Two mitochondrial genomesinAlcedinidae (Ceryle rudis / Halcyon pileata) and the phylogenetic placement of Coraciiformes
Xiaomin Sun1, Ruoping Zhao2, Ting Zhang1, Jie Gong1, Meidong Jing1,*, Ling Huang1,*
1School of Life Sciences, Ludong University, Yantai, Shandong, P.R. China
2State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution,Kunming Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming, Yunnan, China
Corresponding author:
Mei-dong Jing, Ph D
School of Life Sciences, Ludong University, 186#, Hongqi Central Road, Yantai 264025, Shandong, China
Tel: 86-535-6685004
Mobile: +86-13553101838
Fax: 86-535-6663560
Ling Huang, Ph D
School of Life Sciences, Ludong University, 186#, Hongqi Central Road, Yantai 264025, Shandong, China
Tel: 86-535-6685004
Mobile: +86-18806389008
Fax: 86-535-6663560
Table S1 Species involved in phylogenetic analysis in the present study.
Order / Family / Species / Accession no. / ReferencesCoraciiformes / Alcedinidae / Ceryle rudis / NC_024280 / Unpublished data (Zou et al.)
Halcyon pileata / NC_024198 / Unpublished data (Zou et al.)
Halcyon coromanda / NC_028177 / Unpublished data (Park et al.)
Todirhamphus sanctus / NC_011712 / Pratt et al.2009
Coraciidae / Eurstomus orientalis / NC_011716 / Pratt et al.2009
Upupidae / Upupa epops / NC_028178 / Unpublished data (Park et al.)
Bucerotidae / Penelopides Panini / NC_015087 / Sammler et al. 2011
Aceros waldeni / NC_015085 / Sammler et al. 2011
Bycanistes brevis / NC_015201 / Pacheco et al. 2011
Piciformes / Picidae / Picoides pubescens / NC_027936 / Zhang et al. 2016
Dryocopus pileatus / NC_008546 / Gibb et al. 2007
Ramphastidae / Pteroglossus azara / NC_008549 / Gibb et al. 2007
Strigiformes / Strigidae / Ninox scutlata / NC_029384 / Unpublished data (Park et al.)
Ninox novaeseelandiae / NC_005932 / Harrison et al. 2004
Asio flammeus / NC_027606 / Zhang et al. 2016
Otus scops / NC_028162 / Unpublished data (Park et al.)
Otus bakkamoena / NC_028163 / Unpublished data (Park et al.)
Tytonidae / Phodilus badius / NC_023787 / Mahmood et al. 2014
Cuculiformes / Cuculidae / Eudynamys taitensis / NC_011709 / Pratt et al.2009
Cuculus poliocephalus / NC_028414 / Wang et al. 2016
Geococcyx californianus / NC_011711 / Pratt et al.2009
Trogoniformes / Trogonidae / Trogon viridis / NC_011714 / Pratt et al.2009
Psittaciformes / Psittacidae / Primolius maraoana / NC_029322 / Urantowka and Mackiewicz 2015
Ara aracauna / NC_029319 / Urantowkaand Mackiewicz 2015
Orthopsittaca manilata / NC_029161 / Unpublished data (Urantowka et al.)
Pyrrhura rupicola / NC_028404 / Unpublished data (Urantowka et al.)
Galliformes / Phasianidae / Gallus gallus / NC_001323 / Valverde et al. 1994
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