Researcher Outreach Activities

An expectation of LA-SiGMA leadership is for project researchers to also contribute to the LA-SiGMA outreach activities (Diversity, Workforce Development, and External Engagement). As such, please provide information regarding the outreach activities in which you were involved during the reporting period.

LA-SiGMA Sponsored Outreach Activities

Below is a list of LA-SiGMA sponsored outreach activities (obtained from the funded proposal). Please select the boxes next to all activities in which you participated. The LA-SiGMA Outreach Coordinators gathered all the pertinent information for these listed activities, therefore, you do not have to report any further information on these.

Should you have participated in additional outreach related activities that are not listed below, please complete the Other Outreach Related Activities section at the bottom of this page.

#researchers / Diversity and Recruiting
17 / A / Visited other campuses with the explicit intention of recruiting students to graduate programs on my campus.
17 / B / Recruited graduate students through the summer research/training programs on my campus (REU, RET, workshops, etc.).
12 / C / Volunteered at my department's/campus's information booth at a graduate recruiting fair at a conference or other event.
9 / D / Participated in recruiting activities specifically targeted towards women.
14 / E / Participated in recruiting activities specifically targeted towards minorities.
2 / F / Served as a mentor to a newly hired woman or URM faculty member.
Workforce Development
10 / A / Visited a K-12 school to talk about my research or science/engineering in general.
7 / B / Participated in an Open House for middle or high school students.
6 / C / Participated in a summer workshop for middle or high school students.
3 / D / Taught or participated in providing short courses and modules for Community College students and teachers.
1 / E / Participated in the Beowulf Boot Camp.
13 / F / Participated in Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) project.
27 / G / Participated in Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU).
2 / H / Assisted in the expansion of 2+2 programs (articulation agreements, etc.).
5 / I / Participated in an internship at a National Lab or Industry.
4 / J / Delivered classroom lectures for a new course developed state-wide.
1 / K / Taught at least one on-line course that was taken by students at another campus through asynchronous delivery methods.
4 / L / Taught at least one graduate course that was delivered to another campus through synchronous delivery methods.
2 / M / Taught or participated in providing the Effective Teaching Workshops for Graduate Students.
External Engagement
15 / A / Provided a public lecture about science/engineering.
3 / B / Appeared on local or statewide media (radio, television) to talk about my research or science/engineering in general.
4 / C / Advised a science museum on their exhibits or events.
4 / D / Delivered a lecture to an industrial audience.
4 / E / Used the web portal to distribute project deliverables.
3 / F / Downloaded code(s) to the repository.
1 / G / Contributed a highlight to the EPSCoR newsletter.
9 / H / Submitted a research highlight.
15 / I / Used video conferencing to communicate.
4 / J / Had a story about my LA-SiGMA work picked up by the regional/national press.
24 / K / Participated in the biannual meeting.
6 / L / Served as a speaker for the Speaking of Science Speakers Bureau (SoS). If you have not registered with the SoS, please print the registration form from complete and mail to Susan Jernigan (). Information about the program can be found at

Other Outreach Related Activities

If you participated in other types of outreach activities that were not listed above, please provide the information below. One of the LA-SiGMA Outreach coordinators will contact you to obtain the pertinent information that is critical for NSF reporting