Tuesday 12th April 2016

Who was here:

Ian Penfold (chair, parent/carer rep) / Marcia Lawman (Blue LIG rep and co-chair)
Alison Cooper (Parity for disability) / Marta Coates (LD Health facilitator)
Laura Timms (HCC) / Liz Glenn (Hard District council)
Linzi Holt (Liaison Loddon) / Natalie Walker (Parent voice)
Geoff Belsham (Basingstoke Mencap) / Helga Firth-Bernard (parent carer)
Mo Rowe (parent carer) / Cathy Marshall (Loddon social enterprise)
Tania Peckham (HCC) / Florence Garland (admin)
Chris Jones (KeyRing) / Sharon Williams (HCC)
Leon Major (Blue LIG rep, Speakeasy) / Lee Dausha (member, Speakeasy)
Nikki Mulligan (Speakeasy) and colleague / Natalie Kenward (HCC)

Apologies: Bernard Pearcey, Ann Barker, Rosemary Goodrich, Amanda Kent

Notes of the last meeting and matters arising

Transport: Lee has phoned the chief exec about the teething problems with the telephone line for transport.

Ian is going to the 10th May transport forum in his area.

Flo, Lee, Leon and Nikki went to the transport forum in Basingstoke. There was a lot on. they talked about franchise, the website the Travel Line (data is not always updated if the operator changes

Buses get a fine if they don’t run on time but sometimes when there is traffic, road work or an accident it is not their fault.

They are planning real time passenger information and also wifi at hotspots.

New buses have been ordered. They cost a lot of money these days and buses are now fully accessible in Basingstoke.

They want to know when things go wrong for people with learning disability. If they don’t know, they cannot do anything about it. Disability access: they educate drivers about unseen disability. They ask bus drivers to give people more time and they refresh drivers on disability every year. Flo gave Peter Wilson (Stage coach) the contact details of Speakeasy Advocacy.

There are new housing developments in Basingstoke and road access is a worry. For example from Brighton Hill to Basingstoke used to take 18 minutes by bus, now it is 25 and likely to increase again in September.

Buses and colleges. There were concerns for students with frequency of buses in some villages around Basingstoke and the times to commute to Winchester.

The hospital work in Basingstoke was “terrible” for the bus companies. Buses cannot work properly when roadwork is not planned. They will say sorry to customers as well.

Nikki is not sure if she can give more time to this transport forum so the group will need to decide who represents the LIG. The meetings run twice a year.

Hampshire LD Partnership Board

The right place to live was our main topic at the Board in March. People like the idea of living in a bungalow near transport. Marcia co-chaired the meeting with Jess Hutchinson.

A full report of the right place to live from the LIG reps has been added to the website (as well as LIGs notes from workshop).

It has also been sent to Liz Glenn separately.

Next Partnership is about supporting carers and families

SAIL – Christopher Jones (Key Ring) and Sharon Williams (HCC)


Facebook -

It is a new type of service funded by HCC and set up for people in need of support for learning new life skills or needing help with living independently.

There is a drop in in different part of the county and you can get support for bill payment, activities, benefits form filling etc., telephone support and

individual support on 1:1 (referral from a professional) up to 26 weeks for up to 4 hours per week to help to learn things to continue to live independently.

SAIL drop in and telephone support is mainly advisory.

The service starts at 16+ (referral to transition team at 16+)

Please advise Sharon and Chris if you can think of better venues

See website for details.

Contact for further information:

Hart Equality and Diversityforum– Liz Glenn

Presentation from Liz who is now a member of our group. She will gather information as and when needed.

We are pleased to have someone from that part of Hampshire.

INFO4U – Natalie Kenward

Natalie is the liaison officer for the Local Offer. She is also looking after INFO4U project. It is a website designed for young adults similar to the local Offer but a little easier to find information.

Leon mentioned football to be added.

Flo will email the link when the website is live.

Other things:

Referendum and voting:

The Electoral Commission will be producing an easy read booklet on the EU referendum which will be sent to every household. This will be published on May 15

Linzi said that an inaugural meeting was held on the 24th March in Basingstoke. This event was designed to generate ideas regarding the terms of reference for a new Hampshire PBS Network. The event was attended by around 30 people including PBS specialists, parents, carers, providers, autism specialists, health professionals and commissioners. To find out more about positive behaviour support please have a look at the Surrey PBS Network website:

Health links from Marta:

No changes to the Annual health checks programme for the moment. Marta will keep working with GP surgeries and training.

Health Facilitation (Health Facilitators) page on Southern health Foundation Trust (SHFT) Website

Hospital Liaison Nurse page on SHFT (Will be updated again shortly)

Hospital Passports on Hampshire Hospitals website. (Work in Progress)

North Hampshire CCG - LD page (Work in progress)

The LIG accounts for 2015/2016 are in and we have £2,295.20 left. Ian has been sent a copy of the report. We did not spend much money last year apart from venues and small expenses. Speakeasy Advocacy is keen to pass on the accounts to someone else. They have been doing them over 10 years. Please let Florence know if you are interested (there are about 10 entries a year).

Transformation to 2017: Ian queried an assessment letter and needs to have more information. Flo has asked Lizzie Meager to come back to the LIG on the 3rd May (now confirmed).

We will also have Michelle Stickland in May from health.

Dates for your diaries

The next meeting will be on 3rd May2016Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm latest

14 June
12 July
None in August
13 September
18 October
15 November
13 December
Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).ha_1
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
free parking