Executive Committee Meeting

February 25, 2013

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Office of the Academic Senate FAX: 278-5745

Telephone: 278-2743 (EC-17)

February 25, 2013

Members Present: Lynn Williams (Chair), Kevin Ayotte (Vice-Chair), Associate Provost Lynnette Zelezny (for Provost Covino), Michael Jenkins (At-large), Melanie Ram (At-large), President John Welty

Excused Absent: Jacinta Amaral (State-wide), Magda Gilewicz (At-large), Shawn Clark (ASI), Gena Gechter (University-wide)

Visitors: Venita Baker, Michael Botwin, Eugene Zumwalt

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Chair Williams in ML 3212.

1. Agenda.

MSC to approve the Agenda.

2. Minutes of 2/11/13.

MSC to approve the minutes of 2/11/13.

3. Communications and Announcements.

A. Memo dated August 22, 2012, from Michael Caldwell, Associate Vice President Faculty Affairs to Deans and Department chairs re: Interim Policy Changes.

Interim policies recommended by the Expanded Executive Committee and approved by President Welty during summer 2012 include APM 301 Policy and Procedures for the Appointment of Tenure-Track Faculty Including the Award of Service Credit; APM 304 Policy on Terminal Degrees; APM 325 Policy on Retention and Tenure; APM 332 Policy on Range Elevation for Temporary Faculty; Policy for Initiating Voluntary Suspension of a Graduate Program; and Policy on Blended Programs – Bachelor’s/Master’s/Master’s Certificates and Master’s/Doctorate.

The interim policies will be placed on the next agenda of the Executive Committee as a single item for review and referral.

B. Memo dated February 18, 2013, from Mamta Rawat, Chair Senate Personnel Committee to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: Dissolution of Faculty Development Committee.

This item will appear on the next Agenda of the Executive Committee.

C. Memo dated February 20, 2013, from Jean Ritter, Chair Student Academic Petitions Committee (SAPC) to Kevin Ayotte, Vice Chair Academic Senate re: APM 243 Student Academic Petitions.

This item will appear on the next Agenda of the Academic Senate. The memo from the SAPC will be included in documents related to the policy for Senate review.

D. Memo dated February 12, 2013, from William A. Covino, Provost to Kevin Ayotte, Vice Chair Academic Senate re: Provost’s Awards Committee 2012-2013.

This item will appear on the next Agenda of the Executive Committee. Executive Committee members are asked to bring suggestions for nominees.

E. Memo dated February 8, 2013, from Paul Crosbie, Chair General Education Committee to R. Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate, and the Senate Executive Committee re: General Education Policies, Procedures and Program Description.

This item will appear on the next Agenda of the Executive Committee.

F. Email dated February 13, 2013, from Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee to Lynn Williams, Kevin Ayotte, and Jacinta Amaral of the Senate Executive Committee re: MGT 110 – Undisclosed Class Fees, Syllabus issues, COI and APM Violations.

MSC to refer this item to the Academic Policy & Planning Committee for review of potential policy changes.

4. Level A Budget Allocation Committee Report.

Vice Chair Ayotte summarized the recommendations of the Level A Committee, including the rationale guiding the various recommendations. The recommendations were designed to honor most of the priority requests from Advancement, Athletics, Public Safety, Deferred Maintenance to Facilities, and Technology while preventing further erosion to Academic Affairs and Student Affairs.

Chair Williams stated that several faculty had expressed concerns to him re: the recommendations, especially the allocations to Athletics. Discussion ensued.

The discussion will serve as the commentary from the Executive Committee requested by President Welty.

5. APM 206 – Technology-Mediated Instruction (TMI). First Reading.

Senator Botwin (Chair, AP&P) presented revisions to the policy made since initial presentation to the Senate in fall 2012.

Senator Ram (At-large) asked what constitutes “qualified faculty” in Section II re: department review of TMI courses every 5 years. Senator Botwin stated that AP&P included that language to allow departments to determine the relevant qualifications needed for faculty review of these courses.

6. APM 235 – Honor Code. First Reading.

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for First Reading.

7. Articles of Governance for JCAST. First Reading.

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for First Reading.

8. Executive Session (Information Technology Security Committee).

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m.

The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be announced.

An Agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Submitted by: Approved by:

Kevin J. Ayotte Lynn Williams

Vice-Chair Chair

Academic Senate Academic Senate