.

·  Ensure at least good teaching so that objectives are met and best use is made of teaching time.

Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Accountability

·  Use assessment to improve specific aspects of teaching.

·  Mark and monitor pupils’ classwork and homework.

·  Provide constructive oral or/and written feedback according to the school’s Marking and Assessment Policies.

·  Set targets for pupils’ progress.

·  Use assessment to monitor strengths and weaknesses and to provide purposeful intervention.

·  Use assessment to inform planning.

·  Be familiar with statutory assessment and reporting requirements.

·  Prepare and present informative reports for parents.

·  Provide assessment information to other staff and schools as required.

·  Use national, local, comparative and school data, including National Curriculum data where applicable to set targets for pupils’ achievement.

Pastoral Care

·  Have overall responsibility for pastoral care for pupils in your class.

·  Be familiar with the contents of each pupil’s Pupil Educational Record, which is kept in the school office.

·  Know which of your pupils have Child Protection Files.

·  Keep Headteacher, Deputy Head or other staff informed of matters relating to your pupils where appropriate.

·  Liaise with parents/carers in matters of pastoral care.

·  Keep an accurate record of attendance and punctuality for each pupil according to the school’s Attendance Policy.

·  Take a daily count of pupils having school dinners or packed lunches.

·  Maintain any Record of Support Level One in your form. Liaise with the SENCo.

·  Maintain standards of school discipline, uniform and care of the school’s and people’s personal property.

·  Collect information and keep records as required to support the school’s Behaviour for Learning policy. Actively support the school’s “To make our best better” culture.

·  Establish and maintain an up-to-date Class Noticeboard.

·  Working with teaching assistants, develop a stimulating environment in the class room. Contribute to displays of pupils’ work.

·  Teach the PSHE curriculum provided by the Headteacher.

·  Attend Staff Briefings on Monday

·  Attend whole school and Key Stage Assemblies unless the Head has been informed of your wish to withdraw from the religious element on the grounds of belief or with permission from the Head or Deputy.

·  Carry out duties specific to the role.

·  Provide with colleagues, a termly report of each child’s progress and attainment according to school policy.

·  Attend Parents’ Consultation Evenings.

Other Professional Requirements

·  Have a working knowledge and understanding of teachers’ legal liabilities and responsibilities relating to:

i)  Race Relations

ii)  Sex Discrimination

iii)  Health and Safety at Work

iv)  Teachers’ common law duty to ensure pupils are healthy and safe on school premises and on off-site activities

v)  Childrens Act

vi)  Role of education service in protecting children from abuse.

vii)  Appropriate physical contact with pupils

viii)  Appropriate physical restraint of pupils

ix)  Detention of pupils on disciplinary grounds.

·  Establish, during work in school, effective working relationships with professional colleagues and associate staff.

·  Set a good example to pupils through presentation and personal and professional conduct.

·  Be committed to ensuring every pupil is given the opportunity to achieve to their potential.

·  Take responsibility for own professional development. Keep up-to-date with research and developments in pedagogy and subjects taught – specifically attend Professional Development Days.

·  Undertake a professional responsibility in relation to school policies and practices – specifically attend Briefings and Directed Time Meetings and Assemblies, unless the Head has been informed of your wish to withdraw from the religious element on the grounds of belief.

·  Undertake duties on a rota basis.

·  Liaise effectively with parents/carers and with agencies responsible for pupils’ education and welfare if appropriate.

·  Be aware of the role and purpose of our school’s Governing Body.

·  Be involved as required with initial teaching training.

Subject Leader Role

Each teacher will coordinate and lead one or more subject areas of the curriculum, unless they are a NQT. The core purpose is to provide professional leadership and management for a subject to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources and improved standards of learning and achievement for all pupils.

Knowledge and Understanding

·  Understand the relationship of the subject to the curriculum as a whole.

·  Know any statutory curriculum requirements for the subject and requirements for assessment, recording and reporting of pupils’ attainment and progress.

·  Know characteristics of high quality teaching in the subject and main strategies for improving and sustaining high standards of teaching, learning and achievement for all pupils.

·  Know how evidence from research, inspection etc can inform expectations, target teaching approaches etc.

·  Know how to use comparative data to establish benchmarks and targets for improvement.

·  Know how to develop literacy, numeracy, citizenship and information technology skills through the subject.

·  Promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development.

·  Know how to manage personnel, subject finance and curriculum change.

·  Know how your subject(s) can prepare for adult life.

·  Use ICT to aid teaching and learning of subject and to assist subject management.

·  Assess the implications of information and implement guidance from LEA, DfES etc.

·  Know the implications of the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs for teaching and learning in the subject.

·  Know health and safety requirements of subject, including where to obtain expert advice.

Skills and Attributes

·  Secure a commitment from staff to a clear aim and direction for the subject within the aims and direction for the whole school.

·  Set standards and provide a role model for pupils and other staff in the teaching and learning of the subject.

·  Devolve responsibilities and delegate tasks as appropriate.

·  Seek advice and support when necessary eg AET Subject Adviser.

·  Know when to make decisions, when to consult others and when to defer to the Principal or Vice-Principal.

·  Communicate effectively with the Principal, other staff, pupils, governors and the wider community as appropriate.

·  Provide input into staff meetings and training as necessary.

Strategic Direction and Development of the Subject

·  Develop and implement a policy and practices which reflect the school’s commitment to high achievement and effective teaching and learning.

·  Develop and maintain positive attitudes towards the subject.

·  Develop staff’s confidence in teaching the subject.

·  Use data effectively to identify pupils who are underachieving. Create and implement plans of action to support these.

·  Establish, with the involvement of teaching team short, medium and long term plans for the development and resourcing of the subject.

·  Identify realistic and challenging targets in the subject and if appropriate provide data and targets for the statutory target setting process.

·  Monitor the progress made in achieving subject plans and targets. Evaluate the effects on teaching and learning and analyse to guide further improvement.

·  Follow the whole school monitoring plan and contribute towards School Self Evaluation.

Teaching and Learning

·  Ensure curriculum coverage and progression for all pupils, including those of higher ability or those with Special Educational Needs.

·  Ensure that teachers are clear about the teaching objectives in lessons, understand the sequence of teaching and learning in the subject and communicate this to pupils.

·  Provide guidance on appropriate teaching and learning methods, including differentiation.

·  Ensure the development of pupils’ literacy, numeracy and ICT skills through the subject.

·  Establish and implement a clear policy for assessing, recording and reporting on pupil achievement in line with school policy.

·  Use assessment data to assist pupils in setting targets.

·  Ensure information about pupils’ achievements from previous classes or schools is used effectively.

·  Set expectations and standards for staff.

·  Evaluate the teaching of the subject using the school’s monitoring process.

·  Ensure that teachers are aware of the subjects contribution to pupils’ understanding of the duties, opportunities, responsibilities and rights of citizens..

·  Ensure Head, Governors and others as required are informed about subject policies, plans, priorities and successes.

·  Prepare an annual Subject Improvement Plan. Keep under review.

Efficient and Effective Deployment of Resources

·  Establish resource needs for subject. Complete all bid forms and submit to the Vice-Principal (Staff Development Coordinator).

·  Ensure effective and efficient management and organisation of learning resources, including ICT.

·  Maintain existing resources and develop or incorporate new resources. Keep an up-to-date asset register.

·  Use accommodation to create an effective and stimulating environment for teaching and learning.

In addition certain particular duties are reasonably required to be exercised and completed in a satisfactory manner. It is the contractual duty of the postholder to ensure that his/her professional duties are discharged effectively.

This is a description of the job to be undertaken and performed to the satisfaction of the Head by the postholder. It does not form part of the contract of employment.

The duties and responsibilities of this post vary from time to time according to the changing demands of the school. This job description may be reviewed at the reasonable discretion of the Head in the light of those changing requirements and in consultation with the postholder.

In any event the Head reserves the right to review and amend the job description.

Signed ……………………………………………. Teacher

…………………………………………… Principal

Date …………………………………………...