
This unit is designed to assist the scout to improve their skills in the areas of history and English, giving emphasis to the use of primary source documents to encourage active learning and the development of critical thinking skills. The goal of this unit is to have students construct their own meaning and understanding of history and apply this understanding to present social justice issues. While the topic of this unit is Martin Luther King, Jr., Black-Jewish Relations and Prejudice, students should be encouraged to make connections to universal themes, such as social justice, social transformation and reconciliation.


Martin Luther King, Jr., Black-Jewish Relations and Prejudice


By the end of this unit, students will:

  1. Be able to distinguish between primary and secondary sources
  1. Be able to place primary documents into an historical, social and political context
  1. Have a solid understanding of King's philosophy, as well as the critical events, figures and organizations of the civil rights movement
  1. Improve their analytical and critical thinking skills
  1. Write a persuasive essay supported by primary source documents.

Project Shalom, P.O. Box 21549, Pikesville MD 21282

Martin Luther King Day Scout Program Synopsis

Opening Flag Ceremony15-20 min

Form the troops into parallel patrols.

Present the colors

Sing G-d Bless America

Invocation15 min

May the time be not too distant, 0 L-rd, when all your children will understand that they are brothers and sisters, so that, one in spirit and one in fellowship, they may be for ever united before you. Then shall your kingdom be established on earth, and the word of your prophet shall be fulfilled: "The Lord will reign for ever and ever." Amen

From the Jewish Sabbath Service

L-rd, stay with us as we come together; let all the earth keep silence in your presence.

Dear L-rd, bless all those everywhere who contribute to shape the hearts, minds, and bodies of young people. Let us remember what they have taught and apply it daily.

When facing confusion and dishonor, let us be Trustworthy. If we see hypocrisy and faithlessness, let us be Loyal. Where disregard of others and mere selfishness prevail, let us be Helpful. In an atmosphere of ill manner, let us be Courteous. Where the is discrimination and prejudice, let us be Kind. Though lawbreaking and rule-scoffing are common, let us be Obedient. While others grumble and grouch, let us be Cheerful. In an environment blighted by waste and extravagance, let us be Thrifty. When confronted with danger and temptation, let us be Brave. As we see filth and pollution everywhere, let us be Clean. While witnessing immorality and uncertainty, let us remember to be Reverent.

In short, in a world that has for generation after generation lamented the lack of good examples, let us, as Scouts, stand out, grow up, and be the leaders of our society.


Introduction 20-30 min.

Greet the Scouts

Explain the activities of the day in the spirit of the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Encourage the scouts to do their best and that there are not right or wrong answers in many aspects to the days activities

Remind scouts to be honest with themselves and those around them.

Opinion Tour45-60 min

This activity will serve as a trigger for all the other activities throughout the day

Prejudice a Common History45-60 min

Scouts will examine how prejudice and discrimination has affected different communities and the different responses to the ill treatment.

Lunch Preparation & Meal90 minutes

Afro-American Views of Jewish Community45-60 min

Scouts will explore, act out skits and discuss African American views of Jewish people through excerpts of materials from newspapers, W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, Dick Gregory and Dr. King as well as others

References to Blacks in Jewish Teachings 45-60 min

Scouts learn of Jewish references to Blacks in Scriptures, Talmud and Jewish folklore

Human Knot Game 20-30 minutes

The troop members then tries to unravel the "human knot" by unthreading their bodies without letting go of each other people's hands.

Mad Lib's Activity/Game20-30 Minutes

Project Shalom, P.O. Box 21549, Pikesville MD 21282