UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 03/13/13 13 REG. SESS. 13 RS BR 1762

A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Ruth Booker Bryant.

WHEREAS, Ruth Booker Bryant, of Louisville, Kentucky, departed this earthly life on March 7, 2013, at the age of 89; and

WHEREAS, a lifelong advocate and activist for civil and human rights, Mrs. Bryant dedicated her life to the fight for equality and the plight of the underserved and less fortunate; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Bryant was committed to changing the world around her for the better and was an inspiration to all those who knew her; and

WHEREAS, in addition to the work she did with her company, Booker Bryant and Associates, Mrs. Bryant was also a member of the West End Community Council, co-founder and president of Women United for Social Action, founder of the Black Unity League of Kentucky, and was an active participant in the public accommodations demonstrations and Open Housing Campaign; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Bryant was also a practicing Buddhist, a pioneer member of the Soka Gakkai International of Kentucky, and Women's Division Leader; and

WHEREAS, she not only hoped for a better world, Mrs. Bryant worked tirelessly for it and was committed to the concept that the work toward world peace begins right outside your door; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of all her great work, Mrs. Bryant was inducted into the Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame in 2003 and received the Carl and Anne Braden Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011 for her lifetime of activism in the Louisville Civil Rights Movement; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Bryant was undoubtedly a light in the lives of those around her and leaves a proud legacy of love, laughter, and strength; and

WHEREAS, the passing of Ruth Booker Bryan has left a void that cannot be filled, and she is mourned by her loving family and multitude of friends; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Bryant is preceded in death by her beloved husband, Roscoe C. Bryant Jr., M.D., and is survived by her caring children, Vicki C. Bryant, Esq., Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton, Peggy Hill, and Roscoe C. Bryant III, Esq., and his wife Jennifer; her four precious grandchildren, Christopher and Damien Bryant and Victoria and William Hamilton III; and dear sister Beverly Cumbo;


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

âSection 1. The House of Representative expresses its profound sense of sorrow upon the passing of Ruth Booker Bryant and extends to her family and friends its most heartfelt sympathy.

âSection 2. When the House of Representatives adjourns this day, it does so in honor and loving memory of Ruth Booker Bryant.

âSection 3. The Clerk of the House of Representatives is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Representative Reginald Meeks, Capitol Annex Room 329C, for delivery.

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