Rogers State University

Student Government Association

February 14, 2014

I. Call to Order: 1:04 p.m.

II. Roll Call:

·  Absent:

o  AAA

o  College Republicans

o  GeoScience Club


III. Approval of the Agenda:

·  Motion to move CRU resolution from New Business to Old Business

·  Seconded

·  Passed by consent

·  Motion to move SODA Legislation from New Business to Old Business

·  Seconded

·  Passed by consent

·  Motion to approve agenda as amended

·  Seconded

·  Passed by consent

IV. Advisor’s Report: Candice

·  Applications to be a Hillcamp Director are Due TODAY and to join CAT Due February 28th.

·  Intramural Co-Ed Basketball is scheduled for Monday and Wednesday evenings from Feb 24th-April 7th

o  Sign up online by February 14th at www.rsu.edu/studentaffairs/intramurals.asp

V. New Business

VI. Old Business

·  CRU Resolution

o  CRU would like to be put in good standing again

o  Communication has been fixed

o  A new SGA rep has been elected

o  Motion to vote

o  Roll Call Vote

o  27 yes 0 no

o  Passes Unanimously

·  SODA Resolution

o  Resolution to fix some issues with

o  Motion to vote on resolution

o  Hand vote

o  Passes unanimously 31 yes 0 no

VII. House Reports

·  Speaker of the House Report

o  Discretionary/Appropriated fund report

§  If an organization is in bad standing at the end of a semester, appropriated funds are transferred to discretionary funds.

§  If we do not use these funds, they go away and there is a chance that our funding for next year will be cut.

·  Deputy Speaker’s Report

o  Anyone who is interested in running for SGA leadership, you must be on the ballot by April 11th and it is a great opportunity

·  House Clerk

o  Contact information

§  Update SGA representative contact information

·  Speaker allowed time for Senator Allen to report

o  Went with Amanda to City Hall

§  Trying to get some problems fixed with the road issues and have another meeting on February 20th.

§  Also met with President Rice and are trying to fix communication problems and are trying to fix RSU roads.

§  Skateboarding on campus is not going to be allowed.

§  Also wants to help with the printing problem by having a tier system where students get more prints based on year in school.

§  Doctor’s office does not give out notes because they were being forged but you can get a copy of the treatment form for the day, which will reveal what you were treated for but will get you excused.

§  Donate to coins for kids

§  Yard work on campus- President is trying to figure out how to fix this problem.

IX. Announcements

·  Dr. John Cox on February 28th

o  This is not a candidate forum but if you have a candidate you would like to come please let Speaker Thomason know.

·  There is a box for Child Advocacy Center for any spare change or donation

o  Contact President Pro-Tempore Jessica Allen

·  Safe Spring Break Week: March 10-14

·  Bowl for Kid’s Sake: March 25th

·  Chi Alpha

o  Meetings on Tuesdays at 7 in Centennial Center Rec Room

·  PLC

o  Annual RSU’s Got Talent

§  March

§  Auditions February 24th

·  If you want to make a campus event a fundraiser as well, you must have an organization of the same Tier or higher to write a resolution

·  BCM

o  Mondays evenings at 7 in the BCM building

o  Tuesdays Bible Study at 12:30 in 3rd floor rec room at UVA

o  Wednesdays free lunch at 12 in the BCM building

o  Representatives of Christian organizations, Kevin Abbey would love to have your contact information. He is on Facebook

·  PsySSR

o  Welcome back to Spring on February 26th

o  10-2 and 5-7

o  Free food, grab bags, information about organizations, representatives from counseling center, Stratton Taylor Library, and Student Affairs

·  Kappa Kappa Psi

o  Bake sale on Wednesday February 26th from 9-2

·  Work on getting advisors who are more involved with organizations

VIII. Adjournment:

·  Motion to adjourn

·  Seconded

·  End of meeting time: 1:54 p.m.

Minutes Completed by House Clerk: Bethany Henley