Meeting Brief

March 27, 2015; 2:00 p.m.

1. IT Strategic Plan Implementation. A process for reviewing and approving fiscal year tactical plans was discussed and endorsed by the Council.

  • The University’s IT leaders will identify the actions to be undertaken by their respective units during the course of a fiscal year toward advancing the goals of Information Technology Strategic Plan 2015-2018: Innovative Technologies, Engaged Solutions.
  • The plans from each of the IT leaders will be combined into one document for review and approval by the Council. The tactical plan for fiscal year 2016 will be reviewed by the Council on May 22, 2016. The tactical plan will be reviewed throughout the year and modified as needed.
  1. Enterprise Project Prioritization – Process and Schedule. A process for prioritizing projects on hold due to the moratorium was discussed and endorsed.
  2. AT staff will share a draft list of all of the projects currently in the queue; Council members will review list for completeness.
  • Once the list of projects in the queue is finalized, the list will be sent to Council members who individually will identify their top priorities prior to the April meeting.
  • At the April meeting, Council members will consider a summary of prioritized projects.
  • The top projects identified by the Council in April will appear in the tactical plan prepared by AT for fiscal year 2016.
  1. Policy and Procedures for Discussion
  2. Kevin Crouse gave a brief presentation on Information Security.
  • The list of Data Stewards presented was approved with the following exceptions:
  • No approval was granted for those applications where it was noted the applications were still in question; these are the projects listed at the bottom of the document starting with AG Prostar 3T.
  1. Consideration of the Time Tracker application was deferred; Tammy Carlson indicated she should not be the data steward; this application will be added to the list of those still in question.
  1. Project Requests
  2. The project requests were not discussed during the meeting due to time constraints. Voting on the four projects will be handled electronically.
  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. The February meeting minutes were approved as presented.
  1. Attendance

Leanna Bordner, Tammy Carlson, Sam Catanzaro, Sandy Cavi, Dan Holland, Jill Jones, Dwayne Sackman, Doug Schnittker, Deb Smitley, Matthew Helm, Mark Walbert, Nikki Grondin, Ed Vize, and Kevin Crouse.