New Mexico State University- Grants
Curriculum Committee Meeting
September 09, 2016
1:30-3:00 PM, MH 03

Those in Attendance:
David Stokowski, Neal Gallagher, Beth Armstead, Megan Stoneking, Marlene Chavez-Toivanen, Brian Johnson, Bill Serban, Karen Henry, Rachelle Bassen and Connie Lyons.

I.Approval Of Agenda- Approved by David Stokowski, Second by Rachelle Bassen

II.Approval of minutes from April 15, 2016- Old Business A. I. 2. Needs to be changed from Pre-Business to Applied Business. Approved with Amendment by Marlene Chavez-Toivanen and Second by Connie Lyons.

III.Old Business

A.Degree Reduction PlanSummary- Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, General Studies, Pre-Business, Applied Business, Automotive, Creative Media, Computer Technology, Electronic Publishing, EMS and Welding were approved for reduction of credits.

B.Criminal Justice, Social Services, Early Childhood and Education are still being revised and will be presented to the committee when agreed upon by departments.

IV.New Business

  1. Medical Assistant
  2. Neal Gallagher presented the idea of creating a Medical Assistant Certificate Program. A qualified instructor is willing to teach it and the equipment is already available. It would be a good follow-up program for the CNA students. A meeting will be scheduled to figure out the courses included in the certificate and it will be brought back to the committee next month.
  3. Office Technology Certificate
  4. Karen Henry presented a draft Office Technology Certificate which led to the discussion of the use of BOT courses. Bill Serban will check on whether we could offer BOT classes and if we could put those classes under the CS Program. Bill Serban suggested using Office Technology courses in multiple degrees and certificate in Social Services, Business, Medical and Education.
  5. Course and Degree Data
  6. The committee looked at the number of courses that our students were taking at other campuses and more online classes will be offered in the Math and Science areas. We have more students taking classes from us than our students taking classes from other campuses so online courses are helping out numbers.
  7. Future Curriculum Discussions
  8. Bill Serban suggested changing CS 110 and COLL 101 into 1 credit courses and adding COLL 103 Managing Personal Finance to help students manage their finances better. Another suggestion was to offer those classes as five week sessions.

Motion to Adjourn by Marlene Chavez-Toivanen