
Ad Hoc Questionnaire

Place a check mark in the appropriate box, or fill in the blank where appropriate.

1. Male  Female 

2. Age ___

3. Single  Married/common law 

4. Please indicate the highest level of education you have obtained:

Less than grade 9

Some high school

High school diploma 

Some college

College degree

Post-graduate degree/professional 

5. Have you experienced any other traumatic event in your lifetime?

Yes  (please describe, if yes)

No 

6. Have you ever been sexually abused as a child?

Yes  No 

7. Have you ever been physically abused as a child?

Yes  No 


  1. Is there a history of psychological problems in your family (i.e., parents, siblings, grandparents?) Check all that apply and please indicate the problem (i.e., depression, anxiety, substance abuse, etc.):
  1. MotherYes  No 

FatherYes  No 

SisterYes  No 

BrotherYes  No 

GrandfatherYes  No 

GrandmotherYes  No 

9. Did you have a history of psychological problems before your traumatic event occurred?

Yes  (please indicate the problem, if yes)

No 

10. Were you ever brought up by someone other than your parents for a period of 4 months or more before the age of 16?

Yes  No 

11. How much responsibility from 100% to 0% do you feel you had for the traumatic event occurring?

I feel % responsible for the event.

12. How much responsibility from 100% to 0% do you feel someone else had for the traumatic event occurring?

I feel that someone else was % responsible for the traumatic event.

13. To what extent did you feel your life was in danger?

12 34 5

Not at all To a little extent To some extent To a great extent To a very great extent


14. Did you receive any physical injuries?

Yes What injuries did you have?

No  If you did not receive any injuries please go to question #18

15. Please indicate the severity or seriousness of the injuries you received:

1 2 3 4

Mildly serious Moderately serious Serious Very serious

(i.e., bruises, (i.e., life threatening

scapes) injuries)

16. Were you hospitalized as a result of your trauma?

Yes  (for how long if yes?)

No 

17. Please indicate the extent to which your traumatic event was the result of a deliberate or intentional act:


Not at all To a little extent To some extent To a great extent To a very

deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate great extent


18. Did your traumatic event involve seeing another person die or being severely injured?

Yes What was your relationship to this person? (i.e., stranger, friend, family member?)


19. Was someone available for you to talk to after your traumatic event?

Yes  No 

20. To what extent did you talk with others about your traumatic event?

1 2 3 45

Not at all To a little extent To some extent To a great extent To a very great extent

21. Did you receive any professional help or support after your trauma? (i.e., counseling, attending support groups)

Yes  (type of support you received, if yes)

No 

22. Did you receive any training in dealing with traumatic events?

Yes No 

23. Please tell us if we have missed anything that is important for us to know about your specific situation and/or about this topic.