20 Feb 2010

Suggest that we have one Secretary Position, rather than 2 being Corresponding and Recording – these 2 positions where created long ago, when technology was not as supportive of such a position as it is today. And, Web Site and Newsletter are now separate responsibilities.



From Corresponding Secretary:


ARTICLE 3, Section 5:

The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for the correspondence of EnKA and shall maintain the official files and records of the organization, posted on the web site.

From Recording Secretary:


ARTICLE 3, Section 4:

“The recording secretary shall take the minutes of all official meetings of the Board and the Annual Business. All minutes shall be published to the web site. All absentee ballots and tallying of votes at the annual meeting is the responsibility of this office. Should this person be absent, he/she will arrange for his/her replacement”.

The secretary is responsible for all minutes, absentee ballots, board contact information and correspondence. The Secretary may perform any of these roles, and/or recruit and oversee a volunteer for any of these tasks.


  1. Board Contact Info: Maintain current contact information on all Board Members and appointees and provide updates as they occur. ~ 2-3 times per year, 2-3 hours
  2. Correspondence: Collect and reply to and forward EnKA correspondence to appropriate committee chair or board person. Maintain a folder of e-mails so that Secretary can follow-up if necessary (for instanced, if the responsible committee chair is out of action for a period of time). ~weekly, 1-2 hours
  3. Meeting Minutes: Keeps minutes of all business meetings. Provides minutes to the board of directors and posts on web site/members. ~monthly, __ hours
  4. Association Members’ Motions: Maintains copies of written motions presented to the Board (by association members). ~monthly, part of minutes
  5. Board Motions and Votes: Records all Board motions and votes – both in meetings and by electronic media . (excel file posted to web site/board page?). Oversees board approval of minutes. ~monthly, part of minutes
  6. Committee Charters and Deliverables: Maintains committee charter documents including personnel, due dates of deliverables. Publishes a monthly reminder of list in each month’s minutes (and is this a calendar on the web site?) ~monthly: part of minutes
  7. Absentee Ballots: Supervises absentee ballots and vote tallying. ~unscheduled, time?
  8. Provide report in WORD format enclosed in an e-mail to President one week before each Board meeting for inclusion in Agenda to the Board. Provides verbal report during board meeting.
  9. Maintains records of expenditures (mailing, photocopying) and submits expenses for reimbursement at least quarterly.
  10. Attends monthly Board Conference Call meetings as well as pre and post conference and POD meetings, records proceedings and participates in decision making.
  11. Delegates appropriate tasks to other members, oversees them.
  12. Works with Nominations Chair to manage and record the voting process.


  1. Maintain all official files and records of the organization on an ongoing basis, posted on the web site, either member or board password protected.
  2. Minutes to Board within 10 days of meeting
  3. Minutes to web site/members within 15 days of approval


  1. Logos and letterhead WORD template, templates maintained on web site.
  2. Board Member contact information sheet.
  3. Meeting Minutes
  4. Written motion
  5. Absentee Ballet
  6. Emergency Board Business (e-mails such as emergency motions, approvals, elections between conferences)

It is required that this person have and be proficient in E-mail, Microsoft Office or equivalent and voice mail capability, access to a photocopying/fax facility and post office.


CKL ; 2/22/10 12:58 AM;