Faculty Development and Student Mentoring Application
Faculty development and student mentoring involve creating, working, and sharing within our chosen disciplines in an effort to cultivate growth within our students and ourselves. Plans to engage in these activities should be detailed, carefully thought out, well-written, and professional. While some activities may not meet all six criteria below, the highest priority proposals will:
· Foster learning through professional experiences
· Include significant collaboration between faculty and/or students
· Share results with others
· Involve an activity that requires resources beyond those available from the department
· Support faculty, department and/or university goals
· Implement principles of frugality
Directions: Please type or select your responses in the shaded areas below. The fields will expand as needed. Only complete the sections applicable to your proposal.
Applicant InformationName: / Date:
College: Select oneAgriculture and Life SciencesBusiness and CommunicationEducation and Human DevelopmentLanguage and LettersPerforming and Visual ArtsPhysical Sciences and EngineeringFoundations and Interdisciplinary Studies / Department:
Employment status: Select oneFull-time FacultyVisiting FacultyAdjunct Faculty / Year hired:
Proposal Information
Working Title: / Start date: / End date:
Funds and leaves are available to help faculty mentor students and achieve their development goals. Faculty may request Professional Development Leaves (PDL) of up to 3 hours per semester (not to exceed 6 hours per year). They are also eligible for a 12-hourFaculty Learning Fellowship (FLF) during their 6th year after being hired or the 6th year after their last fellowship (this may also be taken as two 6-hour FLF’s).
Which of the following are you requesting? (Mark all that apply)
Professional Development Leave (PDL) / Funds for mentoring students / Funds for international travel
Faculty Learning Fellowship (FLF) / Funds for domestic travel / Other ()
Explain in detail what you are proposing (don’t assume reviewers can read your mind). Proposals related to specific courses should be linked to course objectives. If mentoring students, explain how they will develop professionally.
Goals, Assessments, and Quality
Which goal(s) stated in your Professional Development Plan (PDP) will you make progress on by engaging in the proposed activity? The goals in your PDP should have been reviewed by your chair in your annual interview.
What will be the measurable results of the proposed activity and how will they reflect progress on each goal?
How should the quality of the results be assessed by your department chair and the faculty development committee?
What is your plan to continue to build on what is accomplished by the proposed activity? Is this included in your PDP?
Which specific goals of your department or the university will the activity support? How?
How excited are you to engage in the proposed activity? Please indicate if this is a department or self-directed project.
Collaboration and Sharing
How will the products of the activity (i.e. skills, knowledge, research, creative work, etc.) be shared with others?
How many other faculty and/or students will participate in carrying out the activity? / Faculty: / Students:
What will be the nature of the collaboration between faculty and/or students involved?
What other useful expertise or consulting, if any, might others be able to provide?
Which other faculty, if any, are applying for university resources to engage in the proposed activity?
Policy Considerations
If students will be traveling overnight, will full-time faculty, administrative, or staff personnel be available to supervise travel plans and to accompany the students overnight (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
If doing human subjects research, have you received the necessary approvals (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
If doing animal subjects research, have you received the necessary approvals (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
If intellectual or personal property will be produced in conjunction with this plan, have
you reviewed the necessary policies and do you have a plan to follow them (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
Leave Information (if applicable)
Semester/year of last 12-hour leave: / Year of proposed leave:
Leave hours you are requesting each semester of that year: / Winter: / Spring: / Fall:
How will time be allocated to ensure that the stated results are produced and goals are achieved? A 3-hour leave should equate to approximately 10-11 hours per week, and a 12-hour leave should equate to a total of about 600 hours.
Activity / Hours
Total / 0
Travel Information (if applicable)
Destination(s): / Dates of travel: -
Explain why the proposed travel is the most effective way to progress on the goals listed above. Include a discussion of any steps taken to achieve your goals in other ways and how that process helped you conclude that travel is necessary.
Have you ever been to any of the destinations listed? What was the purpose of going previously and when did you go?
Request for Funds (if applicable)
Please provide a budget delineating all funds faculty and students will need to complete the proposed activity.
Budget Category / For Faculty / For Students
Ground transportation:
Registration fees:
Total: / $0.00 / $0.00
What are the proposed funding sources for this plan?
Funding Sources / For Faculty / For Students
$ being requested by this application*:
Student contribution:
Total: / $0.00 / $0.00
*Money requested by this application may come from department and college budgets, Thomas E. Ricks and/or Mentored Student Research funds.
Please provide any other clarifying information about how you will use and be a good steward of the funds received.
For Office Use Only
Date received: / $ from Department: / $ from MSR: / Total Funded: $0.00
Application #: / $ from College: / $ from TER:
Additional Comments (optional)
Department Chair:
Department Development Committee Member: