St. Mary’s Youth & Young Adult Apostolate

Adult Leader Form

Vision statement: Our youth and young adult apostolate is making the Catholic Church matter by developing a culture of discipleship within the parish community which involves growing intentional disciples who will then grow other disciples.

Mission statement: Encounter Jesus. Become Disciples. Change the Culture.

Thank you for taking the time to carefully fill out the following information and share it with us. This information is confidential and will only be shared with the appropriate pastoral staff deemed necessary (youth coordinators and pastor).

General Information

Name ______Date______


Date of Birth ___/___/___

Phone (home) ______(work) ______(cell) ______


Occupation ______Employer______

Work StatusPart-time___ Full-time___ Student___ Other___

Marital StatusSingle___ Married___ Other ____

Are you Virtus certified under the Diocese of Arlington? Yes___No___Not sure___

How long have you attended St. Mary’s Church? ______

Are you a registered parishioner? Yes___No___Not Sure___

Are you involved with any other ministries at St. Mary’s Church?

(i.e. Young Adults, Walking with Purposeetc.) Yes, they are ______

No___No, but I am interested in______

Do you have any special skills that you can contribute to the ministry? (i.e. acting, singing, playing an instrument, sports)______


The following are a list of all the youth groupings/events that currently exist or are in development at St. Mary’s.

Please check all that you are currently leading or are interested in leading in the future:

High School

Life Night(lead talks, games and music; relational ministry)

Boy’s & Girl’s Catholic Life Communities (lead talks & single-sex small groups)

Diocesan WorkCamp(lead service work with the youth)

Retreats(lead small groups, talks, games and music)

Seasonal Trips(chaperone/relational ministry)

Theater Ministry (Opportunity to assistant direct and/or do tech crew)

Mission Trips (Lead youth on a domestic or international mission trip)

Middle School

F3(lead talks & small groups, games and music; relational ministry)

CCD Outreach(relational ministry)

Seasonal Trips(chaperone/relational ministry)

Camp Apostles(lead service work with the youth)

Please list any conflicts that you have in regards to the youth groupings you have checked above (refer to Important Dates document) If any of the above is not listed in the calendar, you will be contacted with more information/dates in the future:


Youth Apostolate Volunteer Commitment

By my baptism,

I was called to imitate Christ, and to serve others.

In response to this call,

I accept the responsibility

of serving as a Youth Apostolate Team Leader

for this coming year.

I promise to be committed

to serving our teens,

to sharing our Catholic Faith,

and to being a Christian role model.

May the Lord bless our work,

and may He bless St. Mary’s Youth and Young Adult Apostolate.


From this dateSigned