Primary Science
Video: Private Life of Plants (Flowering)

P5: Reproduction in flowering plants

1.  Which part of the flower produces pollen?

2.  What is the stigma for?

3.  How many pollen grain(s) does it take to fertilise an egg in the flower?

4.  What is the purpose of the petals of a flower?

5.  How does the germanium prevent self-fertilisation?

6.  What is the nectar of a flower for?

7.  What colour is most bird-pollinated flowers and why?

8.  Describe how do the structures of Indian balsam helps in pollination?

9.  How does the Gentian plant ensures that only carpenter bees pollinate them?

10.  How do the Australian fig tree and wasp benefit from each other?


1.  Which part of the flower produces pollen?

Anther / stamen

2.  What is the stigma for?

To collect / receive pollen grains

3.  How many pollen grain(s) does it take to fertilise an egg in the flower?


4.  What is the purpose of the petals of a flower?

To attract animal messengers / pollinators to carry pollen grains from one flower to another.

5.  How does the germanium prevent self-fertilisation?

The stamen/ anther and the stigma ripe at different times.

6.  What is the nectar of a flower for?

To attract animal messengers / pollinators to help in pollination

7.  What colour is most bird-pollinated flowers and why?

Red as it draws the attention of bird best.

8.  Describe how do the structures of Indian balsam helps in pollination?

The nectar is stored deep into the flower so as the bee visits the flower for nectar. The bee will brush against the stamen/ anther that hangs on the 'roof' of the flower. Pollen grains will stick on the back of the bee.

After the pollen grains are gone and the stamen will be knocked off by the bee

The next bee that visits the flower will pollinate the flower.

9.  How does the Gentian plant ensures that only carpenter bees pollinate them?

The stamens/ anthers are hollow tubes which stores pollen grains and only carpenter bees could shake the stamens/anthers at the right frequency to get the pollen grains out.

10.  How do the Australian fig tree and wasp benefit from each other?

The wasp helps to pollinate the Australia Fig tree's flowers while the fruit provides shelter and food for the young of the wasp.

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