Foundations of Math 11 – Research Project

For this project, you are to complete in-depth research about a mathematical topic of your choice. You will have three class periods to work on it, although in order to receive a good mark you will likely have to spend some of your owntime on the project. Your grade on the project will be worth approximately the same as a chapter test.

Mathematical Content

Mathematical content is the most important aspect of this project. You should design your project in such a way as to achieve one main goal:

• effectively display a deep understanding of your topic

You are in a Senior Math course – I expect the mathematics behind your project to reflect this.

For specific expectations, refer to the rubric attached to this sheet. The more boxes I can check, the better your mark will be.


The research project must be completed in two stages.

• A research paper of approximately 1000 words.

• A 5 minute oral report to the class. This report can take various forms. Please consult your teacher.


You will need to understand your topic very well before making your project. Make sure you list the sources you used to acquire an understanding. I expect at least three different and valid sources.

In a project of this nature, it is inevitable that you will have to reproduce some of the Mathematics that you come across. Copying and pasting something like a quadratic equation or the Pythagorean Theorem is fine. Be careful, however, with English. You will be expected to express your understanding in your words. Plagiarism will result in an incomplete mark for this project. As this is project is a course requirement, you would then need to re-submit your project (without plagiarism) in order to get a mark for the course.


Mathematics is a varied and exceptionally huge area of study, and as a result there are more ideas than could possibly be listed here. Nonetheless, I have compiled a short list on the back of this page. You’re welcome to select any of these ideas, or come up with your own. If you do have your own idea, please confirm the idea with me before beginning your research.

Due Date

This project is due electronically on ______. Oral Presentations are on ______.

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