9 MAY 2016
(1.30 – 5.00pm)
Chair / David Boyle
Present / Professor Joan Busfield, Adrian Chira, Lord Currie of Marylebone, Celia Edey, Professor Fabian Freyenhagen, Professor Anthony Forster (Vice-Chancellor), PaulGray, Dr Elizabeth Hall, Professor Joanna Jackson, Judith Judd, Dr Nancy Kula, Joe Lister, Milan Makwana, Professor Sean Nixon, Professor David Pevalin, Tim Porter, Professor Jules Pretty, Geoffrey Probert, Professor Christine Raines, Hayley Read, Paula Rothero, Maria Stanford.
Apologies / Dr Adam Wright
Secretary / Bryn Morris (Registrar and Secretary)
attendance / Andrew Keeble (Director of Finance), Dr Sonia Virdee (Deputy Secretary), Professor Lorna Fox O’Mahony [agenda item 10], Professor Aletta Norval, Professor Heather Laurie [agenda item 11], Susie Morgan [agenda items 12 (a) and (b)].
Members of Council noted: / 73/16
n  The successful appointment of Lynn Bowman-Burns as the new non-academic staff member to Council 2016-19. / 74/16
n  The successful election of Professor Joan Busfield as a re-appointed elected member of the Senate. / 75/16
n  A further election for a member of academic staff (Head of Department) would be held in the Summer term. / 76/16
Members of Council were reminded of the need to complete the Prevent Awareness and Equality and Diversity online training courses. / 77/16
No additional items were starred for discussion. / 78/16
There were no declarations of interest. / 79/16
MINUTES (C/16/24)
The minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2016 were approved. / 80/16
None / 81/16
Noted. / 82/16
The Registrar and Secretary updated Council on the health and safety works on the Towers lighting: / 83/16
n  A fault had been investigated and it had been quickly determined that relocation of students was not necessary. Temporary arrangements comprising emergency lighting and plug-in lighting had reinstated acceptable levels of lighting, with permanent lighting reinstated in core areas within two weeks. Students were immediately given a two week rent rebate. / 84/16
n  Kitchens were disrupted for a two day period and residents were issued with two weeks’ vouchers for food on campus. In addition temporary shower blocks were provided and additional study space was made available on campus. / 85/16
n  The impact on student exam preparations was minimal and no special arrangements would be required. / 86/16
n  A programme of work was planned for the summer to install temporary wired lighting in student bedrooms and permanent, non-emergency lighting in stairwells in all six towers. The longer term refurbishment plan was in development, at an estimated cost of 50% of new build cost, likely to be phased over three years with a start date of 2018-19. Rental levels would be maintained at the lower end, thus continuing to meet student demand for lower price accommodation. / 87/16
In future a report on Health and Safety KPIs would be prepared for consideration by Council, and structural changes would be made to maximise the reach of the Health and Safety team. / 88/16
The University was not yet aware of any other issues in the older estate and a number of specialist reviews were currently underway. Council advised that external reviews be conducted of electrical systems, water/ legionella and asbestos by a specialist auditor, to identify whether there was any external liability and/or internal process issues around maintenance and compliance. The risk register would be updated accordingly. / 89/16
It was agreed that:
n  A review should be undertaken overseen by a steering group involving two external members of Council (Joe Lister and Jane Hamilton). / 90/16
n  a full report be prepared for consideration by USG and Audit and Risk Management Committee. / 91/16
The Vice-Chancellor highlighted the following additional items:
n  The University has been approached by Colchester Borough Council to contribute to the Colchester local plan. / 92/16
n  The Head of the Department of Government had stepped down and cover arrangements were in place pending the appointment of a new HoD. The Vice-Chancellor thanked René Lindstädt for his service to the department. / 93/16
n  The University had fallen in the Complete University Guide (CUG), mirroring the decline in the Times Good University Guide (TGUG). It was noted that improvements to employability and retention should be apparent in the next TGUG and subsequently CUG. / 94/16
n  Good progress was being made with the STEM building, which would transform Square 1, housing maths and sciences and providing a dedicated science facility. / 95/16
n  The THINK! series had won the Guardian Student Experience Award and detailed work was being undertaken on the continued development of the very popular series. / 96/16
The Registrar and Secretary reported that the University had received notification of industrial action relating to the annual pay award, comprising a two day strike on 25 and 26 May, followed by a period of working to contract. The action presented a manageable risk to the student experience, however escalation would run the risk of more serious disruption to student assessment and the award of degrees. It was noted that the University was signed up to national collective bargaining in relation to the uplift in the rates associated with the nationally agreed pay spine. / 97/16
The Vice-Chancellor introduced the report, noting that:
n  The University was aiming to achieve the cash surplus set by Council, realise economies of scale, improve the SSR and deliver efficiencies in professional services. / 98/16
n  The risk of advertising new staffing in advance of confirmed student recruitment numbers and the uncertainty of the EU referendum were recognised as significant and would be reflected in the updated risk register. It was noted that the HEFCE grant letter had been better than anticipated and a sum would be held back as contingency. Student recruitment would be monitored very closely through Resources Committee as a check on affordability. / 99/16
n  Ad hoc expenditure on the Towers could be covered in this year's budget. / 100/16
n  Looking beyond 2016-17, additional efficiency savings opportunities were being explored by the Strategic Planning Advisory Group. The identified savings would be incorporated in the budget to HEFCE and covered procurement, energy costs, actual improvements in overhead recovery on research, income from commercial activity and efficiencies arising from the introduction of new technologies.
/ 101/16
In discussion it was confirmed that in accordance with our staffing strategy, ASE staff could be appointed on a fixed term basis, so long as a deadline for advertising permanent ASER appointments had been agreed with the Executive Dean. / 102/16
In relation to supporting staff who did not meet the interim REF milestone, it was confirmed that support included the option of bringing forward research leave and other forms of support including writing support. / 103/16
In relation to the use of endowments some were expendable and would be spent in accordance with the benefactor’s wishes and non-expendable endowments were being retained unspent. A review of the use endowments would be brought back to Council in AY 2016-17. / 104/16
Council noted and approved the Resource Proposals and Budgets for 2015-16 to 2019-20, as per the below recommendations:
i.  To approve the re-stated budget for 2015-16. / 105/16
ii.  Noting that the forecast cash surplus for 2015-16 is better than budget, to approve forward spend on important maintenance of student residences that was previously scheduled for 2016-17. / 106/16
iii.  To note the decision of Resources Committee to authorise immediate action to recruit a net additional 28.6 permanent academic staff and 7 teaching staff on 10 month fixed term contracts on the understanding that performance against budget and student recruitment processes will be monitored closely. Updates will be provided to Council on 9 May and 11 July and Resources Committee on 20 June during which time it will be possible to adjust staff recruitment in light of early warning of shortfalls against budgetary and or student intake targets. / 107/16
iv.  To approve that 9.6 net new professional services posts within Faculties and 9.6 posts within central professional services are recruited for 2016-17. / 108/16
v.  To grant authority to Resources Committee at its meetings on 10 October and 7 November 2016 to approve, subject to achievement of budgetary and student intake targets, recruitment of seven permanent ASER staff to replace the fixed term contract staff referred to in (iii) above, and 13 further permanent ASER staff to commence in 2017-18. / 109/16
vi.  Noting the above, to approve the budget for 2016-17. / 110/16
vii.  To approve the forecasts for the period 2017-18 to 2019-20 and that this paper be transcribed into the format for submission to HEFCE, incorporating USG actions to deliver the cash generation targets for 2017-18 and 2018-19. / 111/16
viii.  To approve the use of the contingency in adjustment, clearing and confirmation activities as necessary to meet the student recruitment target, and to top up Divisional and the Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Funds, if student numbers come in on target. / 112/16
ix.  To support closing the gender pay gap by paying all female professors an additional three increments on base salaries from 2016-17. / 113/16
CONFIDENTIAL / 114/16 – 122/16
The Pro-Vice Chancellor (designate) for Research, Professor Heather Laurie, reported on progress with REF, impact, citation rates and the review process for research centres. / 123/16
Council thanked Professor David Sanders, PVC Research for his work over the year. / 124/16
The Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education, Professor Aletta Norval, highlighted progress with curriculum review; assessment and feedback, meeting the needs of a diverse entry profile; module optionality and student choice; the University life app; technology enhanced learning and support for digital literacy; personal tutors and academic support.
There had been continued investment in retention and employability and improvements were on track, however the University continued to be vigilant regarding retention and success and employability. The recently released internal data showed a promising improvement of 9% on graduate level outcomes for students graduating in 2015. / 125/16
It was noted that the Postgraduate Support Scheme had ended and no further resource was available to continue the scheme, however the work- based project system would allow the continuation of this option with other sources of funding. / 126/16
Council noted the progress updates. / 127/16
(a) Closing the Professorial gender pay gap (C/16/30)
The Director of Human Resources introduced the report, noting the values based approach in which we treat our members with equal respect and dignity. This means that we should be rewarding people in a fair and transparent way, based on their contribution regardless of their personal characteristics. No significant pay gaps had been identified in other grades, but an equal pay review of all grades would be undertaken in AY 2016-17. / 128/16
The benefit of having a single implementation date of 1 October 2016 was discussed, noting that individual implementation dates and/or backdating had significant de-merits compared with a single implementation date. / 129/16
It was noted that the University had already taken a number of actions to improve pay and the way it is allocated for various other groups: paying the living wage to University staff and staff working in Campus Services; reviewing our use of Graduate Teaching Assistants to improve pay and terms and conditions of service; reducing the use of variable hours contracts and minimize the inappropriate use of fixed term contracts. / 130/16
A range of other measures were noted to ensure the gender pay gap does not reopen again. / 131/16
Council approved the closure of the gender pay gap at professorial level as per the below recommendations: / 132/16
n  That whilst the professoriate has the only significant pay gap, an equality audit will be undertaken this year to ensure there are no other gaps opening up; and / 133/16
n  That there are mechanisms in place to stop the gap opening up again. / 134/16
(b) Work-Life Balance policy (C/16/31)
Home working was seen as beneficial to the recruitment and retention of staff and the new policy provided comprehensive guidance to line managers in its use. / 135/16
It was requested that such documents should refer to ‘users’ rather than ‘customers’. / 136/16
Council approved the Work-Life Balance policy for implementation. / 137/16
CONFIDENTIAL / 138/16 – 142/16
The Registrar and Secretary reported on the following updates: / 143/16
n  The reduction in residual risk associated with external compliance following work undertaken to comply with the Counter Terrorism and Securities Act and associated Tier IV requirements. / 144/16
n  The preparation of a Brexit Sub Register. / 145/16
Council approved the revised risk register. / 146/16
Council noted that the University is ‘not at high risk’. / 147/16
16  2017-18 ACCESS AGREEMENT (C/16/35)
Council noted the contents of the report. / 148/16
(a)  Resources Committee (14 March and 11 April 2016) (C/16/36)
Council approved all of the recommendations contained within the report from Resources Committee. / 149/16
(b)  Remuneration Committee (14 March 2016) (C/16/37)
Council notes the report from Remuneration Committee. / 150/16
(c)  Honorary Degrees and Honorary Fellowship Committee (20 January 2016) (C/16/38)
Council approved all of the recommendations contained within the report from the Honorary Degrees and Honorary Fellowship Committee. / 151/16
(d)  Audit and Risk Management Committee (25 February 2016) (C/16/39)
Council noted the report. / 152/16
Council approved all of the recommendations contained within the report from Senate. / 153/16
There was no other business. / 154/16
The Council Induction for new members would be held on Monday 19 September 2016. / 155/16
The next Council Away Day/ Council meeting would be held on Monday 11 July 2016, 9 – 5pm. / 156/16