Stevens High School
Stevens High School’s mission is to join with the community to provide quality educational opportunities in a safe environment that will challenge students to take charge and realize their potential.
“Believe and Achieve”
October 2009
Inside This Issue1 / Dates to Remember / 3 / Lifeways
1 / Family Access / 4 / Stevens Booster Club
1 / Parent Network Meeting / 5 / Flu
2 / Listserv
Visit for activities calendar!
Newsletters will be published online monthly!
Stevens Guidance
Page 2 October 2009
Beginning with the December issue, the newsletter will be available online instead of mailed out. Please contact Brenda at 605-394-4025 to let us know if you do not have computer access and would still like to receive these as a mailing. The newsletter can be seen by following these steps: 1) Go to 2) choose Schools 3) From that dropdown, choose ”High” 4) Click on Stevens High School 5) look for the newsletter link
Student Health Insurance
The school district does not provide any type of health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by your child at school. As a service to students and their families, the school district is making available a student accident insurance plan for your child at very nominal cost. If you are interested in either accident insurance, dental insurance or both, please stop in at the Main Office at Stevens High School to pick up the enrollment forms.
Stevens Lifeways
Page 3 October 2009
September 11, 2009 (605) 394-4025 or (605) 716-6555
Students at Stevens High School have joined SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), a peer leadership organization dedicated to preventing destructive decisions, particularly underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving, and teen violence and suicide. The Raiders Against Destructive Decisions and Youth 2 Youth groups became interested in forming a SADD chapter, so they enlisted the help of Michelle Mott, Lifeways Advisor, who will serve as the SADD advisor.
“Teens sometimes make poor choices when it comes to drugs and alcohol, without realizing the harmful consequences,” said senior student Stephanie O’Kief. “I’m hoping our SADD chapter will be a positive influence on our school and community. We’ll be participating in campaigns and activities throughout the school year to spread our message.”
The SADD students are hoping to find more classmates to join them in their efforts. The new group is also exploring ways to get support and funding from the community. O’Kief commented, “There are so many pro-alcohol messages given to teens each day through songs, movies and advertisements. We want to show our peers that alcohol and drugs don’t have to be a part of life or a right of passage”.
Founded as Students Against Driving Drunk in 1981 in Wayland, Massachusetts, SADD has grown to become the nation’s premier peer-led youth education and prevention organization, with 10,000 chapters in middle schools, high schools, and colleges. In 1997, in response to requests from SADD students themselves, SADD expanded its mission and now sponsors chapters called Students Against Destructive Decisions. More information about SADD is available at and more information about Lifeways, Inc. is available at
Stevens Booster Club
2009-2010 Membership Form
Home #______Cell #______Work #______
(The Booster Club transmits important school information via e-mail)
Your Student(s) Name Grade(s) Level Activities/Interests
Please become involved! Check below the committees YOU can help with:
___Membership ____Concessions ____50/50
___Newsletter ____Rushmore Bowl ____Post Prom
___Homecoming ____Student/Staff Appreciation ____Raider Gear
___Parent Academy ____Raider Nights
Please make check out to: SHS Booster Club/Membership
Return form and payment to: Stevens High School Booster Club
P.O. Box 9492
Rapid City, SD 57709-9492
Please check one:
____ Individual Membership - $10.00 ____ Spouse/Family Mbshp- $15.00
(Family membership gives voting rights to both spouses & free family admission to Booster Appreciation events)
Questions: Deb Fredrich 721-4621
or Terry Rezich 341-0029
For Office Use Only: Check #______Cash ______Date Entered_____
Form 8/8/09
**Further information on the committees is available at or by contacting one of the above members.
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