The Simcoe Clinic

Personal Information



Phone (home)______(work)______(other)______

OHIP# with version code______

DOB(day, month, year)____/____/_____ Age _____

WSIB: Yes____ No ____ If Yes: WSIB claim#______

Date of injury______Employer at time of injury______

Family Physician (name)______(phone)______

Extended Health Insurance Y or N

Pharmacy (name, location)______

(phone) ______(fax)______

Emergency contact name______

Relationship to patient______


Current Pain Diagnosis

Past Medical /Surgical History


Social History

Marital Status: Single____Common Law____Married ____ Partner name______

Employed Y_____N_____ Current Job______

Missed work days/week ______Jobs lost due to illness______

Smoker Y_____N_____ Packs/day ______Years smoked______

Alcohol Y_____N_____Drinks/week______Max Drinks/day______

Street Drugs Y_____N_____ Types______

Caffeine ______cups/dayRegular Exercise Y_____N_____

Family History(check all that apply)

Heart disease / Diabetes
Cancer / Mental illness
Alcohol or drug abuse
Bleeding disorders

Current Medications

Medication DoseSchedule

Previously tried Treatments (check all that apply)

Physiotherapy / Mindfulness based stress reduction
Massage therapy / Acupuncture
Chiropractor / Nerve and trigger point blocks
Pain self management / Multi-disciplinary Pain Program
Psychological therapy

Previously tried Medications(check all that apply)

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) / Tramadol (Tramacet)
NSAID/COXIB (Ibuprofen, Celebrex, etc) / Tramadol long acting(Zytram XL, Ralivia,Tridural)
Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Desimpramine / Codiene(Tylenol 1,2,3,4)
Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine, Sertraline (Celexa, Paxil, etc) / Codiene long acting(Codiene Contin)
Venlafaxine, Duloxetine(Effexor, Cymbalta) / Oxycodone (Percocet)
Carbamazepine / Oxycodone long acting(Oxycontin, OxyNeo, Targin)
Valproic Acid / Morphine
Gabapentin(Neurotin) / Morphine long acting(MS Contin, MEslon, Kadian)
Pregablin(Lyrica) / Hydromrophone(Dialudid)
Topiramate(Topomax) / Hydromorphone long acting (Hydromorphcontin)
Cannaboids (Cesamet, Marinol, Sativex) / Fentanyl (Duragesic)
Topical Pain Medication / Methadone
Zanaflex, Bacolfen, Flexeril / Buprenorphrine(BuTrans)
Tapentadol (Nucynta)

Brief Pain Inventory – Modified

On the diagram below, shade in the areas where you feel pain. Put an X on the areas where it hurts the most.

(S= sharp /stabbing, B=burning, N=numbness, P=pins and needles, A=aching, Arrows=shooting pain)

What things make your pain feel worse?

What things make your pain feel better?

What are your treatment goals for your pain?

Please rate your pain by circling the number that best describes your pain at its WORST in the past 24 hours.

No Pain 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10 WorstPain

Please rate your pain by circling the number that best describes your pain at its LEAST in the past 24 hours.

No Pain 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10 WorstPain

Please rate your pain by circling the number that best describes your pain at its AVERAGE in the past 24 hours.

No Pain 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10 WorstPain

Please rate your pain by circling the number that tells how much pain you have RIGHT NOW.

No Pain 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10 WorstPain

With permission: Pain Research Group

MD AndersonCancerCenter, 1997


Does the pain have one or more of the following characteristics?YESNO

Burning …………………………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Painful sensation of Cold..………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Electric Shocks.…………………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Is the pain associated with one or more of the

following symptoms in the same area?YESNO

Tingling…………………………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Pins and Needles..………………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Numbness…….…………………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Itching ..…………………………………………………………………[ ][ ]

For Physician UseYESNO

Hypoesthesia to touch……………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Hypoesthesia to pinprick…………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Painful brushing…………………………………………………………[ ][ ]

Bouhassira D, et al. , Pain 2005


Pain Disability Index (PDI)

The rating scales below are designed to measure the degree to which aspects of your life are disrupted by chronic pain. In other words, we would like to know how much your pain is preventing you from doing what you would normally do, or from doing it as well as you normally would. Respond to each category by indicating the overall impact of pain in your life, not just when the pain is at its worst.

For each of the seven categories of life activity listed, please circle the number on the scale, which describes the level of disability you typically experience. A score of zero means no disability at all, and a score of 10 signifies that all of the activities in which you would normally be involved in have been totally disrupted or prevented by your pain.

Family/ home responsibilities: This category refers to activities related to the home or family. It includes chores or duties performed around the house (e.g., yard work) and errands or favours for other family members (e.g., driving the children to school).

No Disability 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10Worst Disability

Recreation: This category includes hobbies, sports and other similar leisure time activities.

No Disability 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10Worst Disability

Social Activity: This category refers to activities which involve participation with friends and acquaintances other than family members. It includes parties, theatre, concerts, dining out, and other social functions.

No Disability 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10Worst Disability

Occupation: This category refers to activities that are a part of, or are directly related to one’s job. This includes non-paying jobs such as that of a home-maker or volunteer work.

No Disability 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10Worst Disability

Sexual Behaviour: This category refers to the frequency and quality of one’s sex life.

No Disability 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10Worst Disability

Self-Care: This category includes activities, which involve personal maintenance and independent daily living (e.g., taking a shower, driving, getting dressed, etc.)

No Disability 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10Worst Disability

Life-support Activity: This category refers to basic life-supporting behaviours such as eating, sleeping and breathing.

No Disability 0____1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10Worst Disability

Total Score: ____/70

Patient Health Questionnaire

This questionnaire is an important part of providing you with the best health care possible. Your answers will help in understanding problems that you may have. Please answer every question to the best of your ability unless you are requested to skip over a question.

1.Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been NotSeveralMore thanNearly

bothered by any of the following problems?at alldayshalf the daysevery day

a.Little interest or pleasure in doing things [ ][ ][ ][ ]

b.Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless ...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

c.Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much ...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

d.Feeling tired or having little energy ...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

e.Poor appetite or overeating ...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

f.Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or

have let yourself or your family down ...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

g.Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the

newspaper or watching television ...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

h.Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have

noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that

you have been moving around a lot more than usual ...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

i.Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of

hurting yourself in some way...... [ ][ ][ ][ ]

2.Questions about anxiety.

a.In the last 4 weeks, have you had an anxiety attack -NOYES

suddenly feeling fear or panic? ...... [ ][ ]

If you checked "NO”, go to question #4.


b.Has this ever happened before? ...... [ ][ ]

c.Do some of these attacks come suddenly out ofthe blue - that is,

in situations where you don't expect to be nervous or uncomfortable? ...... [ ][ ]

d.Do these attacks bother you a lot or are you worried about having

another attack? ...... [ ][ ]

3. Think about your last bad anxiety attack.NOYES

a.Were you short of breath? ...... [ ][ ]

b.Did your heart race, pound, or skip? ...... [ ][ ]

c.Did you have chest pain or pressure? ...... [ ][ ]

d.Did you sweat? ...... [ ][ ]

e.Did you feel as if you were choking? ...... [ ][ ]

f.Did you have hot flashes or chills? ...... [ ][ ]

g.Did you have nausea or an upset stomach, or the feeling

that you were going to have diarrhea? ...... [ ][ ]

h.Did you feel dizzy, unsteady, or faint? ...... [ ][ ]

i.Did you have tingling or numbness in parts of your body? ...... [ ][ ]

j.Did you tremble or shake? ...... [ ][ ]

k.Were you afraid you were dying? ...... [ ][ ]

4.Over the last 4 weeks, how often have you been bothered Not atSeveralMore than

by any of the following problems?alldayshalf the days

a.Feeling nervous, anxious, on edge, or worrying a lot about

different things...... [ ][ ][ ]

If you checked "Not at all”, go to question #5.

b.Feeling restless so that it is hard to sit still ...... [ ][ ][ ]

c.Getting tired very easily ...... [ ][ ][ ]

d.Muscle tension, aches, or soreness ...... [ ][ ][ ]

e.Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep ...... [ ][ ][ ]

f.Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading a book, watching TV ...... [ ][ ][ ]

g.Becoming easily annoyed or irritable ...... [ ][ ][ ]

5.Questions about eating.NOYES

a.Do you often feel that you can't control what or how much you eat? ...... [ ][ ]

b.Do you often eat, within any 2-hour period, what most people would

regard as an unusually large amount of food? ...... [ ][ ]

If you checked 'NO' to either #5a or #5b, go to question #8.


c.Has this been as often, on average, as twice a week for the last 3 months? ...... [ ][ ]

6.In the last 3 months have you often done any of the following

in order to avoid gaining weight?NOYES

a.Made yourself vomit? ...... [ ][ ]

b.Took more than twice the recommended dose of laxatives? ...... [ ][ ]

c.Fasted - not eaten anything at all for at least 24 hours? ...... [ ][ ]

d.Exercised for more than an hour specifically to avoid

gaining weight after binge eating? ...... [ ][ ]

7.If you checked 'YES' to any of these ways of avoiding gaining weight, NOYES

were any as often, on average, as twice a week?...... [ ][ ]


8.Do you ever drink alcohol (including beer or wine)?...... [ ][ ]

If you checked "NO" go to question #10.

9.Have any of the following happened to you more than once

in the last 6 months?NOYES

a.You drank alcohol even though a doctor suggested that you stop drinking

because of a problem with your health ...... [ ][ ]

b.You drank alcohol, were high from alcohol, or hung over while you were

working, going to school, or taking care of children or other responsibilities ...... [ ][ ]

c.You missed or were late for work, school, or other activities because you

were drinking or hung over ...... [ ][ ]

d.You had a problem getting along with other people while you were drinking .....[ ][ ]

e.You drove a car after having several drinks or after drinking too much ...... [ ][ ]

10. If you checked off any problems on this questionnaire, how difficult have these problems made it

for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people?

Not difficultSomewhatVeryExtremely

at alldifficultdifficultdifficult

[ ][ ][ ][ ]

11. During the last 4 weeks, how much have you been Not

bothered by any of the following problems?botheredBotheredBothered

at alla littlea lot

a.Worrying about your health ...... [ ][ ][ ]

b.Your weight or how you look ...... [ ][ ][ ]

c.Little or no sexual desire or pleasure during sex ...... [ ][ ][ ]

d.Difficulties with husband/wife, partner/lover or

boyfriend/girlfriend ...... [ ][ ][ ]

e.The stress of taking care of children, parents or

other family members ...... [ ][ ][ ]

f.Stress at work or outside of the home or at school ...... [ ][ ][ ]

g.Financial problems or worries ...... [ ][ ][ ]

h.Having no one to turn to when you have a problem ...... [ ][ ][ ]

i.Something bad that happened recently...... [ ][ ][ ]

j. Thinking or dreaming about something terrible that

happened to you in the past - like your house being

destroyed, a severe accident, being hit or assaulted,

or being forced to commit a sexual act ...... [ ][ ][ ]

12. In the last year, have you been hit, slapped, kicked or otherwise

physically hurt by someone, or has anyone forced you to NOYES

have an unwanted sexual act?...... [ ][ ]

13. What is the most stressful thing in your life right now?



14. Are you taking any medicine for anxiety, depression or stress? ...... [ ][ ]

Copyright 1999 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission. Spitzer RL et al, JAMA, 1999

Major Depression Disorder______

Other Depressive Disorder______

Panic Disorder______

Anxiety Disorder______

Binge Eating Disorder______


Alcohol Abuse______

We are interested in the types of thoughts and feelings that you have when you are in pain. Listed below are some statements describing thoughts and feelings that may be associated with pain. Please check the number box which best represents the degree to which you have these thoughts and feelings when you are experiencing pain.


0 = not at all 1 = to a slight degree 2 = to a moderate degree 3 = to a great degree 4 = all the time

When I am in pain…. 0 1 2 3 4

I worry all the time about whether the pain will end
I feel I can’t go on
It’s terrible and I think it’s never going to get any better
It’s awful and I feel it overwhelms me
I feel I can’t stand it any more
I become afraid that the pain will get worse
I keep thinking of other painful events
I anxiously want the pain to go away
I can’t seem to keep it out of my mind
I keep thinking about how much it hurts
I keep thinking about how badly I want the pain to stop
There is nothing I can do to reduce the intensity of the pain
I wonder whether something serious might happen

Score ______/ 52Intermediate ____ Positive____ Sullivan et al 1995

Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia

1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = agree 4 = strongly agree

1. I’m afraid that I might injure myself if I exercise / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
2. If I were to try to overcome it, my pain would increase / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
3. My body is telling me I have something dangerously wrong / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
4. My pain would probably be relieved if I were to exercise / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
5. People aren’t taking my medical condition seriously enough / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
6. My accident has put my body at risk for the rest of my life / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
7. Pain always means I have injured my body / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
8. Just because something aggravates my pain does not mean it is dangerous / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
9. I am afraid that I might injure myself accidentally / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
10. Simply being careful that I do not make any unnecessary movements is the safest thing I can do to prevent my pain from worsening / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
11. I wouldn’t have this much pain if there weren’t something potentially dangerous going on in my body / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
12. Although my condition is painful, I would be better off if I were physically active / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
13. Pain lets me know when to stop exercising so that I don’t injure myself / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
14. It’s really not safe for a person with a condition like mine to be physically active / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
15. I can’t do all the things normal people do because it’s too easy for me to get injured / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
16. Even though something is causing me a lot of pain, I don’t think it’s actually dangerous / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
17. No one should have to exercise when he/she is in pain / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Score ______Positive ______Miller, Kori and Todd 1991


Please check any of the questions that apply to you.

In the past have you ever:

______1. felt that you wanted or needed to cut down on your drinking or drug use?

______2. been annoyed or angered by others complaining about your drinking or drug use?

______3. felt guilty about the consequences of your drinking or drug use?

______4. had a drink or taken a drug in the morning (eye opener) to decrease a hangover or withdrawal symptoms?

______Low Risk

______High Risk

Ewing 1984


Check any box that applies to you

1.Family History of Substance Abuse:

Illegal Drugs
Prescription Drugs

2.Personal History of Substance Abuse:

Illegal Drugs
Prescription Drugs

3. Age:

Mark if your age is between 16-45

4. History of Preadolescent Sexual Abuse

Mark if this applies to you

5. Psychological Disease:

Attention Deficit Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar, or Schizophrenia

______Low Risk ( 5.6%) = 0-3

______Moderate Risk (28%) = 4-7Total______

______High Risk (90.9%) = >7

Published with the permission of Lynn R. Webster, MD (2005)

The Simcoe Clinic

279 Yonge St., Unit 2 Barrie, ONL4N 7T9

Phone : 705-728-8860 Fax : 705-737-4733