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Weekly Update

Friday 13th October 2017

Dear Parents,

We cannot believe how quickly this half term has flown by and how much the children have achieved already. We have got another busy week in the run up to half term.

Library Book Sale

Thank you to all who supported our book sale this week. Overall we raised £76.40 for school fund.


The NSPCC were in school on Wednesday for assembly and then workshops with Year 5 and 6. The children were very attentive and sensible, and joined in well. The key message being how important it is to share things with trusted adults if children are worried about anything. The NSPCC will be coming back in January to provide Internet Safety Workshop for parents. (more information to follow). This remains something that is of a high priority for school as we continue to deal with E-Safety incidents due to the social media that children are accessing at home.

Keeping contact details/Telephone Number updated

It is important that you notify us immediately if your phone number or address changes. Also, we regularly send out text messages with important information which you will be missing if your contact details are not kept up to date.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is £1.00 per day including cereal/toast and a drink.Please pay on ParentPay.Minimum £5.00 per transaction. To be paid on the Monday of the week of using Breakfast Club.

School Meals

School MealsMUSTbe paid for by the Monday of the week they are being taken in. We will be unable to provide a school meal for your child if payment has not been received and you will need to bring in a Packed Lunch.

Sports Report

Year 4 and 5 gave an excellent performance at the Football Tournament that took place at The Etihad Stadium winning 2 matches and drawing 1 out of 4 games. Excellent team work by all players. Well done!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Knowles and the Staff Team

School Meals Cooks Choice Monday 16thOctober 2017

Monday / Vegetable Quiche/Pasta with Neapolitan Sauce/Jacket Potato with a Vegetarian Filling, Creamed Potatoes, Garden Peas & Sweetcorn
Tuesday / Roast Dinner & Gravy/Tomto, Pepper & Mozarella Sausages/Pasta with Tomato & Herb Sauce, Roast & Creamed Potatoes, Cauliflower & Carrots
Wednesday / Your Favourite Chicken Curry/Carribean Quorn/Jacket Potato with Choice of Filling, Sunshine Rice, Broccoli
Thursday / Meatballs in Tomato Sauce/Cheese & Potato Pie/Jacket Potato with Choice of Fillings, Wholemeal Spaghetti or Tomato Flavoured Bread, Mixed Vegetables
Friday / Harry Ramsden’s Fish Fillet/Vegetable Pasta Bake/Filled Sandwich Selection, Chipped Potatoes, Garden or Mushy Peas
Also available each day / Yoghurt, Cheese & Crackers, Fresh Fruit, Milk, Water and Bread

When Parking outside school please remember to be considerate of our neighbours. Please do not block or park on driveways

Please check the website for photographs of this week’s prize winners.

Class / Headteachers Award / Golden Sweatshirt / Handwriters
Reception / Scott Fletcher/Riley Clarke-Pearson / Makenzie Howe / Amelia Seddon
Year 1 / Holly Hallsworth/Isabella-Rose Farrington / Eithan Elgar / Susan Kanknige-Silva
Year 2 / TanyaleeNaraina/Joan Segura Bellido / Leilah Mooney / Charlize Warrington
Year 3 / Phoebe Denton/Dylan Marsh / Lucius Gallagher / Ruth Garrachon
Year 4 / Cole Adams/Joy Kimani / Daisy Damerill / Dominic Wright
Year 5 / Lewis McGuiness/RianBowry Saunders / Bobby Vyse / Kelly Hallsworth
Year 6 / Ellie O’Shea/Alexia Doherty / Jasmine Johnson / Maria Garrachon

Smiley Face Winners

Kadie Holliday/Miley Budgen

Attendance for Week Ending – 06/10/2017

Nursery / 87.8% / Y3 / 91.7%
Reception / 99.3% / Y4 / 95.0%
Y1 / 97.0% / Y5 / 94.3%
Y2 / 93.4% / Y6 / 91.7%

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 17th October – 3.45-5.30pm Girls Football Tournament at Newall Green Years 3/4, 5/6

Wednesday 18th October – Year 5/6 Trip to Cadbury’s World

Wednesday 18th October – 3.30-4.15pm Year 5/6 Boys & Girls Football at Button Lane

Thursday 19th October – 10.30am CAFOD Assembly

Thursday 19th October – Year 3 Trip to the Library

Friday 20th October – School closes for Half Term

Monday 30th October – School Reopens