Off-farm ManureVerification

Have supplier completeonly if off-farm manure is used

Manure from conventional (non-organic) sources is allowed for use on organic farms provided that no prohibited materials have been applied to the manure, bedding, litter, or stored manure. Submit labels of any products applied to the manure for review prior to use of manure.Please see reverse side for an important policy memorandum.


Manure has been provided to: ______

Name of Manure Supplier:______

Address: ______City: ______State: ______

Zip Code: ______Phone: ______


Please check all that apply regarding manure supplied to producer above:

  • Type of Livestock Manure: Cattle Poultry Hog Other
  • Manure was collected from: Feedlot Building Manure Pit
  • Substances applied to the manure: Lime Odor Suppressants Pit Additives Minerals

Litter/Bedding Treatment Foam Reducer Nitrogen Stabilizer Other: ______

Nothing has been applied to the manure.


The above named supplier affirms that the aboveinformation is truthful and accurate regarding thismanure product.

Signature of Supplier: ______Date: ______

This form may be returned to the producer or submitted to:

Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Organic Certification Program,

502 E. 9th St., Des Moines, IA 50319, or faxed to 515-281-6178

(Questions may be directed to the Iowa Organic Program at 515-281-5783)

Use of Off-Farm Manure & Compost

(a)Substancesthat are added to poultry litter or livestock bedding within a livestock production system (e.g., poultry house, dairy barn, etc.) for the purpose of manure management(e.g., odor control, nutrient management, etc.) must comply with NOP §205.601.

(b)If a substance is added to collected manure or compost for the any purpose, that substance must comply with NOP §205.601.

(c)Compost made with Greenwaste (per NOP Green Waste Guidance Document 5016) must be made in compliance with §205.203. Such compost may contain unavoidable background levels of synthetic pesticides. However, “The producer must manage plant and animal materials to maintain or improve soil organic matter content in a manner that does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil, or water by plant nutrients, pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, or residues of prohibited substances.”

A 136 PC,PL-JA14