001/Admin/Tender (Labs)/2017 Dated: 25 May 2017
Tender Reference:
For the work : Supply of Various Lab Equipment of Communication Lab for EEE Dept.
1. Sealed tenders are invited from renowned Suppliers/ Manufacturers/ Importers in prescribed form 01 and 02 which will be received by the Office of the Registrar, BAIUST for supply of Lab Equipment of Communication Lab for EEE Dept.
2. The prescribed form along with the documents can be obtained from the office of the Registrar on payment of Tk 500/- only per set. The documents can also be downloaded from the website and the amount of Tk 500/- only to be deposited during the dropping of the tender. This amount is non-refundable.
3. University will not be responsible if there is any delay in respect of tender documents by the intending Suppliers/ Manufacturers/ Importers sent through registered post or speed post / courier service and do not reach the BAIUST office by the last date and time as mentioned. their offers will not be considered on any account even if, the tender documents were dispatched by the tenderers before the due date.
4. The supply and installation (when specified) are to be completed in all respect within the date as will be mentioned in the work order.
5. The sale of the Bid documents shall start from 29 May 2017 and close on 12 June at 4.30 P.M. Tenders can be dropped in the box up to 12.00 P.M on 13 June 2017.
6. If any bidder request for the tender schedule by mail it can be dispatched by Registered Post. However, the University authority will not be held responsible for the postal delay if any or non-receipt of the same.
7. The Tender documents will be opened on 16 June 2017 at BAIUST premises.
8. The authority reserves the right to reject any/all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
9. The rates should be written in both words and figures and in decimal coinage, and the units in words. In case of discrepancy in rates between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. The tender should also show the total of each item and the grand total of whole tender. The tender shall be written legibly & free from using erasure, overwriting or converse of figures corrections where unavoidable should be made by crossing out initiating, dating rewriting.
10. The accepted bidder (whose tender is accepted) will make an initial security deposit of 10% of quoted money in favor of BAIUST, Comilla Cantonment during signing of the agreement. This (performance security) deposit shall be retained as security for the due fulfillment of the agreement.
11. No tender shall be finally accepted until the required amount of security money is deposited. A written Agreement has to be executed in between the Suppliers/ Manufacturers/ Importers and the Registrar, BAIUST. The security money will be refunded after completion of the work and payment of the final bill.
12. Other Terms and Conditions as per Annexure A to this letter.
Detail Tender call Notice Number : 001/Admin/Tender/(Labs)/2017 dated 25 May 2017
Name of the Project : Supply of Lab Equipment of Commucations Lab for the Department of EEE, BAIUST.
Date of Sale of Tender Paper : 29 May 2017 to 12 June 2017
Date of opening of Tender Paper : 16 June 2017
Class of Contractor : Suppliers/ Manufacturers/ Importers
Cost of Tender Paper : Tk. 500/- per schedule.
Stipulated period of Completion : As stated in the Work Order.
of project
Schedule of Requirements (Form 1)
Invitation for Tender No: / 001/Admin/Tender(Labs)/2017 / Date: / 25 May 2017Tender Package No: / N/A
Equipment and Delivery Schedule (Lab Equipment)
For Communications Lab of EEE Dept
Item No. / Description of Item / Unit of Measurement / Quantity / Point of Delivery / Delivery Period Required (from date of contract signature in weeks) / Remarks(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7)
1. / EMONA Telecom Trainer Board / Sets / 07 / BAIUST Comilla Cantt / 03 weeks
2. / EMONA QPSK- DEMOD / Sets / 03 / “ / “
3. / EMONA Fiber Optics / Sets / 03 / “ / “
4. / EMONA Project Board / Sets / 03 / “ / “
5. / Simulation Software / - / 01 / “ / “
6. / Connectors (extra sets) / Pcs / 40 / “ / “
7. / Power supply / Sets / 06 / “ / “
8. / Oscilloscope/ Picoscope / Sets / 07 / “ / “
9. / Function Generator / Sets / 07 / “ / “
10. / Multimeter / Set / 07 / “ / “
11. / Oscilloscope Probe ( Extra) / Set / 03 / “ / “
Technical Specifications (Form 2)
The Goods and Related Services shall comply with following Technical Specifications:
Item No / Name of Item or Related Service / Technical Specification and Standards / Remarks(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
1. / EMONA Telecom Trainer Board / EMONA ETT 101, made in Australia / Lab Equipment of Communication Lab
2. / EMONA QPSK- DEMOD / EMONA ETT 101-20, made in Australia
3. / EMONA Fiber Optics / EMONA ETT 101-30, made in Australia
4. / EMONA Project Board / EMONA ETT 101-10, made in Australia
5. / Simulation Software / Tutor TIMS pre-lab learning simulation, made in Australia
6. / Connectors (extra sets) / EMONA connectors, made in Australia
7. / Power supply / GPS-3030D, GW Instek, made in Taiwan
8. / Oscilloscope/ Picoscope / Pico 3203D, made in UK.
9. / Function Generator / GFG-8216A, Goodwill, made in Taiwan
10. / Multimeter / CD800a, Sanwa, made in Japan
11. / Oscilloscope Probe ( Extra) / Made in Bangladesh/China
DATED: 25 MAY 2017
1. Strict compliance on quality control of supplied items has to be ensured by vendors. If any item to be found not meeting the quality, the whole contract may be cancelled or rejected.
2. Installation of items should be done in designated place. All supply and installation must have to end by the deadline that will be specified in Work Order.
3. Quoted price must include VAT and IT.
4. Warranty period, free service warranty and service support must be mentioned in the offer.
5. Payment will be made as per progress of work and completion.
6. Supply of quality assurance certificate/manufacturers/suppliers quality certificates (ISO, CE, etc) should be submitted along with quotation.
7. Manufacturers authorization letter for required heavy equipment/machine should also be submitted.
8. There should be specific terms on training required for supplied machine/items in the quoted offer. Vendor has to arrange the training of concerned Personnel/operators/lab technicians, etc when applicable. The requirement and timeline will be given in the Work Order.
9. BAIUST, Comilla Cantonment authority reserves the full right to cancel or reject any contract without explaining the reason.
10. The tenderer shall submit the following additional documents with its Tender:
a. Valid Trade License
b. Current Bank Solvency Certificate.
c. Income Tax Certificate
d. VAT Registration Certificate
e. Technical and Financial offer.