Commodity Type / Preferred Vendor Name Contact information / Contact Information / Contract Expiry Date / Contract Term Extensions / Preferred Vendor Agreement # / Method to use vendor services
Executive Search / Geldart Consulting / 604-926-0005 / 31 March 2017 / zero / RFP 2011-0048 PV / Web Req. = PO
Transport Coach Services / Canada West Coach lines Ltd / 250-374-7032 / 31 July 2016 / Up to 2 years / RFP 2010-0017 PV / Web Req. = PO
Electrical Services / Advanced Electrical / Facility Services / 31 Mar 2018 / 2 years / RFP 2012-0026 PV / Call Facilities
HVAC Contractor / In progress / Facility Services / 5 years / 2 x 2 years / RFP 2013-0010 PV / Call Facilities
Project Manager / All North / Facility Services / 30 Sept 2015 / 3 x 2 years / RFP 2012-0020 PV / Call Facilities
Travel Agency (International) / Corporate Traveller / 604-889-3011 / 31 July 2015 / 2 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0040 PV / Web Req. = PO
Or P Card
Snow and Ice Removal / Pronto Enterprises / Facility Services / 31 Oct 2017 / 2 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0027 PV / Call Facilities
Fire Inspection & Services / Check Mate Fire Pro / Facility Services / 16 Oct 2016 / Plus 2 years / RFP 2011-0030 PV / Call Facilities
Graduation Gowns & Regalia / D. Milne Taylors / Advancement / 31 March 2015 / zero / RFP 2011-0068 PV / Call Advancement
Shredding Services / Iron Mountain / 1-800-327-8345 / CSA Pricing / P Card or
Web Req. = PO
Vehicle Rental / Budget Rent-a-car Kamloops Airport / 888-368-7368 / CSA Pricing / Ask for Provincial CSA rate A162000
“ “ / Budget Rent-a-car 820 Notre Dame Drive / 888-368-7368 / CSA Pricing / Ask for Provincial CSA rate A162000
“ “ / Budget rent-a-car / 250-374-8288 / 100 Victoria St / CSA Pricing / Ask for Provincial CSA rate 4CA1000
“ “ / National Car Rental / 250-989-4261 / Williams Lake Airport / CSA Pricing / Ask for Provincial CSA rate 3614638
“ “ / Ron Ridley Rentals / 250-392-6828 / 665 Oliver St, Williams Lake / CSA Pricing / Ask for CSA rates – no number
Hotel Rental / Various / / CSA Pricing
Office Supplies / Grand and Toy / Web site ordering / CSA Pricing
Library Serials / SWETS Info services / TRU library / 31 Dec 2015 / 3 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0024 PV / Call Library
Various Packing Boxes / RFP 2012-0022 PV
Elevator Maintenance / Kone Elevators / Facility Services / 31 Oct 2017 / Plus 2 years / RFP 2012-0030 PV / Call Facilities
Elevator Maintenance / Thiessen Krupp / Facility Services / 31 Oct 2017 / RFP 2012-0030 PV
Food Services / Aramark / Ancillary Services / 30 April 2018 / 5yr, 2x2 years / RFP 2012-0041 PV / Call Ancillary Services
Protein Foods / TSCFC / Culinary Arts / 30 April 2016 / 4 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0006 PV / Web Req. = PO
“ “ / Meadow Valley Meat / Culinary Arts / 30 April 2016 / 4 x 1 year / “ “ / “ “
Plumbing and Heating / In progress / Facility Services / - / - / RFP 2013-0012 / Call Facilities
Fleet Vehicle Maintenance / Southgate Auto Rep / Facility Services / 31 Mar 2016 / 2 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0042 PV / Call Facilities
White boards/Tack Boards / Shanahans / Facility Services / 31 July 2015 / 2 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0003 PV / Call Facilities
Lawn Maintenance / R & W Forestry Serv. / Facility Services / 31 Oct 2014 / 2 x 1 seasons / RFB 2012-0002 PV / Call Facilities
Painting Maintenance / Thompson Valley Painting / Facility Services / 30 June 2016 / zero / RFP 2011-0023 PV / Call Facilities
Health and Safety Training / Williams Lake / 31 March 2016 / 2 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0014 PV / Call Williams Lake
Pest Control / Bugs B Gone / Facility Services / 30 April 2015 / Plus 2 years / RFP 2011-0015 PV / Call Facilities
Chiller Maintenance / Trane / Facility Services / 31 March 2014 / 2 x 2 years / RFP 2011-0004 PV / Call Facilities
Reporting Solutions / E-visions / IT Services / 31 Dec 2017 / Plus 5 years / RFP 2011-0052 PV / Call IT Services
Chemical Water Treatment / Chem-Aqua / Facilities / 30 Sept 2016 / Plus 2 years / RFP 2011-0022 PV / Call Facilities
Recruitment Tracking / HR Smart / Human Resources / 31 July 2015 / 1 x 3 year / RFP 2012-0008 PV / Call Human Resources
Professional Driver Training / Columbia Transport / Trades / 31 July 2017 / 1 x 3 years / RFP 2012-0009 PV / Call Trades
Heavy Equipment / Great West Equip / Trades / 10 Mar 2013 / 4 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0016 PV / Call Trades
Scheduling Software Solutions / Infosilem / Provost Office / 31 May 2018 / 5 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0018 PV / Call Vice Provost
International Student Activity Program / TRUE Experiences / Events, Activities, Housing / 30 April 2015 / 3 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0033 PV / Call Events, Activities and housing
Course Evaluation system / Explorance / House of Learning / 5 yrs. / 5 x 1 year / RFP 2012-0047 PV / Call Open Learning
Foundation Investment Serv. / In progress / 5 yrs. / 5 years / RFP 2013-0004 PV
General Plumbing Services / In progress / Facilities / 5 years / 2 x 2 years / RFP 2013-0012 PV / Call facilities
Spec and Welding Gases / Air Liquide / Trades/Sciences / 31 Mar 2018 / zero / RFPV 2012-0025 PV / Web Req. = PO
Paint Line Maintenance / Turbo-Vac / Facilities / 3 years / 2 x 1 year / RFB 2012-0012 PV / Call Facilities
Welding Supplies / Coming Soon
Safety Equipment & Supplies / Coming Soon
Auto Parts / Coming Soon
Building Supplies / Coming Soon
Restoration Services / Coming Soon
Cleaning Supplies / Coming Soon