Minutes of the Meeting of the Hound Parish Council held on Monday 14 July 2008 at Hound Parish Hall
PRESENT: Cllr Palframan in the Chair, Cllr Jackson (Vice-Chair), Cllrs Airey, Parsons, Parker, Mrs Queen & West. Also present: Alun Brown EBC, four members of the public and Mrs Sue Hobbs Parish Clerk.
As representatives from Hamble RAGE and Refix Maintenance were present and wished to speak about items 74(7) and 85(i), the Chair permitted them to make their representations to Members. No other questions were received from the members of the public present.
Cllr Airey opened his report by highlighting industrial action by UNISON members was due to take place on 16 & 17 July 2008, with refuse collection by Direct Services at EBC expected to be most affected. Collection of refuse could be delayed until 19 July 2008, or into the following week, although bins would need to be put out as normal.
Ticket office opening hours at Netley station were under review by South West Trains (SWT) and Cllr Airey had asked the Parish Clerk to write on behalf of Hound Parish Council, to object to the reduction in hours, SWT had indicated that more tickets are being bought on line, rather than over the counter.
Bus service changes were to be introduced from September 2008, following the withdrawal of the Red Rocket services, but temporary six-month contracts have been created to provide continuous service provision. A new three-year contract has been awarded to First and the current service change from bus number 16 to 15 will change to the 16A service, to avoid confusion for passengers.
Cllr Airey advised he had attended a meeting with the Blackthorn Surgery Patients Panel to provide updated information regarding the turning circle at Satchell Lane, which is becoming more difficult to achieve. A further meeting will take place between HCC and EBC, with Cllr House and Cllr Airey attempting to pursue this issue to a satisfactory conclusion.
There will be changes to the Concessionary Fares Scheme with effect from 1 September 2008, which follows a review of the extended National Bus Pass Scheme. Since 1 April 2008, 89.5% of applications have opted for the National Bus pass, 6.8% for rail vouchers and only 3.7% for travel tokens.
(Cllr West left the meeting at 6.40pm.)
Cllr Airey attended the HCC Minerals Plan meeting on 10 July 2008, when Members voted in favour of identifying the Hamble Airfield site as a preferred site under the Minerals Plan, but this will be finally decided by a public inquiry conducted by the Planning Inspectorate in 2009.
Cllr Airey concluded his report by advising that he had attended an informal meeting for Atlantic Housing bungalow tenants, each tenant’s property will be surveyed and individual meetings will be held to discuss the condition of each property and the tenants’ needs. This project is to comply with the government’s Decent Homes Standards by 2010.
PCSOs Donna Kay and Rhona Stevens arrived at 6.50pm and provided a written report, which would be reproduced and distributed to all Councillors after the meeting.
The Chair thanked Cllr Airey for his Borough Report and invited questions from Councillors and members of the public present.
The Chair noted that there were many rumours that the bungalows would be subject to redevelopment and that Atlantic Housing had not written directly to Borough and Parish Councillors regarding the refurbishment of properties. Cllr Airey did not know the reasons for the apparent lack of communication with residents and Councillors.
A member of the public noted that the bus services for the area were much improved and were of great benefit to senior citizens traveling to Southampton.
The Chair introduced Alun Brown, who gave a brief outline of the investigations he has made as to the feasibility of dredged material replacing lost material on the beach at Netley Abbey. Mr Brown had also been involved in the Coastal Protection Strategy, which was pursuing options with regard to ‘retreat’ and ‘hold the line’ policies for the coastline. There was a lead time of some three years anticipated for decisions to be made and hence Mr Brown did not believe that this would adversely impact on the remedial works Hound Parish Council was investigating at The Hard and Beach Lane-Netley Castle waterfront areas.
Mr Brown continued his verbal presentation by advising that Associated British Ports (ABP) was planning to undertake the dredging to improve access to the Port of Southampton, which as the port authority, would not be required to apply for planning consent from EBC. However an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) would need to be approved by the Marine & Fisheries Agency, to which EBC is a consultee. It was anticipated that the EIA would be ready for approval by the end of 2008 and ABP would be able to provide further information regarding this issue or more details could be obtained from the website there was the likelihood of significant impact on the local environment and wildlife habitats, so further assessments had been requested as the coastal ‘squeeze’ would have an effect on nature reserves, Sites of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Ramsar sites. Information was also required for conservation work and EBC’s Biodiversity Action Plan. Mr Brown advised that EBC had responded to consultation documents on behalf of residents.
Some 200 cubic metres of material was proposed to be dredged from the Nab Tower in the English Channel, as large ships are currently required to time their passage to allow them to pass through Southampton Water and the likely depth of the shingle deposits is approximately one metre. The wall at the Royal Victoria Country Park would be affected and a cost benefit analysis of removing or retaining the wall and providing a new storm beach would be conducted, with a strategy being agreed by the end of 2008.
Cllr Jackson enquired whether ABP would be able to compensate local councils for the work required. Future major dredging could replenish the beach, although annual dredging is already conducted.
The previous use of dredging material placed in No:6 dock in Southampton was touched upon and it was noted that Natural England was not expected to object to the planning application.
Cllr Parker enquired as to the expected lifespan of the dredged material, to which Mr Brown responded that a consultant was currently studying the wave action to estimate the lifespan of the shingle and the results were anticipated to be submitted to DEFRA at the end of July 2008.
A further question was received as to whether there were plans to reduce the size of the SSSIs and Mr Brown highlighted that the ABP Port of Southampton is the richest in England and it would be in the company’s interest to make the required improvements, not least because of its status as a major employer in the area.
The Chair thanked Mr Brown for the updated information provided.
Apologies were received from Cllrs McNulty due to work commitments and Mrs Wyse due to domestic circumstances.
(Power used: Local Government Act 1972 s85)
No declarations of interest were received. Cllr Airey advised that as the Pickwell Farm site had been removed from the list of preferred sites from the Hampshire Minerals & Waste Development Framework, he was no longer required to declare his interest in this issue.
(Power used: Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007para 12(2))
The Chair itemised the minutes for accuracy. Cllr Parker queried item 52 regarding the pitch work required and asked for this issue to be included in the agenda for the meeting to be held on 8 September 2008.
Cllr Parker also queried whether the refrigerator from the Reading Rooms would be transferred to the Old Netley pavilion, to which the Parish Clerk responded that the portable appliance testing for equipment at all of Hound Parish Council’s premises was due to be conducted in the near future and advice would be sought regarding the effectiveness of the existing refrigerator.
An enquiry was received regarding the outcome of the meeting detailed at item 61 regarding the devolution of services from EBC to parish & town councils, to which the Chair replied that there had been insufficient time to provide a report, but it was anticipated more information would be available from EBC in the near future.
Cllr Airey noted that at item 64(ii), there are three and not two red telephone boxes within the Parish, the third being located at Netley railway station.
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour of accepting the minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2008, together with the amendments, as a true record of the meeting.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2008, together with the amendments, be accepted as a true record of the meeting.
(Power used: Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12 Para 41(1)
Agenda Item No: / Date of Council meeting / Issue / Progress to report(158) / 15/10/07 / Old Netley new project / To be discussed at Council 20 October 2008
(164) / 26/11/07 / Netley Court School / None at present
(195) / 26/11/07 / Emergency plan / Article included in ‘Newshound’, poor response received to date
(209) / 26/11/07 / Abbey Hall barrier / Repaired week commencing 26 May 2008
(246) / 21/01/08 / All premises Disability Discrimination Act assessment / Included in maintenance budget for 2008 – 09
(259)(3) / 28/01/08 / Castle recreation ground/Abbey Hall waterfront improvements / Agenda item
(259)(14) / 28/01/08 / Old Netley recreation ground provision of car parking area / Next DCWP meeting
(260) / 28/01/08 / Station Road recreation ground changing rooms project / Agenda item
(262) / 28/01/08 / The Hard waterfront improvements / Agenda item
(267)(iii) / 28/01/08 / Priors Hill Copse / Drop-in session held 1 July 08, follow up meeting to be held 15 July 08
(273) / 18/02/08 / Hants Waste & Minerals Development Framework / Agenda item
(310) / 10/03/08 / Playground maintenance / Quotation awaited
(325) / 31/03/08 / Parish Office fire risk assessment / Integrated fire alarm system to be further negotiated with Landlord
(326) / 31/03/08 / Right of Way Statutory Declaration at Old Netley recreation ground / None at present
(329) / 31/03/08 / Old Netley pumping station / None at present
(331) / 31/03/08 / Station Road recreation ground pavilion / None at present
(332)(e) / 31/03/08 / Abbey Hall break-in / Reimbursement of insurance claim rec’d w/c 9 June 08
(333)(iv) / 31/03/08 / Parish Office lease / Lease to be drawn up by Landlord’s solicitors & referred to Hound PC’s solicitors
(333)(vi) / 31/03/08 / Netley Youth Club / Agenda item
(338) / 21/04/08 / Station Road recreation ground Pre-school / Pre-school likely to move to school Jan 09
(338) / 21/04/08 / Disabled lavatory at Hound Parish Hall / Work due to commence 21 July to 5 Sept 08
(341) / 21/04/08 / Abbey Hall outside lights / Installed w/c 26 May 2008
(348) / 21/04/08 / Butlocks Heath Village Green application / None at present
(350) / 21/04/08 / Sale of Reading Rooms / Agenda item
(352)(ii) / 21/04/08 / Councillors’ Allowances / Agenda item
(352)(iii) / 21/04/08 / Staff mileage allowances / Referred to Finance Working Party meeting 30 June 2008, no change to be implemented
(355)(iv) / 21/04/08 / Internal Auditor’s contract / E-mail confirmation rec’d, will advise of dates to visit
(19)(3) / 12/05/08 / Wooden benches / None at present
(19)(4) / 12/05/08 / Barbecue stands / E-mails sent to EBC & insurance company re: planning consent & insurance cover req’d 29 May 08, advice awaited
(19)(5) / 12/05/08 / Old Netley rec kickwall / E-mail sent to EBC Direct Services 22 May 08 for tarmac quotation, reply awaited
(19)(8) / 12/05/08 / Butlocks Heath allotment site taps / Contractor started work 30 June 08
(19)(9) / 12/05/08 / Butlocks Heath skateramp / Consultation letter distributed in-house June 08, results to be referred to next DCWP meeting
(19)(10) / 12/05/08 / Station Road rec senior play equipment / Consultation via Newsletter June 2008, refer to next DCWP meeting
(19)(11) / 12/05/08 / Station Road rec fitness trail / Agreed in principle after demolition of existing buildings
(21) / 12/05/08 / Little Gems Pre-school / Rent negotiated & reported to Council 2 June 08
(36) / 02/06/2008 / Park Sport event at Station Road rec / Temporary skateramp to be installed adjacent to existing basketball/kickwall site
(44) / 02/06/08 / PCSO funding / EDAPTC meeting 24 July 08
(57) / 23/06/08 / Old Netley noticeboard / Reply rec’d from HBS, no objections in principle to board being installed adjacent to premises in Pound Road/Portsmouth Road
(58) / 23/06/08 / Woolston Road Playgroup canopy at Hound Parish Hall / Enquiries made with OFSTED, no requirement for outdoor space to be covered area
(60) / 23/06/08 / The HYPE Partnership Agreement / Agreed at Council 23 June 08 for one year period
(64)(i) / 23/06/08 / Gardening Certificates / None at present
(64)(ii) / 23/06/08 / Listing BT telephone boxes / Enquiries made with HALC & EBC to advise re: procedure
Item 325 integrated fire alarm system for the Parish Office - Cllr Parker enquired as to the progress of this issue, to which the Parish Clerk replied was ongoing with the negotiations for the new lease. Cllr Parker also asked for the new fire extinguisher stand to be moved the staff side of the Parish Office counter.
Item 19(3) Castle recreation ground bench – the Parish Clerk advised that the Grounds staff had removed the bench, which had proved to be rotten and that Cllr Parker was welcome to view the same, which had been deposited at the rear of the Burial Ground.
Item 44 PCSO funding – Cllr Mrs Queen was due to attend an Eastleigh District Association of Parish & Town Councils (EDAPTC) meeting on 24 July 2008, when this issue would be discussed. Advice had been received from Cllr Colin Mercer, Chair of EDAPTC that Hampshire Constabulary was content to continue with the present funding level of £6000.00 received from parish & town councils, when the current agreement is re-negotiated at the end of the current financial year.
Item 36 Park Sport event – a programme of events had been produced by EBC, which included the temporary skateramp facility, to be installed near the basketball hoop and kickwall in Station Road recreation ground.
Item 58 Hound Parish Hall canopy – the Chair read from an e-mail received from OFSTED, advising that there was no requirement for a covered area for children to play when attending Pre-school. As Hound Parish Hall is located immediately adjacent to the recreation ground and infant play area, there was no requirement for the canopy to be installed.
Item 64(ii) Listing of red BT telephone boxes – advice had been received from EBC Conservation Officer that listing is conducted by English Heritage and that further enquiries would be made during the future review of the Netley conservation area in the near future.
Name / Description / Period / Budget Code / Total (£)Altodigital UK / Photocopier charges / June 08 / 4023/101 / 21.44
Arval PHH / Van fuel / June 08 / 4044/315 / 55.72
Arval PHH / Van fuel / June 08 / 4044/315 / 40.00
Arval PHH / Van fuel / June 08 / 4044/315 / 70.66
Carters of Swanwick / Mower cable / June 08 / 4042/315 / 22.11
Carters of Swanwick / Throttle control / June 08 / 4042/315 / 8.75
County Locksmiths / ON Pav keys / June 08 / 4037/313 / 20.50
DCK Beavers Ltd / Year End accounts / May 08 / 4055/102 / 423.00
EBC / B Grnd bin hire / April – June 08 / 4040/332 / 151.22
EBC / HPH bin hire / April – June 08 / 4040/302 / 309.02
EBC / AH bin hire / April – June 08 / 4040/301 / 302.44
E ON / Stat Pav electric / April – June 08 / 4014/314 / 123.32
E ON / ON Pav electric / April – June 08 / 4014/313 / 113.96
E ON / RR gas / April – June 08 / 4015/303 / 24.11
E ON / RR electric / April – June 08 / 4014/303 / 22.70
E ON / HPH gas / April – June 08 / 4015/302 / 178.93
E ON / PO gas / April – June 08 / 4015/101 / 59.67
E ON / PO electric / April – June 08 / 4014/101 / 112.08
Fair Account / Internal Auditor fees / March 08 / 4057/102 / 160.00
Greenham / Grndsman’s safety boots / June 08 / 4039/102 / 44.65
Greenham / ON Pav fire exit signs / June 08 / 4036/340 / 24.39
R Griffin / PO fire extinguisher check / June 08 / 4038/101 / 38.89
R Griffin / AH, Stat Pav & ON Pav fire extinguisher checks / June 08 / 4038/301/314/313 / 100.93
R Griffin / HPH fire extinguisher checks / June 08 / 4038/302 / 141.59
HCC / Van hire / May 08 / 4091/315 / 462.95
HCC / Stationery / June 08 / 4022/101 / 101.56
Jewson / Castle rec ballast & B Grnd spray paint / June 08 / 4037/310/332 / 58.28
Jewson / PR allots gate paint / June 08 / 4037/330 / 32.15
Lankester & Crook / PO rent / July 08 / 4013/101 / 930.20
PWLB / HPH loan repayment / July 08 / 4054/302 / 833.34
PWLB / HPH loan interest / July 08 / 4053/302 / 279.92
PWLB / AH loan repayment / July 08 / 4054/301 / 15323.16
PWLB / AH loan interest / July 08 / 4053/301 / 1651.66
Southern Water / BH allots water / March – June 08 / 4012/330 / 73.15
Southern Water / PR allots water / March – June 08 / 4012/330 / 61.36
Southern Water / Stat Rec& Pav water / March – June 08 / 4012/311/314 / 109.39
Southern Water / HPH water / March – June 08 / 4012/302 / 139.34
Southern Water / AH water / March – June 08 / 4012/301 / 276.30
Southern Water / B Grnd water / March – June 08 / 4012/332 / 16.02
Viking Direct / Stationery / April 08 / 4022/101 / 129.53
Yellow Pages / Advertisement / June 08 – May 09 / 4031/102 / 299.63
Zaun Ltd / MUGA fence paint / June 08 / 4037/311 / 123.38
The Chair brought Members attention to the accounts payable in respect of the standing charges for the gas and electricity supplied to the Reading Rooms, despite being decommissioned. An enquiry was received regarding the paint purchased for the MUGA fencing and when the work was likely to be undertaken by the Grounds staff. The Parish Clerk responded that the recent bad weather had prevented this work being started, but that she would be meeting with the Grounds staff imminently to discuss when this would be possible. A further query was raised regarding the line marking for the MUGA and the Parish Clerk advised she was still awaiting information from EBC regarding a thermoplastic line marking machine.
A query was raised regarding the Yellow Pages account, which the Parish Clerk reminded Members was discussed at the Precept meeting in January 2008, that the Deputy Parish Clerk was asked to keep a record of the number of hall hiring enquiries received as a result of the advertisement, but that this information was not currently available due to the Deputy Parish Clerk’s absence from work.