SHAD – Unions
You have done a number of rather structured assignments using the CPS. This one will give you more latitude. Go to the 2007 March CPS. Please be prepared to attach a printed copy of the requested results. Find the variable that states whether the worker belongs to a labor union. The variable is
Current job, Earnings, Union member Y/N A_UNMEM
(Y/N is yes or no. For simplicity, only use the yes and no answers. Eliminate Not in the Universe)
The other variables you will need are:
Current job, Earnings, usual weekly amountA_GRSWK (Earnings 1-2885 and not 0)
Indus & Occ (main job) detailed industry recode A_DTIND (Eliminate categories 0 and 52, not in the universe and armed forces)
Indus & Occ (main job) detailed occupation recode A_DTOCC (Eliminate categories 0 and 23 , not in the universe and armed forces)
- What share of the American work force (that is employed with earnings) belongs to a labor union?
- What percentage of the workers in each occupation belong to a labor union. Attach the output? (Hint, copy the results into an Excel file and have Excel do the calculations of percentages. If you need help with Excel ask me before Tuesday.)
- Which three occupations have the highest degree of union membership, i.e., the highest percentage of workers within the occupation who belong to a union? Write your answer below along with the percentage of the workers in the occupation belonging to a labor union.
- Which three occupations have the lowest degree of union membership? Write your answer below along with the percentage of the workers in the occupation belonging to a labor union.
- What percentage of the workers in each industry belong to a labor union. Attach the output.
- Cite three industries that have at least 20 % union membership, i.e., the percentage of workers within the industry who belong to a union? Write your answer below along with the percentage of the workers in the industry belonging to a labor union.
- Cite three industries have less than 5 % of union membership? Write your answer below along with the percentage of the workers in the industry belonging to a labor union.
(Do either 8 or 9, not both. I will compile the results.)
- Chose one occupation. Find the average (mean) weekly earnings for union members and for non-union members within the occupation. Attach the output. Fill in the chart below
Occupation chosen______
Earnings of Union members______
Average weekly
Earnings of non- Union members______
- For all workers together, find the median weekly earnings for union members and for non-union members. Fill in the chart below
Average weekly
Earnings of Union members______
Average weekly
Earnings of non- Union members______