Kevin Coleman and and Flavia Ursino
Flavia and Kevin Coleman who have spent 8 years researching and writing their book Monkey Business – the story of soulmates and primates. Both Kevin and Flavia are passionate Animal Rights Activists believing that we need to look beyond consumerism and embrace the, about to evolve, new right “Animal Rights”. They believe that with the evolution of consciousness the world will find peace. With their passion for animal rights and beliefs in life-style medicine they follow a Vegan Lifestyle.
Flavia is a spiritual teacher and public speaker 30 years ‘experience in the field believing that spirituality is part of our evolving compassion, our conscious evolution. Kevin has 35 years’ experience in family medicine and tropical public health in rural and remote locations in Africa, Australia and PNG. Therefore spirituality and medicine strongly influenced their book.
Kevin believes that public health measures such as clean water, proper sewerage disposal, and more easily acquired fresh food, have contributed to improved human longevity and a healthier population and not antibiotics and western medicine. Kevin touched on germ theory and pointed out the work of Dr. Dean Ornish, and others, who have spent 30 plus years researching chronic illness and can now show that chronic illness can cured by lifestyle changes such as vegetarian diet, yoga meditation and exercise. They believe that meat causes inflammation which causes chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. However, fats are not the guilty party in this but the Carnitine between the meat fibres. Farm animals are also guilty of enormous greenhouse emissions.
To try and fix world health problems, western medicine mistakenly uses animals for re- search. Kevin believes factory farming is causing a lot of antibiotic resistance plus bird and swine flu, that primate research is responsible for the development and spread of Ebola and that HIV is a iatrogenic transmission starting in Kinshasa. Certainly in Australia there is a lack of transparency on the use of research animals and xenotransplantation {growing human organs in animals). About 5 million lab. rats are slaughtered each year in the name of research.
Kevin believe that research for humans should be done on humans, transparently in the community, that medicine should shift to the ’preventative model’ rather than our pre- sent illness models using a vegetarian diet, exercise and meditative practices. Flavia says that hers and Kevin’s work will not be complete until the suffering of the voiceless are over