3/8/2016 OSU Extension in the City Team Minutes

Participants: Julie Fox, James Stiving, Laquore Meadows, Deb Carney, Nicole Debose, Beth Boomershine, Brian Raison, Carol Keck, Elliott Lawrence, Mike Hogan, Sue Hogan, Erika Clark-Covert, Sally McClaskey, Tom Archer, Dan Remley, Jacqueline Kowalski, Marilyn Rabe, Elizabeth Roche, Robin Stone, Amanda Osborne

Laquore Meadows:

-Franklin County hired a new FCS educator Jenny Lobb

-Hiring two new snap ed program Assistants

-Starting to program in the Reeb Center

Deb Carney:

-Meeting with the newest county commissioner in Hamilton County

-Innovation station summer enrichment program has solicited more than 65 organizations to participate.

Brian Raison:

-Working with SNAP and EFNEP to plug in with signature programs as a part of health and wellness in the city.

-Upcoming buckeye summit with the topic being food security.

Dan Remley:

-Looking at ECOP health and wellness framework to see where the programs align with current Health and Wellness in the City programs

-Doing healthy eating active living mapping project in ButlerCounty

-Partnering with The Kirwan institute with HEEL maps.

Beth Boomershine:

- First gen 4-H and 4-H in the city –got out a first year 4-H survey to first year 4-H families.

  • 45% had mother involved in 4-H as a child
  • 1800 respondents
  • Only 10% heard about it through school
  • How welcomed they felt: nearly 20% didn’t feel welcomed – look into training 4-H advisors in making everyone feel welcome
  • Each individual county was able to get their individual report to read their comments.

Mike Hogan:

-A busy time of the year for Ag people

-Jacqueline Kowalski got a grant through the North Central region for an urban pest project.

-Two presentations accepted for the national urban ag conference

Carol Keck:

-Cooking camp at the end of the month for non 4-H and 4-H members to participate March 28-31

-Partnering with grocery stores to educate people on how to make healthy decisions

Elliott Lawrence:

-Still partnering with Girl scouts in the schools to be their Male teacherin the schools

-Healthy living camp based around local Hispanic populations for families

Jacqueline Kowalski:

-New in Summit County

-Working with the University of Akron to focus on ag and food topics.

Nicole Debose:

-Elizabeth Roche is the new ANR educator in Cuyahoga.

-Amanda Osborne has started as the CD educator

Robin Stone:

-Excited about partnership with NAPA(spelling?) Having a display table at their open house in May

-In full force moving forward with extreme science program

-Lego robotics in the schools as well as Real money real world.

-Sheep caring project opportunity through urban Shepherds

State updates

-Annual city highlights coming out soon.

  • We list what is happening with Extension in the city statewide.
  • Also top ten counties and their populations, net commuter flow, and state representatives

-Blog will be coming out on a biweekly basis shortly. Look for an email schedule soon

-Impact statements in RIV, working on drafting statements to make it easier to place your urban programs in RIV

-Roger is taking a small group to visit an urban Extension facility in Kentucky

-Working groups continue to meet separately, contact leaders for next group meeting information

-Updated urban food publication soon to be released

  • Called learning about food in communities in Ohio
  • Not specifically urban, but there are a number of urban topics

-Julie is editing a special CUMU journal focused on urban food systems.

National updates

-Public issues leadership development (PILD) conference in DC coming up.

-NUEL meeting coming to Columbus. Working on putting together details for meeting in May (24-26)

-Laquore Meadows is leading a pre-conference on policy on the 23rd

-National Urban Extension conference is May 7-11 2017

Campus spotlight

-College engagement council and outreach and engagement aresearching for new vice provost for outreach and engagement

-Outreach and engagement provides great resources financial, recognition, and professional development

-There is an annual Patterson lecture followed by a forum, an awesome networking opportunity to see what is happening in Columbus across campus.

Innovation Tool/Resource SCAMPER worksheet – Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other purpose, Eliminate, Reverse.