STatus of the Industry

All industry data points to sustained growth. Communities are adding new homes and revitalizing roads and infrastructure. Retailers are reporting increased sales and both HUD and Modular shipments reflect that growth.

Status of Alliance Membership

In 2017, the Wisconsin Housing Alliance membership had a growth spurt in the communities division.

2015 2016 2017

Manufacturers 151614

Retailers 96 9992

Service/Suppliers 79 8583

Communities 503 517 530

Total693 717 719

Board of directors

Past Chair
Paige Dreier - D&B Homes

Tony Widowski-Mobile Home Stuff Store

Vice Chair

Bart Huntington-North Country Homes

Secretary / Treasurer

Eric Flood - Flood Homes

MHI Representative

Rick Rand - Great Value Homes
At-Large Officer

Ron DeBruyne - Evergreen Estates
Joe Dentice - Dentice Properties

Judi Domine - Timber Ridge

Tammy Fonk - HomeFirst Certified Communities

Tom Herreid - Homesteader Homes

Mark Luebke - Rolling Meadows
Ron Middleton - Ridgewood Homes

Jim Reitzner - Asset Development Group

Scott Ryan - Heritage Homes & Realty
Mark Thiede - Town & Country Housing

Maida Swenson-Fortune, Lancaster Parks & Storage

Tom Hinds - MidCountry Homes


Amy Bliss, Executive Director

Julie Patten, Director of Member Services

Laurie Mercurio, Communications Director

Angie Diedrich, Administrative Assistant

is proud to partner with

Annual Report



Housing Alliance

To be an advocate for members, facilitating relationships which educate, support and promote the factory-built housing industry.

Government Affairs

2017 was a great year for legislative efforts and favorable rulings with Administrative Agencies such as the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) and the Department of Transportation. Some key legislation and rule changes that are favorable to the industry include:

  1. A repeal of the personal property taxes paid on machinery and tools. This could save all members money on their personal property tax bill.
  2. The law will be very clear that the owner of a home in a manufactured home community will be responsible for any code violations and NOT the community owner. This bill is expected be signed by Gov. Walker in early December.
  3. Abandoned licensed vehicles will be easier for a landlord to re-title or sell.
  4. Deck code frost depth exemption language was written to assist homeowners in a manufactured home community when building decks and exits.
  5. DSPS removed purchase contract language that would allow a consumer to cancel a contract if the home completion was more than 15 days late.
  6. Miscellaneous items in process include
  7. Increasing fees for credit checks
  8. Fines for falsifying a service animal and providing for penalties
  9. Exempting “home and lot” rentals from some protections given to homeowners

financial Status

2017 finances for Wisconsin Housing Alliance will end with additions to our reserve fund for the second year in a row. In 2018, a balanced budget is expected as continued growth in home sales, membership and educational events remain strong.


2017 started out slow for Tomorrow’s Home Foundation, since the foundation ran out of funding. The Board approved $15,000 for emergency repair grants, which was used from May into July. With the passing of the state budget, however, and the award of a Heating & Cooling grant from WHEDA (for non-functioning water heaters, furnaces and {medically necessary} air conditioners), a good portion of the funding has returned. Due to this, there has been a flurry of activity this fall! Below are the numbers of families helped by the Foundation just since September 20th:

23 Families receiving critical home repairs

1 Home disposal

5 Water heater/furnace/air conditioners

In addition to grant funding, member donations matched those funds to double their impact even though member donations were down.Donations are the life-line for Tomorrow’s Home Foundation funding! Please consider donating when you renew your membership, or you can set up a monthly ACH donation. We raised $9781.36 through the 2016 raffle, and plan to do another onein 2018.

Thank you to all who donate each year!!!


The Wisconsin Housing Alliance is governed by a 17-person Board of Directors. If there are more nominations than there are seats on the Board, an election will be held. A nominating committee is used to determine eligibility to serve on the Board. All members that meet membership criteria are eligible to hold office.

Wisconsin Housing Alliance

258 Corporate Drive,Suite 200C

Madison, WI 53714


608-255-5595 (Fax)

State Facts

HUD Code Shipments



2007 698

2008 413

2009 207

2010 218

2011 223

2012 237

2013 306

2014 260

2015 411

2016 543

2017 (Estimate) 635

Modular Shipments




2008 693

2009 437

2010 368

2011 317

2012 319

2013 289

2014 279

2015 347

2016 405

2017 (Estimate) 425

Communities & Sales Centers

Wisconsin has 1,063 manufactured housing communities with 53,872 home sites.Alliance members own 40,406,which means the Alliance represents 75% of all all-time high! Alliance members sell nearly 100% percent of all manufactured homes sold in Wisconsin. The Alliancerepresents 82% of all factory-built home sales in the state. And 55% of modular homes are sold by Alliance members.