Friarswood Primary School
Abbots Way, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs, ST5 2ES.
Telephone 01782 694580
Headteacher: Mrs L Wilmer
Dear Parents / Carers,
Last week ~ the class with best attendance was Year 1 with 99.3% attendance. Well done!
A letter has been sent home to all parents from the authority regarding holidays during term time as well as when penalty notices can be given out. From Jan 2018, penalty notices can be issued to parents who bring their child/ren into school late on a regular basis as well as to parents who take their child/ren out of school for holidays. Please see letter for further details.
Dougie Mac Morning
Thank you so much to everyone who took part in whatever way possible. The amazingly kind donations of cakes and biscuits as well as the overwhelming generosity of money donations helped us to raise a whopping £699.45. Dennis, a Dougie Mac volunteer, was absolutely shocked to see so many people. He took some lovely photos, which can be found on the Dougie Mac Twitter and Facebook links.
It really is through these acts of generosity that Dougie Mac can give so much loving care to both patients and families in times of such sadness. Thank you.
Catering Position
Mellors, the catering company we use, has a Catering Assistant vacancy available at our school. The details are as follows;
Catering Assistant
14.75 hours per week. Monday to Friday. Term time only. Hourly rate £7.50. Please contact the school for further information.
Parking on Abbots Way
Unfortunately, there was a serious incident in the week regarding a car which was parked on a pavement and then drove part way on the pavement. The car was extremely close to some of our children as it drove on the pavement. The incident left the children, parents and several witnesses in shock. The police have been contacted about this and will be investigating.
Please can I urge all of you to put the safety of our children first BEFORE thinking about how close to school you park.
Fortunately, the children were not injured but as you can imagine, they have been left very shocked. None of us want this to happen to any of our children yet still we have some parents or / and grandparents who just don’t seem to show any thought or responsibility for their driving or parking.
Should any of you witness illegal driving or parking, please can I urge you to contact the police on 101. You will need to take a note of the number plate. When you have contacted them, please insist that they contact the person who has committed the incident. This way the police will have to follow up any allegations. I know some parents have taken photos of illegally parked cars. Please send these to the police immediately.
I really do hope that with the constant reminders and warnings of safety from the school, that these people will start to take more care of our children before any serious injury, or worse, occurs.
Parent’s Evening
Letters will have been sent out this week regarding your child’s parent’s evening. The time slot is for 10 minutes. The appointment is for discussing how well your child has settled into their new year group and what their targets are. Please can we ask, on behalf of other parents, that you keep to this time. Very often, we find that some parents wish to discuss other important issues about their child but don’t ask for another appointment or a longer appointment. This can lead to other parent’s appointments being late as well as some very angry parents. Should you wish to discuss other matters with your teacher, please contact them for a more suitable time allocation. Thank you.
PTA Disco
Please note that the date for the disco has changed to Wednesday 18th October.
It’s that time of year, when we start to hear about children having headlice. Headlice spread very quickly in primary school due to children playing so closely together. Headlice also like any type of hair – clean or not so clean, long or short. Please can you keep a regular check on your child’s hair. If your child does have headlice, remember that there is a massive possibility that other members of the family may have them too. You will need to check bedding, brushes/combs and anywhere else your child’s head has been. Headlice can survive for many days without being on someone’s head. For treatment advice, please speak to the local pharmacist.
Future Events
Tue 3rd Oct – Year 1 – Brampton Museum trip
Tue 10th Oct – 3:30pm – 5pm – Parent’s evening (details will be sent closer to the time)
Tue 10th Oct – PTA AGM, 7pm
Wed 11th Oct – 5:30pm – 8pm – Parent’s evening (details will be sent closer to the time)
Thu 12th Oct – 9am – 10am – English open morning for parents
Mon 16th Oct – School Photos for all children & siblings
Mon 16th Oct – Sports competition for Years 5 & 6 (during lesson time) PE kits please
Tue 17th Oct – Sports competition for Year 3 & 4 (during lesson time) PE kits please
Wed 18th Oct – PTA disco
Fri 20th Oct – 1:30pm – Harvest Festival
Fri 20th Oct – Last day
Mon 30th Oct – Back to school
Tue 31st Oct – Bags to School – please leave under the veranda, by the library
Fri 3rd Nov – 9:30am – Open morning for children who will start school in Sept 2018 (Nur or Rec)
Tue 7th Nov – 9am – 10am – Maths open morning
Wed 8th Nov - 9:30am – Open morning for children who will start school in Sept 2018 (Nur or Rec)
Wed 15th Nov – 9:10am – Yr 2 class assembly
Fri 17th Nov – Children in Need - £1 donations / bright coloured clothes
Thank you as ever for your continued support.
Mrs Wilmer