
  1. Who is the author of Pie?
  2. Sarah Weeks
  3. In the book, Pie, what were the last words the Pie Queen ever said?
  4. “Thank you very much” (p.1)
  5. In the book, Pie, who was the Pie Queen of Ipswitch?
  6. Polly Portman (p.1)
  7. In the book, Pie, how is Alice related to the Pie Queen?
  8. Polly is her aunt (p.1)
  9. In the book, Pie, what type of print did Polly love?
  10. Leopard print (p.1)
  11. In the book, Pie, who was Polly’s mom?
  12. Hester Portman (p.1)
  13. In the book, Pie, what ensures that custard is as smooth as silk?
  14. Scalding the milk before adding eggs (p. 2)
  15. In the book, Pie, who is Polly’s sister?
  16. Ruth, Alice’s mom (p. 2)
  17. In the book, Pie, what did Polly do with the inheritance when her parents died?
  18. Put half aside to live on and invested the other half in an old storefront to open her pie shop (p. 2)
  19. In the book, Pie, where is Pie located?
  20. In downtown Ipswitch, Pennsylvania, on the corner of Windham and Main (p. 2)
  21. In the book, Pie, where did Polly live?
  22. Upstairs in a little apartment above the pie shop (p. 2)
  23. In the book, Pie, what was the name of Polly’s shop?
  24. Pie (p. 3)
  25. In the book, Pie, when did Pie first open?
  26. 1941 (p. 3)
  27. In the book, Pie, why didn’t Polly plan to sell her pies?
  28. She wanted to give them away. She didn’t want to charge people for something that gives her so much pleasure (p. 4)
  29. In the book, Pie, how did people pay Polly for her pies?
  30. They left ingredients on her doorstep (p. 4)
  31. In the book, Pie, what is the name of the town newspaper in Ipswitch?
  32. The Ipsy News (p. 5)
  33. In the book, Pie, how did people from all over the country hear of PIE?
  34. The Ipsy News wrote an article about it. It was picked up by the Associated Press (p. 5)
  35. In the book, Pie, when was Alice born?
  36. March 1945 (p. 5)
  37. In the book, Pie, where did Alice spend every Saturday when she was little?
  38. At the pie shop (p. 6)
  39. In the book, Pie, why did Alice always like to spend time at PIE?
  40. She wanted to be near Polly. It wasn’t to make the pies (p. 6)
  41. In the book, Pie, what did Polly always begin with when making pies?
  42. The crust (p. 6)
  43. In the book, Pie, why did Polly put dried beans on her pie crust?
  44. It kept the dough from cracking while they prebaked (p. 6)
  45. In the book, Pie, what was the population in Ipswitch in July 1955?
  46. 162 (p.7)
  47. In the book, Pie, who is Alice’s mom?
  48. Ruthie (Ruth) (p.8)
  49. In the book, Pie, what type of car drove by the shop the night before Polly’s funeral?
  50. A big green Chevrolet (p.10)
  51. In the book, Pie, why did Polly’s recipe for coconut cream pie say not to leave it unattended on the windowsill to cool?
  52. Squirrels love coconut (p. 12)
  53. In the book, Pie, who is the mayor of Ipswitch?
  54. The Honorable Mayor Needleman (p. 13)
  55. In the book, Pie, who is Mayor Needleman’s wife?
  56. Melanie Needleman (p. 13)
  57. In the book, Pie, who is the Needleman’s daughter?
  58. Nora (p. 13)
  59. In the book, Pie, why didn’t Alice care too much for Nora?
  60. She was the mayor’s daughter and thought she was better than other kids (p. 13)
  61. In the book, Pie, who gave the eulogy at Polly’s funeral?
  62. Reverend Flowers (p. 14)
  63. In the book, Pie, who say by Alice at Polly’s funeral?
  64. Charlie Erdling (p. 14)
  65. In the book, Pie, what did Alice focus on during the funeral to distract her?
  66. Charlie’s dirty fingernails (p.14)
  67. In the book, Pie, who did Polly hire for odd jobs?
  68. Charlie Erdling (p. 15)
  69. In the book, Pie, who led Alice’s mom up the aisle to pay respects to Polly at her funeral?
  70. Mayor Needleman (p.16)
  71. In the book, Pie, why did the mayor lead Alice’s mom up the aisle to pay her respects to Polly at her funeral?
  72. It was a good photo opportunity, as he was running for reelection (p.16)
  73. In the book, Pie, what magazine did Polly and Mayor Needleman appear in?
  74. LIFE (p.16)
  75. In the book, Pie, what did Alice’s mom thing of Melanie Needleman?
  76. She was self-centered and too tightly wound (p. 16)
  77. In the book, Pie, who was Alice’s principal?
  78. Miss Gurke (p. 17)
  79. In the book, Pie, what was interesting about Miss Gurke’s clothes?
  80. They were always so loose, you could fit a second person inside with room to spare (p. 18)
  81. In the book, Pie, Miss Gurke reminded Alice of what kind of animal?
  82. A snake (p. 18)
  83. In the book, Pie, what was Miss Gurke’s pet peeve?
  84. Tardiness (p. 18)
  85. In the book, Pie, why did Alice always make sure she got to school 15 minutes early?
  86. She didn’t want to be tardy. It was Miss Gurke’s pet peeve (p. 18)
  87. In the book, Pie, who reached in Polly’s casket at her funeral?
  88. Miss Gurke (p. 18)
  89. In the book, Pie, what did Polly always wear around her neck?
  90. A brass key on a chain (p.19)
  91. In the book, Pie, what did the brass key that Polly always wore around her neck go to?
  92. The pie shop door (p.20)
  93. In the book, Pie, what did Alice and Polly eat for lunch on the day she died?
  94. Cream cheese and olive sandwiches (p. 22)
  95. In the book, Pie, who did Polly leave the pie shop building to when she died?
  96. Reverend Flowers (p. 25)
  97. In the book, Pie, what was Reverend Flowers told to do with the pie shop building when Polly left it to him?
  98. Whatever he chose to help raise funds for the church (p.25)
  99. In the book, Pie, who is Polly’s lawyer?
  100. Mr. Ogden (p. 25)
  101. In the book, Pie, what did Alice’s mom ting Polly left Alice in her will?
  102. The pie crust recipe (p. 26)
  103. In the book, Pie, who did Alice’s dad once work for?
  104. The Hoover Company, peddling vacuum cleaners door-to-door (p. 27)
  105. In the book, Pie, what did Alice’s dad sell when PIE began to attract tourists?
  106. Souvenirs at a stand next to the shop. Keychains of rolling pins, potholders that were leopard print, and aprons with Polly’s face and slogan on it (p.27)
  107. In the book, Pie, what was the slogan printed on the aprons Alice’s dad sold?
  108. Hey Polly, What’s your secret? (p.27)
  109. In the book, Pie, what question did everyone ask and no one knew the answer to?
  110. The secret to Polly’s perfect pie crust (p. 22)
  111. In the book, Pie, where did Polly keep her Blueberry medals?
  112. Under her bed (p.27)
  113. In the book, Pie, why did Polly keep her Blueberry medals under her bed?
  114. So she didn’t have to look at them. She was afraid she’d get a swelled head and not be able to wear her favorite hat anymore (p. 27)
  115. In the book, Pie, what was Polly’s favorite hat?
  116. A leopard print cloche that she bought from the Sears catalog the first year she won the Blueberry medal (p. 27)
  117. In the book, Pie, when was the Blueberry Award established?
  118. 1922 (p.28)
  119. In the book, Pie, what was the purpose of the Blueberry Award?
  120. To celebrate the most distinguished contribution to American pie making (p.28)
  121. In the book, Pie, when did the Blueberry Committee announce its winner of the Blueberry medal?
  122. The first Monday of September (p. 28)
  123. In the book, Pie, how did Polly win the Blueberry medal the first time she won it?
  124. Harriet Melcher was on the Blueberry Committee. She tasted one of Polly’s coconut cream pies and took the rest of the pie to the committee (p.28)
  125. In the book, Pie, what was the date of the first time Polly won the Blueberry Medal?
  126. September 7, 1942 (p. 29)
  127. In the book, Pie, who entered Polly in the Blueberry Award competition for the first time?
  128. Harriet Melcher (p. 29)
  129. In the book, Pie, why did Polly try to turn down the Blueberry Award?
  130. It made her feel uncomfortable (p. 29)
  131. In the book, Pie, what was Polly’s speech when she accepted each Blueberry Award?
  132. Only four words: Thank you very much (p. 29)
  133. In the book, Pie, where did Polly go each year to accept the Blueberry Award?
  134. Philadelphia, to the American Pie Makers Association conference (p. 29)
  135. In the book, Pie, how many Blueberry medals did Polly win in a row?
  136. 13(p.30)
  137. In the book, Pie, how did the Ipsy Inn benefit from Polly having so many out of towners visit?
  138. It used to be boarded up. Then it was overflowing with guests. (p. 30)
  139. In the book, Pie, what did the city council of Ipswitch change the sign at the city limits to after visitors began to come to PIE?
  140. Welcome to Ipswitch – The Proud Home of PIE (p.31)
  141. In the book, Pie, what did the sign at Ipswitch’s city limits say before the city council changed it when visitors began coming to PIE?
  142. Entering Ispwitch (p.31)
  143. In the book, Pie, why didn’t Alice’s wear his wing tips to Polly’s funeral?
  144. He said they pinched his bunions (p.33)
  145. In the book, Pie, what is the name of Polly’s cat?
  146. Lardo (p.33)
  147. In the book, Pie, where did Polly get Lardo?
  148. He showed up at PIE, starved and filthy one day. No one claimed him, so she let him stay (p. 33)
  149. In the book, Pie, why did Polly name her cat, Lardo?
  150. He was white under all the dirt and soot, so she named him after the whitest thing she could thing of: vegetable shortening (p.34)
  151. In the book, Pie, what form of fat did Polly prefer to use in her crust?
  152. Vegetable shortening (p.34)
  153. In the book, Pie, what brand of vegetable shortening did Polly always use?
  154. LARDO (p. 34)
  155. In the book, Pie, what did Polly feed Lardo?
  156. Fried sardines and sweet cream (p. 33)
  157. In the book, Pie, who wrote Polly’s will?
  158. Polly did (p. 36)
  159. In the book, Pie, who were the witnesses that signed Polly’s will after watching her write it?
  160. Mr. Ogden’s secretary, Miss Lebson, and Hammerschlacht (p.36)
  161. In the book, Pie, who did Polly leave her secret pie crust recipe to?
  162. Lardo (p. 37)
  163. In the book, Pie, what did Polly say to call tomato pie in order to get people to eat it?
  164. A “mock apple” (p. 38)
  165. In the book, Pie, who did Polly leave her cat, Lardo, to?
  166. Alice (p. 37)
  167. In the book, Pie, what was Mr. Ogden’s duties related to Polly’s will?
  168. He was the executor. He only informed people of what Polly wanted, not explained why (p.39)
  169. In the book, Pie, who was allergic to Lardo?
  170. Alice’s dad (p. 40)
  171. In the book, Pie, how long was Polly’s will?
  172. One page (p. 40)
  173. In the book, Pie, how did Polly eat pie?
  174. Starting at the front of a slice and worked to the back (p. 43)
  175. In the book, Pie, how does Alice eat a slice of pie?
  176. Breaks off the crisp edges of crust and move forward, saving the tip for last (p. 43)
  177. In the book, Pie, what is Alice’s favorite part of a slice of pie?
  178. The tip (p. 43)
  179. In the book, Pie, what kind of pie does Mayor Needleman crave after Polly died?
  180. Pumpkin (p.48)
  181. In the book, Pie, who went to the hospital with heart palpitations from pie withdrawal?
  182. Delores Evans (p. 48)
  183. In the book, Pie, what did Alice’s mom try to win after Polly died?
  184. Blueberry Award (p. 49)
  185. In the book, Pie, what did Alice first feed Lardo?
  186. Tuna (p. 50)
  187. In the book, Pie, where did Alice’s mom try to send Lardo?
  188. The pound (p. 50)
  189. In the book, Pie, how did Lardo get out of Alice’s room?
  190. Through the window (p. 51)
  191. In the book, Pie, who wanted to interview Ruthie about Polly?
  192. Sylvia DeSoto, from LOOK magazine (p. 55)
  193. In the book, Pie, who did Sylvia DeSoto work for?
  194. LOOK magazine (p.55)
  195. In the book, Pie, where did Alice go to look for Lardo when he first disappeared?
  196. PIE (p.59)
  197. In the book, Pie, why did Alice think Lardo when to PIE when he disappeared?
  198. It was his home, so it seemed the most logical place to start looking (p. 60)
  199. In the book, Pie, who was in Polly’s apartment when Alice went there to look for Lardo?
  200. Charlie Erdling (p.61)
  201. In the book, Pie, what are the Blueberry medals made of?
  202. Gold (p. 62)
  203. In the book, Pie, what is Alice’s favorite type of pie?
  204. Peach (p. 63)
  205. In the book, Pie, what is Charlie’s favorite type of pie?
  206. Key lime (p. 62)
  207. In the book, Pie, what is Alice’s favorite TV show?
  208. Sky King (p.64)
  209. In the book, Pie, what noises did Alice hear the night Lardo disappeared?
  210. A hiss, thumps, a clink (metal clink) (p.65)
  211. In the book, Pie, why was there no phone at PIE?
  212. Polly had disconnected it. Anyone that wanted to talk could stop by (p.67)
  213. In the book, Pie, who is the Ipswitch police chief?
  214. Chief Decker (p. 67)
  215. In the book, Pie, why did everyon in Ipswitch bake pies after Polly died?
  216. They wanted to win the Blueberry Award (p. 72)
  217. In the book, Pie, where did Pete Gillespie want to move if he won the Blueberry Award?
  218. Florida (p.72)
  219. In the book, Pie, why did Pete Gillespie want to move to Florida?
  220. To fish all day and never fix another flat tire (p. 72)
  221. In the book, Pie, where did Pete Gillespie work?
  222. Gas station (p.72)
  223. In the book, Pie, what sign did Polly hang on the door when she was having lunch with Alice?
  224. Please come back later (p.74)
  225. In the book, Pie, who was the commercial sponsor for Sky King?
  226. Nabisco (p.75)
  227. In the book, Pie, what did Alice and Charlie eat for dessert?
  228. Chiparoons (p.75)
  229. In the book, Pie, what did Charlie eat for lunch at Alice’s house?
  230. PBJ (p.74)
  231. In the book, Pie, what did Alice find under the radiator in her room?
  232. Metal earring (p.77)
  233. In the book, Pie, where did Alice think the metal earring she found came from?
  234. A catnapper (p.78)
  235. In the book, Pie, why did Chief Decker want to meet Alice’s parents at the police station?
  236. To talk to them about the key used to enter the pie shop after Polly died (p.79)
  237. In the book, Pie, what was wrong about Polly at her funeral?
  238. She was not wearing the chain with the shop key on it (p.80)
  239. In the book, Pie, what did police find that burglars may have used in the crime, entering Polly’s store/apartment?
  240. Charlie’s baseball bat (p.81)
  241. In the book, Pie, what did Alice once tell Polly she wanted to be when she grew up?
  242. A squirrel (p.87)
  243. In the book, Pie, why did Charlie say he had to leave and couldn’t help Alice find Lardo anymore?
  244. He had to shop for Miss Gurke (p.86)
  245. In the book, Pie, why did Charlie come back to Alice’s after he left to go shop for Miss Gurke?
  246. He lost the shopping list and wanted to look for it (p.88)
  247. In the book, Pie, what did Polly used to say about Charlie?
  248. He had a good head on his shoulders (p. 89)
  249. In the book, Pie, what did Charlie think Nora looked like?
  250. Penny, from Sky King (p.90)
  251. In the book, Pie, what things were on Miss Gurke’s list that Charlie was to buy?
  252. A box of bandaids, vegetable shortening, sand, and 1 dozen cans of sardines (p. 90)
  253. In the book, Pie, who did Alice think stole Lardo?
  254. Miss Gurke (p. 92)
  255. In the book, Pie, what hit Charlie on the neck while he and Alice were spying on Miss Gurke?
  256. A horsefly (p.96)
  257. In the book, Pie, how did Alice end up in Miss Gurke’s backyard?
  258. Charlie was holding her up to see over the fence, but he was bitten by a horsefly, jumped, and ended up sending her over the fence (p.96)
  259. In the book, Pie, what was Miss Gurke wearing when Alice ended up in her backyard?
  260. Tight, bright red outfit (p.96)
  261. In the book, Pie, what did Miss Gurke look like in her tight, bright red outfit?
  262. Charles Atlas, the beefy muscleman from magazine ads (p.97)
  263. In the book, Pie, why did Charlie tell the truth about how Alice got over the fence?
  264. He ran out of ideas to distract Miss Gurke, so he had to come clean (p.99)
  265. In the book, Pie, what happened to Charlie when he and Alice were running away from Miss Gurke’s house?
  266. He fainted (p.103)
  267. In the book, Pie, what did Miss Gurke dream of becoming?
  268. America’s first muscle woman (p.105)
  269. In the book, Pie, why did Miss Gurke wear baggy clothes?
  270. To hide her body. She didn’t want people knowing she was working to become America’s first muscle woman (p.105)
  271. In the book, Pie, why did Miss Gurke need Charlie to buy her sand?
  272. To fill a punching bag (p.106)
  273. In the book, Pie, why did Miss Gurke need Charlie to buy her bandaids?
  274. To protect her knuckles (p.106)
  275. In the book, Pie, why did Miss Gurke need Charlie to buy sardines?
  276. They are high in protein so it maintains muscle mass (p.106)
  277. In the book, Pie, why did Miss Gurke reach into Polly’s casket?
  278. Dropped her ring into it (p.106)
  279. In the book, Pie, why did Miss Gurke need Charlie to buy her vegetable shortening?
  280. It was good for tanning (p.107)
  281. In the book, Pie, what deal did Charlie and Alice make with Miss Gurke?
  282. They would keep her muscles a secret and she wouldn’t report them to the police for trespassing (p.107)
  283. In the book, Pie, what did Charlie do to help himself when he was missing his grandmother?
  284. Sniff her old perfume bottle (p,109)
  285. In the book, Pie, who was at Alice’s house when she returned from Miss Gurke’s house?
  286. The police—Chief Decker (p.110)
  287. In the book, Pie, who found Lardo after he went missing?
  288. Dick Kaperfew (p. 111)
  289. In the book, Pie, where was Lardo found?
  290. Wandering outside the Ipsy Inn (p.111)
  291. In the book, Pie, what was wrong with Lardo when he was found?
  292. He was drunk from having been given a sleeping powder (p.115)
  293. In the book, Pie, what was on the roof of Charlie’s barn last summer?
  294. His dad’s tractor (p.115)
  295. In the book, Pie, what did Alice tell her mom she wanted to go shopping with her to buy?
  296. Matching hats, like Nora and her mom had (p.124)
  297. In the book, Pie, what happened to Ruthie’s first pie she baked?
  298. It disappeared (p.125)
  299. In the book, Pie, who did Ruthie accuse of taking the first pie she baked?
  300. Alice (p.125)
  301. In the book, Pie, why did Alice avoid the area near the Ipsy Inn when she rode her bike?
  302. The hill was too steep to ride up and she didn’t want to walk her bike all the way up (p.129)
  303. In the book, Pie, what was wrong with Alice’s bike?
  304. The chain kept slipping off (p.129)
  305. In the book, Pie, who was the only person staying at the Ipsy Inn after Polly died?
  306. Sylvia DeSoto (p.130)
  307. In the book, Pie, who had Alice’s mom’s pie?
  308. Sylvia DeSoto (p.130)
  309. In the book, Pie, what did Sylvia DeSoto drive?
  310. A green Chevrolet (p.131)
  311. In the book, Pie, why did Alice want to follow Sylvia?
  312. To get her to admit that she took the pie from her mom since she had been accused of taking it. (p.132)
  313. In the book, Pie, why did Alice think she couldn’t follow Sylvia after she realizes she had taken her mom’s pie?
  314. Her bike chain was busted (p. 132)
  315. In the book, Pie, where did Sylvia go after she left the Ispy Inn?
  316. The Needleman’s (p.133)
  317. In the book, Pie, how did Melanie Needleman get Sylvia to come over to their house?
  318. Told her that her husband found a copy of the pie crust recipe and was willing to share it if she interviewed him for her article (p.133)
  319. In the book, Pie, when Alice looked in Sylvia’s car, what was the first thing she saw?
  320. A black hat with a veil (p. 134)
  321. In the book, Pie, what did Alice find in the glove compartment of Sylvia’s car?
  322. A white handkerchief with a gold hoop earring wrapped in it, just like the one she found in her bedroom (p.134)
  323. In the book, Pie, what initials were on Sylvia’s suitcase?
  324. J.Q. (p. 136)
  325. In the book, Pie, who did Alice want Charlie to invite to the movies?
  326. Nora Needleman (p.137)
  327. In the book, Pie, why did Alice want Charlie to invite Nora to the movies?
  328. It was the best excuse she could think of for why Charlie would come over to her house to talk to her (p.137)
  329. In the book, Pie, who are Charlie’s parents?
  330. Dorothy and Ed (p.138)
  331. In the book, Pie, what did Charlie tell Nora he wanted to talk about?
  332. Polly’s piecrust recipe (p.139)
  333. In the book, Pie, what did Mayor Needleman call his wife?
  334. Melly (p.140)
  335. In the book, Pie, Charlie told Nora that he was going to ask Alice to the movies but he didn’t because of what?
  336. She changed now that she found the recipe (p. 140)
  337. In the book, Pie, what did Alice eat for lunch at Charlie’s house?
  338. Frank and beans (p.145)
  339. In the book, Pie, how many hot dogs did Charlie eat for lunch?
  340. 4 (p.145)
  341. In the book, Pie, why didn’t Charlie find buttermilk at the A&P?
  342. The mayor’s wife bought it all (p. 147)
  343. In the book, Pie, what did Charlie buy/deliver for Pete Gillespie?
  344. A giant sack of yams/sweet potatoes (p.147)
  345. what did Charlie want to do when he grew up?
  346. Have his own bike shop (p.147)
  347. In the book, Pie, what did Charlie buy/deliver for Reverend Flowers?
  348. 3 bags of sugar (p. 146)
  349. In the book, Pie, what did Charlie buy/deliver for Mrs.