FEBRUARY 21, 2013



At 7:00 p.m. Zoning Administrator Chris Graves called the meeting to orderand asked for nominations for Chairman of the Board of Adjustment for 2013. Jim Keune nominated Gary Ruskell, receiving a second from Brad Erickson. Brad Erickson made a motion,receiving a second from Steve Duxbury, to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Gary Ruskell. Zoning Administrator Chris Graves then asked for nominations for a ViceChairman. On a motion by Steve Duxbury and seconded by Jim Keune, Brad Erickson was named ViceChairman for the Board of Adjustment for 2013. Vice Chairman Erickson asked for approval of the previous meeting’s minutes and on a motion by Steve Duxbury and seconded by Marvin Kuhn the minutes of the September 20, 2012 meeting were approved. On a motion by Marvin Kuhn and seconded by Jim Keune the meeting agenda was approved. On a motion by Jim Keune and seconded by Marvin Kuhn the meeting date and time were kept the same as the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Erickson asked about items for the next meeting to which Zoning Administrator Chris Graves responded that there is currently nothing for the Board of Adjustment for March. He updated the Board on current applications, advising them that the Rein sand pit EAW comment period is almost complete and the three (3) Pilot Mound quarries will be doing a voluntary EIS instead of an EAW, thereby postponing the process.


Board members present: Steve Duxbury, Brad Erickson, Jim Keune and Marvin Kuhn. Not present: Gary Ruskell. Others present: Larry & Margaret Miller, Chris Miller, Karen Reisner, Chris Graves, and Cristal Adkins.


Larry & Margaret Miller,Variance Request

Mr. Miller addressed the Board of Adjustment and explained that they would like to remove the existing building and replace it with a new combination shed/shop. He further explained that they would like to be thirty-three (33) feet from the centerline of the road, therefore needing a forty (40) foot variance due to the proximity of the building just behind that location. Chairman Erickson opened the public hearing portion of the meeting and asked for public input. Hearing none closed the public hearing. On a motion by Jim Keune and seconded by Steve Duxbury the Board of Adjustment voted unanimously to recommend approval of the forty (40) foot variance.


On a motion by Jim Keune and seconded by Marvin Kuhnthe meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Cristal Adkins, Assistant Zoning Administrator

Fillmore County Zoning Office