Alpine Master Gardener Volunteer Association

Meeting Minutes for May 28, 2008

Call to Order: Susan Dengler at 6:45

Secretary’s Report: Annette Yasin – Correction to minutes of the March 26, 2008 meeting was submitted. The minutes read” A motion to form garden groups, which care for several gardens including the Friendship Garden within the Demo Garden, and to hold monthly meetings at member’s gardens was made by Chris Cook and seconded by Patricia Osburn. Discussion followed. Membership passed the motion unanimously.” The minutes should have read” A motion……... Membership passed the motion with one dissenting vote.”

Treasurer’s Report: Julie Kuras – Total assets are $1841,75. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Sally Jarvis and seconded by Deb Millbocker and passed by the membership. There are 62 paid membership including 18 provisional members. Julie corrected the March Treasurer’s Report which stated there were 55 paid members.

Committee Reports:

Program Committee – Committee needed and suggestions for October meetings would be appreciated.

Web and Volunteer/Education Hours – Lori Hansen, not present

Publicity –Cynthia Hilling: contact Cynthia when publicity is needed.

Demo Garden – Carol Buxton: demo garden needs spring clean up. She gave out copies of Michigan Gardener to lucky number holders.

Refreshments – Lorraine Blazic: Thanked May volunteers: Lorraine Blazic, Annette Yasin and Judy McIntyre

Sunshine – Connie and Jack Middleton: call with requests for remembrance, thank you or other cards to be sent to members

Historian – Jean Brown: keep giving her articles and pictures

Educational Opportunities – Sharon Agren, send educational opportunity information to Sharon at May Library Series – Gloria Torello: not present - thank you for all the hard work in organizing the Library Series

MGV Coordinator Jeanne Freymuth: Landscape Pruning Workshop was held April 12. Jon Study did a great job and his lesson was easy to follow with the fresh snow on the branches. Jeanne thanked the Awards Banquet Committee for their great job: Dora Jasinski, Daren Blewett, Marilyn Kaczanowski, Cynthia Hilling, Amanda Charles and Mary Fox. About 60 people enjoyed a magical social time, “local foods” dinner, awards and recognitions, prizes, and popular guest speaker, Janet Macunovich. Congratulations to Suzanne Stock, our MGV of the Year.

Old Business:

a.  Spring Bulb/Plant Sale - Cynthia Hilling and Marilyn McIntosh reported a $400 profit. Cynthia suggested that fewer choices be given for the next sale.

b.  Field Trips – Sharon Whitmore : not present. Members who attended the April 11th field trip to Plant Masters and Waterscapes Inc. voiced being given an enthusiastic reception and informative time at both destinations. Those who attended should report 3.5 education hours.

c.  Fall workshop: Amanda Charles and Carol Lienerth volunteered to co-chair our Fall Workshop, which will be held Sept 27th. Karen Blewett has volunteered to once again be in charge of the welcoming packets and Cynthia Hilling will head the bulb sale.

d.  Monthly Garden Tour and Picnic

Dates, Whose Garden, and What Dish to Bring for the Picnic:

June 25 – Suzanne Stock (A-K = dessert and L-Z = salads)

July 23 – Richard Kettner (A-K = salad and L-Z = dessert)

August 27 – Annette Yasin (A-K = dessert and L-Z = salad)

Meet a 6 pm and bring a chair along with your dish to pass.

e. Garden Groups: There was be a discussion of what the garden groups might like to consider during their first get-together, i.e., goals, how to divide duties, when to work, etc. These plans and updates on progress should be relayed to Patricia Osburn on a timely basis. Jean Brown reported on what the Hummingbird Garden Group already did during their first planning and work session. (FYI –a public garden tour scheduled for July 14th)

New Business:

a. Demo Garden Labels: Julie Kuras requested money to pay for laminate needed to complete 20 plant labels. Motion made by Cynthia Hilling to allocate $26.40 for 2 sheets of laminate, seconded by Richard Kettner and passes by the membership. Julie will handle the purchase. She is also available to teach anyone how to run the label-making machine

Adjournment: at 8:00. Next Garden Tour/Picnic at Suzanne Stock’s home at 2451 Opal Lake Rd. June 25. See Old Business

Tonight’s Program – Plant Exchange with Show and Tell and pH testing