
Possibilities and facilities of admission of foreign citizens in 2016 to the Educational Establishment

“Vitebsk State Technological University”

Republic of Belarus,

Vitebsk, Moscowski pr., 72, Postal Code: 210035

Speciality, Specialization
(with code in) / Qualification / Course duration / Cost of education
долл. США /евро US dollars/Euro
per year / Notes

Language of Tuition: English (entire course)

No enrollment in 2016

Language of Tuition: English (some subjects only)

Hostel available

1-25 01 04
Finance and Credit / economist / 4 / 2350 US dollars / Securities Market
(3 year 5)
Accounting and Audit
(3rd year 5th and 6th semesters
1-25 01 07
Economics and Business Administration / economist-manager / 4 / Accounting
(3rd year 6th semester)
Comprehensive Analysis of Economic Operations
(4th year 7th semester)
1-25 01 08-03
Accounting, Analysis and Audit
(in commercial and non-profit organizations) / economist / 4 / Accounting in Industry
(2nd and 3rd years
4th and 5th semesters)
Comprehensive Analysis of Economic Operations
(3rd year 5th and 6th semesters)
Practical Audit in Industry
(4th year 7th semester)
Control and Audit
(3rd year 6th semester)
1-26 02 02-03
Management (industrial) / manager-economist / 4 / Financial Management
(3rd year 6th semester)
1-36 01 01
Technology of Machine Building / engineer / 5 / Physics
(1st and 2nd years)
1-36 08 01
Machines and Devices for Textile, Consumer Goods and Service Industries / engineer-mechanic / 4.5 / Physics
(1st and 2nd years)
1 – 26 80 01
Management in Social and Economic Systems / Master of
Business Administration and Economy / 1 / Methodology of Scientific Research and Innovative Activity
(1st year)
1 – 50 80 01
Technology and Primary Machining of Textiles and Raw Materials / Master of Technical Sciences / 1 / Fundamentals of Scientific Research
(1st year)

Language of Tuition: Russian

Speciality, Specialization
(with code in) / Qualification / Course duration / Cost of education
долл. США /евро US dollars/Euro
per year
1-19 01 01-01
Design (spatial) / designer / 5 / 2350 US dollars
1-19 01 01-04
Design (communicative) / designer / 5
1-19 01 01-05
Design (costumes and fabrics) / designer / 5
1-25 01 04
Finance and Credit / economist / 4
1-25 01 08-03
Accounting, Analysis and Audit
(in commercial and non-profit organizations) / economist / 4
1-25 01 07
Economics and Business Administration / economist-manager / 4
1-25 01 09
Merchandising and Commodity Expertise / merchandiser-examiner / 4
1-26 02 02-03
Management (industrial) / manager-economist / 4
1-26 02 03
Marketing / marketing -economist / 4
1-27 01 01-16
Economics and Production Engineering
(consumer goods industry) / engineer-economist / 5
1-36 01 01
Technology of Machine Building / engineer / 5
1-36 08 01
Machines and Devices for Textile,Consumer Goods and Service Industries / mechanical engineer / 4.5
1-40 05 01-01
Information Systems and Technologies
(in design and production) / engineer-programmer / 4
1-50 01 01-01
Manufacturing of Textile Materials
(technology and management) / engineer-
technologist-manager / 4.5
1-50 01 02
Design and Technology of Sewing Articles / engineer / 4.5
1-50 02 01
Design and Technology of Leather Articles / engineer / 4.5
1-54 01 01-04
Metrology, Standardization and Certification
(consumer goods industry) / engineer / 4.5
1-53 01 01-01
Automation of Technological Processes and Manufacturing
(machine building and instrument making) / automation engineer / 5
1-53 01 01-05
Automation of Technological Processes and Manufacturing
(consumer goods industry) / automation engineer / 4.5
1 – 25 80 04
Economics and Management of the National Economy / Master of
Economic Sciences / 1 / 2500 US dollars
1 – 26 80 01
Management in Social and Economic Systems / Master of
Business Administration and Economy / 1
1 – 27 80 01
Economics and Production Engineering / Master of Economic and Technical Sciences / 1
1 – 36 80 03
Machine Building and Machine Science / Master of Technical Sciences / 1
1 – 36 80 06
Machines, Units, and Processes
(consumer goods industry) / Master of Technical Sciences / 1
1 – 50 80 01
Technology and Primary Machining of Textiles and Raw Materials / Master of Technical Sciences / 1
1 – 50 80 02
Sewn Products Technology / Master of Technical Sciences / 1
1 – 50 80 03
Technology of Footwear and Haberdashery Leather Articles / Master of Technical Sciences / 1
1 – 53 80 01
Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Production Plants
(consumer goods industry) / Master of Technical Sciences / 1