Can You Dig It

St Helena Hospice & the Skinny Jean Gardener

Registration form

New for 2018, we are challenging everyone from budding gardeners to seasoned professionals, to grow and sell produce for St Helena Hospice.

To get you started we are offering 5 packets of seeds for a suggested minimum donation of £2. They will be available to pick up from our Fundraising Office until March 1st.

Come harvest time we will be asking participants to sell their excess produce to help raise money for the hospice.

At St Helena Hospice we help local people with an incurable illness to live well and die with dignity and choice, this comes at a price and without the support of people like you we would not be able to provide care for those who really need it.

How to get involved

·  Collect your starter seeds from the St Helena Hospice Fundraising Office before March 1st

·  Check out the tips and tricks videos produced by The Skinny Jean Gardener on our Facebook Page

·  Grow your produce!

·  Sell excess produce and help support St Helena Hospice.

There will be a prize for the person who raises the most money at the end of the campaign, this prize will be presented by The Skinny Jean Gardener on his Live Show!

Also featured on Lee's show will be the participant who grew the ugliest vegetable!

To register please fill out the below form and return to or return a paper copy to the St Helena Hospice Fundraising Office: Unit 4, The Atrium, Phoenix Square, Wyncolls Road, Colchester CO4 9AS

If you have any queries, please contact Amanda Findley, Community Fundraising Team.
Email: or Call 01206 931468.


Please fill in your details, then tear off this section and return in order to register.

Full Name
Name of Group (If Applicable)
Email Address
Phone Number
Post Code
Donation for Seeds (suggested minimum amount £2) / £

St Helena Hospice would like to stay in touch with you occasionally to keep you up to date with and informed of how your donations and support are helping to deliver excellent hospice care.

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Please send me anything you think is relevant

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Appeals and fundraising / Information about our services
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We will never sell, share or swap personal details and it’s easy to change your preferences or stop communications at any time by calling 01206 931468. Our privacy statement is available by request or by visiting