Descriptions of constructs and instruments

Ball, D. L., Thames, M. H., & Phelps, G. (2008). Content knowledge for teaching: What makes it special? Journal of Teacher Education, 59(5), 389-407.

Learning Mathematics for Teaching. (2011). Measuring the Mathematical Quality of Mathematics teaching. Journal for Mathematics Teacher Education 14(1), 25-47.

Ball, D. L., & Hill, H. C. (2008). Measuring teacher quality in practice. In D. H. Gitomer (Ed.), Measurement issues and assessment for teaching quality, pp. 80-98. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Policy research

Hill, H.C., Umland, K. U., Litke, E. & Kapitula, L. (in press). Teacher quality and quality teaching: Examining the relationship of a teacher assessment to practice. American Journal of Education.

Hill, H.C., Kapitula, L.R. & Umland, K. L (2011). A validity argument approach to evaluating value-added scores. American Educational Research Journal 48(3), 794-831.

Hill, H.C. (2011). The nature and effects of middle school mathematics teacher learning experiences. Teachers’ College Record, 113(1), 205-234.

Hill. H.C. (2010). The Nature and Predictors of Elementary Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.

Hill, H.C. (2007). Mathematical knowledge of middle school teachers: Implications for the No Child Left Behind Policy initiative. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (29), 95-114.

Hill, H.C., Ball, D.L., Sleep, L. & Lewis, J.M. (2007) Assessing Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge: What Knowledge Matters and What Evidence Counts? In F. Lester (Ed.),Handbook for Research on Mathematics Education (2nd ed), p. 111-155. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Hill, H.C. & Lubienski, S.T. (2007) Teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching and school context: A study of California teachers. Educational Policy 21(5), 747-768.

Hill, H. C. & Ball, D. L. (2004) Learning mathematics for teaching: Results from California’s Mathematics Professional Development Institutes. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 35, 330-351.

Research on teaching mathematics

Charalambous, C. Y., & Hill, H. C. (2012). Teacher knowledge, curriculum materials, and quality of instruction: Unpacking a complex relationship. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 44(4), 443-466.

Hill, H. C., & Charalambous, C. Y. (2012). Teacher knowledge, curriculum materials, and quality of instruction: Lessons learned and open issues. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 44(4), 559-576.

Hill, H. C., & Charalambous, C. Y. (2012). Teaching (un)Connected mathematics: Two teachers’ enactment of the pizza problem. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44(4), 467-487.

Hill, H. C., Charalambous, C. Y., & Mitchell, R. N. (2012). Two negatives don’t always make a positive: Exploring how limitations in teacher knowledge and the curriculum contribute to instructional quality. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44(4), 489-513.

Lewis, J. M., & Blunk, M. L. (2012). Reading between the lines: Teaching linear algebra. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44(4), 515-536.

Sleep, L., & Eskelson, S. (2012). MKT and curriculum materials are only part of the story: Insights from a lesson on fractions. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44(4), 537-558.

Charalambous, C. Y. (2010). Mathematical knowledge for teaching and task unfolding: An exploratory study. The Elementary School Journal, 110 (3), 247-278.

Hill, H.C., Blunk, M. Charalambous, C., Lewis, J., Phelps, G. C. Sleep, L. & Ball, D.L. (2008). Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and the Mathematical Quality of Instruction: An Exploratory Study. Cognition and Instruction 26(4), 430-511.

Validation studies

Delaney. S. F., Ball, D. L., Hill, H. C., Schilling, S.G., & Zopf, D. A. (2008). Adapting U.S. measures of “Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching” for use in Ireland. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11, 171-197.

Hill, H.C., Ball, D.L. & Schilling, S.G. (2008). Unpacking “Pedagogical Content Knowledge”: Conceptualizing and measuring teachers’ topic-specific knowledge of students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 39(4), 372-400.

Hill, H.C., Dean, C. & Goffney, I.M. (2007). Assessing Elemental and Structural Validity:

Data from Teachers, Non-teachers, and Mathematicians. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (5), 2-3, 81-92.


Hill, H.C., Ball, D.L., Blunk, M. Goffney, I.M. & Rowan, B. (2007). Validating the ecological assumption: The relationship of measure scores to classroom teaching and student learning. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (5), 2-3, 107-117.

Schilling, S.G. & Hill, H.C. (2007). Assessing Measures of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: A Validity Argument Approach. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (5), 2-3, 70-80.

Schilling, S.G., Blunk, M. & Hill, H.C. (2007). Test Validation and the MKT Measures:

Generalizations and Conclusions. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (5), 2-3, 118-127.

Schilling, S.G. (2007). The Role of Psychometric Modeling in Test Validation for the MKT Measures: An Application of Multidimensional Item Response Theory. Under review at Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (5), 2-3, 93-106.

Ball, D.L., Hill, H.C. & Bass, H. (2005) Knowing mathematics for teaching: Who knows mathematics well enough to teach third grade, and how can we decide? American Educator, Fall 2005, 14-22.

Hill, H.C., Rowan, B., & Ball, D.L. (2005) Effects of teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching on student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 42, 371-406.

Hill, H.C., Schilling, S.G., & Ball, D.L. (2004) Developing measures of teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching. Elementary School Journal, 105, 11-30.

By other research groups

Adler, J. & Patahuddin, S. D. (2012) Recontexualising items that measure mathematical knowledge for teaching into scenario based interviews: an investigation. Journal of Education 56, pp. 1-26.

Agodini, R. & Harris, B. (2010). An experimental evaluation of four elementary school math curricula. Journal of Research on Education Effectiveness, 3, 199-253.

Bell, C., Wilson, S., Higgins, T., & McCoach D. B. (2010, November). Measuring the effects of professional development on teacher knowledge: The Case of Developing Mathematical Ideas. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 41, 479-512.

Beswick, K., Callingham, R., & Watson, J. (2012). The nature and development of middle school mathematics teachers’ knowledge. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 15(2), 131-157.

Burt, J., & Tuba, I. A multifaceted approach to professional development in Imperial County, California.

Campbell, P. F., & Malkus, N. N. (2014). The mathematical knowledge and beliefs of elementary mathematics specialist-coaches. ZDM, 46(2), 213-225.

Carney, M. B., Brendefur, J. L., Thiede, K., Hughes, G., & Sutton, J. (2014). Statewide Mathematics Professional Development Teacher Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Beliefs. Educational Policy, 0895904814550075.

Copur-Gencturk, Y., & Lubienski, S. T. (2013). Measuring mathematical knowledge for teaching: a longitudinal study using two measures. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 16(3), 211-236.

Donaldson, B., Hodge, A., & Ruff, A. (2013). Examining the Effects of Math Teachers’ Circles on Aspects of Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Diana White University of Colorado Denver.

Essex, K. (2011). The Case of the Indiana University-Indiana Mathematics Initiative Partnership. Retrieved fromhttp://hub.mspnet.org/index.cfm/24727

Faulkner, V. N., & Cain, C. R. (2013). Improving the Mathematical Content Knowledge of General and Special Educators Evaluating a Professional Development Module That Focuses on Number Sense. Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 36(2), 115-131.


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Groth, R. E. (2012). The role of writing prompts in a statistical knowledge for teaching course. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 1(1), 22-39.

Hertzog, H. S., & O'Rode, N. (2011). Improving the quality of elementary mathematics student teaching: Using field support materials to develop reflective practice in student teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 38(3), 89-111.

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Kersting, N. (2009). Using video clips of mathematics classroom instruction as item prompts to measure teachers' knowledge of teaching mathematics. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 68, 845-862.

Kersting, N., Givvin, K., Stigler, S. & Stigler, J. W. (2010). Teachers’ analyses of classroom video predict student learning of mathematics: Further explorations of a novel measure of teacher knowledge. Journal of Teacher Education, 61, 172-182.

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Koellner, K., & Jacobs, J. (2014). Distinguishing Models of Professional Development The Case of an Adaptive Model’s Impact on Teachers’ Knowledge, Instruction, and Student Achievement. Journal of Teacher Education, 0022487114549599.

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Izsak, A., Orrill, C. H., Cohen, A. S., & Brown, R.E. (2010). Measuring middle

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Lim-Teo, S. K., Chua, K. G., Cheang, W. K., & Yeo, J. K. (2007). The development of diploma in education student teachers’ mathematics pedagogical content knowledge. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5(2), 237-261.

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Ng, D. (2011). Indonesian primary teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching geometry: Implications for educational policy and teacher preparation programs. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2), 151-164.

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Smith, M. E., Swars, S. L., Smith, S. Z., Hart, L. C., & Haardörfer, R. (2012). Effects of an additional mathematics content course on elementary teachers' mathematical beliefs and knowledge for teaching. Action in Teacher Education, 34(4), 336-348.

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