"Let's go Grocery Shopping”

Y o u r G r o c e r y L i s t

P R O- FOODshopperTM provides shopping strategies,

tipsand helpful healthy facts that guarantee you to

be the healthiestindividual you can be.


Kids’HealthyGroceryListBookTM is loaded with

wonderful information for successful changes in

your eating habits.

Kids’ Healthy

Grocery shopping tip

Hey Kids!! “Have FUN when you go grocery

shopping:” “Play a game with Mom and Dad

when you are in the grocery store:” “Who can name the

most fruits and vegetables that they see in the produce

section? “

Kids’ Healthy

Grocery Fact:

Hey kids, “did you know Fruits are much healthier

for you than fruit juices, because they are naturally

sweetened and have vitamin A which will help

you have better eye site. So tell load the

grocery basket with apples, grapes, oranges, cherries

and berries.”

Kids’ Healthy

Grocery Fact:

“Hey kids, did you know fruits and vegetables contain

fiber and vitamins which are GREAT for strong growing kids.”

“Fiber helps digest and transport foods through your

body and Vitamins are nutrients that help keep you strong

and healthy

Kids’ Healthy

Grocery shopping tip

“Make grocery shopping FUN!!”

Most of us have been shopping at

the same grocery store for a long time

so we should know where our favorite

HEALTHY snacks are located. You

should team up with your Mom and Dad

or a friend and make a map leading to areas

where you will find some of your favorite snacks.

Kids’ Healthy

snack tip:

It’s a great idea to have snacks between

meals or before physical activity because

it allows you not to feel hungry between

meals and provides your brain with energy

to focus and think. So don’t forget to grab

a healthy snack before you play and exercise.

Kids’ Healthy

Grocery fact:

Did you know that nuts

are loaded with “GOOD HEALTHY FATS?”

Eat lots of nuts for a healthy snack choice”

Kids’ Healthy

Grocery fact:

Here are the different fats.

There are healthy fats and unhealthy fats.

  • Unhealthyfats are saturated fats and

Trans or Hydronated fats.

  • Healthy fats are polyunsaturated fats and

Monounsaturated fats.