Sunderland Wellbeing Campaign Group TOR
Sunderland Wellbeing Campaign Planning meeting Group
Terms of Reference
These Terms of reference are established to govern the Sunderland Wellbeing Planning meeting group. It is a working document and can be added or subtracted subject to the agreement of the members at a formal meeting.
- Aim
Sunderland Wellbeing planning group is an initiative of multi-agencies, and aims to provide coordination, planning and delivery of the campaigns across the city in order to contribute to public awareness and wellbeing in Sunderland.
- Purpose
- to establish a group of partners and local volunteers interested in public health campaigns and improving emotional health and wellbeing of the population of Sunderland. The group will also work on campaigns which are important to all group members.
- There will be a running theme of 5 a day for health and happiness through all the work that the group do; this is to tackle discrimination and stigma towards mental health and to promote happiness.
- to share expertise and develop ideas on how to promote health and wellbeing locally; giving due attention to priority geographical areas, populations and causes,leading to supporting people to make sustainable changes throughout their lives
- to make healthy choice the easier choice by encouraging and supporting citizens (includes young people) in becomingaware of the importance of accessing long-acting health protecting interventions empowering them to take responsibly for improving their own and other person’s health and wellbeing;
- In order to achieve aims and objectives, Sunderland wellbeingcampaign group will host engagement events throughout the city and, and produce an annual report of the work carried out by the group. This will be communicated with Director of Public health, Heads of Services, Commissioners, and wider community.
- Responsibilities
- Attending the meetings
- Take the minutes-rotating between members and type up and forward to chair (Jackie Nixon)
- All individuals to take personal responsibility to fulfil all actions set by the group
- Plan the campaigns for the year ahead
- Develop ideas on how we get total coverage across the city
- Take leads on campaigns to decide as a group who leads.
- To take photographs of engagement activities for report and showcasing the work we will be doing.
- To send good new stories for
- Outcomes
The group will have a 12 month plan of activity across the city and will also compile anannual report to showcase the work across the city. The next report will be on March 2015.
- Membership
The group will consist of the followingmulti-agency partners and organisations to address any area of healthand wellbeing. Other organisations will be selected as agree upon by the steering group. Current members are are:
Sunderland Public Health, City Council (Jackie)
Sunderland Wellbeing/men’s networks (Rob/Trish)
Washington Mind (Jacqui /Wendy)
Sunderland Mind (Dorothy)
Gentoo living (Lindsay)
Sunderland Carers Centre(Lisa)
Sunderland University(Susan)
HOPS wellbeing service(Angela)
Sunderland AGEUK(Kasia)
CAMHS community service(Christine/Anne)
Children and Participation SCC(Jane)
- Frequency
Meeting will take place monthly and it is expected that partners will commit to the monthly meetings.
- DNAs
Group members who do not attend 3 meetings will be followed up with an email or phone call by the chair from Public Health to establish commitment. Where commitment is not established then with the agreement of the group at a monthly meeting their position as member will be revoked.
TOR/V1 / 08/05/2014/draft 1