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PROFORMA – Collaborative Service Teaching Agreement

1.Identification of participants
a. Program owner
/ HASS / BEL / EAIT / HABS / Science MBS
b. Host school
c. Service Teaching Provider(s) or academic unit:
d. Provider Faculty:
/ HASS / BEL / EAIT / HABS / Science MBS Other (specify)
2.Course details
Attach a completed Form 11 for each course covered by the agreement (refer to University Policy PPL3.20.03a Academic Program Approval and standard templates for the Academic Program Approval Process)
3. Responsibilities of Host School and Provider Academic Unit
In this section, please detail the division of responsibility between the program owner and provider academic unit:
  1. Who is responsible for the development of course materials including contextualisation if required. If more than one school and/or academic unit, detail the responsibility of each:

  1. Who is responsible for the delivery of the course (if more than one school or academic unit, provide details for each) including:
  1. the host
  1. the service teaching provider(s)

i.Elements of the course to be delivered by:
ii.Number of contact hours per week by:
iii.Forms of contact e.g. lecture, laboratory, tutorials, non/contact:
iv.Delivery periods:
  1. Identify the resources to be provided by the provider school or academic unit:
i.human resources:
ii.any other resources:
  1. Identify the resources to be provided by the host school:
i. human resources:
ii.any other resources:
  1. Detail the responsibility of the participating schools and the processes to ensure quality assurance of collaborative service teaching: (refer to PPL 3.20.05b Collaborative Service Teaching – Procedures).

4. EFTSL split and funding arrangement
  1. Agreed split %
  1. Expected EFSTL per semester:

5. Agreed Measure of Success
(From PPL3.20.05 Collaborative Service Teaching – Procedures)
6. Agreement Term
Term of the Agreement:
7. Changes to Agreement
State here the agreed process for notification and implementation of changes to the collaborative service teaching arrangement
8. Recommending Heads of School or Academic Unit
Signed: / ______
______ / Name:
Signed: / ______
Host: / Provider:
Date: / Date:
9. Endorsement of the Executive Deans
Signed: / ______
______/ Name:
Signed: / ______
Host Faculty / Executive Dean of [insert] / Faculty of provider / Executive Dean of [insert]
Date: / Date:

24 August 2015