

May 15, 2018


Increase of 0.4% in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), April 2018

  • The CPI increased 0.4% in April2018 compared to March 2018. It was 100.7 points, compared to 100.3points in the previous month(base: average 2016 = 100.0 points). The CPI excluding housing is also increased 0.4% and was 99.8 points.The CPI excluding vegetables and fruit and the CPI excluding energy increased 0.3% each and were 100.8 and 100.4 points, respectively.
  • Prices of the following items increased in particular:fresh vegetables and fruit 4.1% and clothing and footwear 2.2%.
  • Since the start of the year, the CPIincreased 0.3%. The CPI excluding fruits and vegetables and the CPI excluding energy have also increased0.3%, each.The CPI excluding housing increased0.4%.
  • Over the past 12 months (April2018 compared to April2017), the CPI increased 0.4%.The CPI excluding vegetables and fruit increased 0.6%. The CPI excluding energy increased 0.2%. In contrast, the CPI excluding housing decreased 0.2%.
  • The seasonally adjusted CPI increased 0.2% in April 2018; in contrastthe seasonally adjusted CPI excluding housingremained unchanged and the seasonally adjusted CPI excluding vegetables, fruit and housingdecreased 0.2%.
  • Based on the trend data for the period January 2018 – April2018, the annual pace of increase in the CPIandfor the CPI excluding housingwere 0.9%, each. The annual pace of increase in the CPI excluding vegetables, fruit and housing was 0.6%.

Please note: This Press Release is for PublicationAfter 18:30 PM on Tuesday, May15, 2018

Diagram 1 – Monthly Percentage Change in CPI duringthe Past 12 Months

Diagram 2 – CPI 12-Month Inflation Rate for the Past 10 YearsProduct and Service Groups that Particularly Influenced the Index This Month:

Contribution to Index's Percentage Change / Percentage Change / Product/Service Group
0.0896 / 2.6 / vehicle fuel and lubricants
0.0779 / 1.6 / Recreation and holidays domestic and abroad
0.0764 / 6.6 / fresh vegetables
0.0600 / 2.6 / clothing
0.0547- / 1.4- / cars

Major Changes in Primary Consumption Items

Food (excluding vegetables and fruit)

The food price index increased 0.5%.

The following increased in particular:tea(4.9%),oils(4.8%),jam, honey and confiture(3.8%),sweets and chocolate(3.3%),fish(2.8%),soft drinks, non-carbonated(2.7%),chicken and turkey liver(2.5%),processed and other cheeses(2.4%),coffee(2.2%),chicken, fresh(1.8%),brined cheese(1.8%),canned and processed fish(1.6%),cultured milk, yogurt, and milk desserts(1.4%),spices, sauces, baking products and baby food(1.4%),beef, frozen(1.3%),canned meat, sausage and hot dogs(1.3%),poultry, other parts(1.2%),bread(1.1%),soy drinks or flavoured milk(1.1%),alcoholic beverages(1.1%) and chicken and turkey, minced(1.0%).

The following decreased in particular:pastry products(3.4%),malt beer(2.3%),prepared vegetable salads(2.3%),concentrates and syrups(2.2%),natural fruit juices(1.6%),beef, internal parts(1.5%),ice cream and popsicles(1.5%),crackers (various)(1.3%) and cookies and biscuits(1.0%).

Vegetables and Fruit

The vegetables and fruit index increased 3.3%.

The fresh vegetables index increased 6.6% and the fresh fruit index increased 1.2%.The frozen, pickled and canned vegetables index andthe dried andcanned fruit index increased 0.4%, each.

Among the fresh vegetables, the following increased in particular: corn on the cob(rose 15.6% compared to January 2018),eggplant(19.4%),kohlrabi(18.2%),fresh beans(16.7%),broccoli(15.6%),tomatoes(14.9%),cauliflower(13.5%),fennel(11.4%),potatos and sweet potatos(11.2%),cabbage(9.4%),squash(8.3%),beets(7.1%),cucumbers(6.7%),onions(4.3%),lettuce(2.8%),fresh mushrooms(2.3%),radishes(1.9%),carrots(1.2%) and culinary herbs(1.2%).

The following decreased in particular: artichoke(14.8%),garlic(5.9%) and peppers(1.9%).

Among the fresh fruit, the following increased in particular:clementine(8.7%),grapefruit(4.4%),oranges(4.2%),avocados(3.5%),kiwi(2.9%),pomelos(2.7%),apples(2.4%) and strawberries(2.1%).

The following decreased in particular: sugar melons(9.8%) and bananas(3.2%).

Among the processed vegetables and fruit, the following increased in particular: dried fruit(2.8%) and canned vegetables(1.6%).

The following decreased in particular:other pickled vegetables(2.1%),almonds(1.4%) and seeds(1.1%).


The housing price index increased 0.3%.

The owned dwellings services indexincreased 0.3% andthe rent index increased 0.1%.

Owned Dwellings Services

The owned dwellings services index showed anincrease in April2018 compared to March2018. This increase reflects the changes in rental prices set in contracts signed in March2018–April2018, compared to contracts signed in February 2018–March2018.

Dwelling Maintenance

The dwelling maintenance index increased 0.3%.

The following increased in particular:laundry detergent, cleaning materials, and pesticides(2.4%), kerosene and diesel oil for heating(1.6%), other household articles, such as candles, matches, and bags(1.6%) and paint and whitewash for dwelling(1.0%).

Furniture and Household Equipment

The furniture and household equipment index decreased 0.4%.

The following decreased in particular:vase (3.6%), outdoor furniture(2.9%), bathroom accessories(2.1%), carpets(1.8%), eating utensils(1.4%), bedding and towels(1.4%), other equipment for babies(1.3%) and chairs(1.2%).

The following increased in particular: candles and air fresheners(3.8%), tablecloths and napkins(1.8%) and lampshades, chandeliers and table lamps(1.1%).

Clothing and Footwear

The clothing and footwear index increased 2.2%; the seasonally adjusted index decreased 0.1%.

The clothing index increased 2.6% and the footwear index increased 0.7%.

Among clothing items, the following increased in particular:miscellaneous clothing such as hats, ties, and swimsuits (12.7%),underwear (4.0%) and outerwear (2.4%).

The following decreased in particular:sports and exercise clothes(1.2%).

Among footwear items, the following increased in particular:women‘s footwear (1.1%).


The health index decreased 0.1%.

The following decreased in particular:glasses and associated optical products(2.4%).

The following increased in particular:first visit to health-fund physician in quarter(2.0%).

Education, Culture and Entertainment

The education, culture and entertainment index decreased 0.3%.

The education services index increased 0.3%;in contrastthe culture and entertainment index decreased 0.8%.

The following decreased in particular: museum entrance tickets(6.3%), camping equipment and accessories(4.6%), home entertainment equipment, multi-channel television, etc.(3.7%), musical instruments(2.4%), magazines and journals(1.5%), admissions to parks or amusement parks(1.1%) and fiction books(1.0%).

The following increased in particular: hotels and guest houses(1.8%) and art supplies(1.7%).

Transport and Communication

The transport and communication index increased 0.5%.

The transport index increased 0.6%; in contrastthe communication index decreased 0.1%.

The following increased in particular: vehicle fuel and lubricants(2.6%), expenditures for travel abroad and domestic flights(1.6%) and vehicle registration and fees(1.0%).

The following decreased in particular: transport by bus(3.3%), driving lessons, car rentals etc.(1.6%) and cars(1.4%).


The miscellaneous index remained unchanged.

The following increased in particular: wallets(3.6%) and bathing products and cosmetics(1.1%).