Ad Hoc Questionnaire
Place a check mark in the appropriate box, or fill in the blank where appropriate.
1. Male Female
2. Age ___
3. Single Married/common law
4. Please indicate the highest level of education you have obtained:
Less than grade 9
Some high school
High school diploma
Some college
College degree
Post-graduate degree/professional
5. Have you experienced any other traumatic event in your lifetime?
Yes (please describe, if yes)
6. Have you ever been sexually abused as a child?
Yes No
7. Have you ever been physically abused as a child?
Yes No
- Is there a history of psychological problems in your family (i.e., parents, siblings, grandparents?) Check all that apply and please indicate the problem (i.e., depression, anxiety, substance abuse, etc.):
- MotherYes No
FatherYes No
SisterYes No
BrotherYes No
GrandfatherYes No
GrandmotherYes No
9. Did you have a history of psychological problems before your traumatic event occurred?
Yes (please indicate the problem, if yes)
10. Were you ever brought up by someone other than your parents for a period of 4 months or more before the age of 16?
Yes No
11. How much responsibility from 100% to 0% do you feel you had for the traumatic event occurring?
I feel % responsible for the event.
12. How much responsibility from 100% to 0% do you feel someone else had for the traumatic event occurring?
I feel that someone else was % responsible for the traumatic event.
13. To what extent did you feel your life was in danger?
12 34 5
Not at all To a little extent To some extent To a great extent To a very great extent
14. Did you receive any physical injuries?
Yes What injuries did you have?
No If you did not receive any injuries please go to question #18
15. Please indicate the severity or seriousness of the injuries you received:
1 2 3 4
Mildly serious Moderately serious Serious Very serious
(i.e., bruises, (i.e., life threatening
scapes) injuries)
16. Were you hospitalized as a result of your trauma?
Yes (for how long if yes?)
17. Please indicate the extent to which your traumatic event was the result of a deliberate or intentional act:
Not at all To a little extent To some extent To a great extent To a very
deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate great extent
18. Did your traumatic event involve seeing another person die or being severely injured?
Yes What was your relationship to this person? (i.e., stranger, friend, family member?)
19. Was someone available for you to talk to after your traumatic event?
Yes No
20. To what extent did you talk with others about your traumatic event?
1 2 3 45
Not at all To a little extent To some extent To a great extent To a very great extent
21. Did you receive any professional help or support after your trauma? (i.e., counseling, attending support groups)
Yes (type of support you received, if yes)
22. Did you receive any training in dealing with traumatic events?
Yes No
23. Please tell us if we have missed anything that is important for us to know about your specific situation and/or about this topic.