FEBRUARY 18, 2016

(Recorded for Transcription Purposes Only)

Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call: Chair Booth called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Supervisors John Wulff, Arlene Schmit, Greg Booth, Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Clerk/Treasurer Faith Broberg. Supervisor Roland Anderson has an excused absence. Sign-In Sheet attached.

Agenda: Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Clerk/Treasurer’s Report

Board of Supervisor’s Mtg Min 2-04-2016 – Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the amended minutes, seconded by Supervisor Wulff and the motion carried.

Bid Results/Award Bid for 125th Avenue SW – Bryan Drown, Bolton & Menk presented the results of the 5 bids that were received for the road improvement of 125th Street SW. Bids were received from Tri-City Paving - $148,286.10, Anderson Brothers $159,365.35, Borden Excavating $159,631.00, DeChantal Excavating - $188,737.40 and Ideal Construction - $191,353.88. Bryan Drown’s recommendation to the Town Board is that Tri-City Paving be awarded the road paving contract as the lowest bidder. Supervisor Wulff moved to award the bid to Tri-City Paving as the lowest bidder in the amount of $148,286.10 for the improvement project on 125th Street SW, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Regarding the wetland on the west end of 125th Street, the Township will need to make application for wetland impact permits. Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the signing of the Local Road Replacement Program form and the Aquatic Research Impact Summary, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

John Ringle – Cass County Environmental Services Department - John Ringle was present to explain the status of the grant the Township had received to implement the testing of septic systems within the Township free of charge to the property owner.

John presented a GPS Map to the Township of the parcels that have had septic inspections. Cass had worked with the Sylvan Lake Association in doing septic inspections and with what the Township has completed in the last three years we are at 95% compliance.

John also presented a list of the parcels within the Township that are left to be inspected. Of the 930 site, 881 sites have been inspected. He also brought two maps and asked the Board and Planning Commission to review them and marked those parcels that probably don’t have a septic system on them. He figures there are probably 200-300 sites left to visit.

Regarding the grant, we have approximately $7253 left of the grant and with the Township’s match of $2300 we should be able to complete the remaining inspections. The inspector, A & J Inspecting Services has agreed to continue on with the inspections. Supervisor Wulff moved to continue the inspections this year and try to get as many of the approximately 300 systems left as we can, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Brent Beimert Parcel Split – The Town Board has received a recommendation from the Planning Commission that Sylvan Township handle the parcel splits on Brent Beimert’s property instead of Cass County due to the fact it is in Sylvan’s Commercial Zone.

The Township will have to send a letter to Cass County stating that the Township will handle the split of this property as it is in Sylvan’s Commercial Zone. The County will also need a septic site evaluation for each parcel. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve the parcel split of Brent Beimert’s property as shown on the Certificate of Survey completed by Arro Land Surveying of Brainerd, LLC, along with the condition that Septic Site evaluations be submitted on the undeveloped parcels, seconded by Supervisor Wulff. During discussion it was noted that the condition requiring the septic site evaluations, on the undeveloped parcels being submitted could be waived until someone actually wanted to build on a parcel. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger amended her motion to remove the requirement of septic site evaluations being submitted on the undeveloped parcels at this time, seconded by Supervisor Wulff. The amendment was called and the amendment carried. The motion was called and the motion carried.

Steve Statema—Mr. Statema is purchasing the main building of Beimerts Outdoors and is planning on putting in a church. There is already a CUP (conditional use permit) there, however, the use would be different. The Church meets performance standards as outlined in the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance. Dave Johnson, Chair of the Sylvan Planning Commission asked if the Church would need a CUP or could this be handled by a review as mentioned in the Ordinance. The conditions could be addressed and modified as necessary. The Ordinance doesn’t address churches and parking lot requirements.

Chair Booth mentioned that with the increase of traffic on Sundays that the Church would have to meet MNDOT requirements for turning lanes. This would be one of the conditions for the CUP. The only thing regarding a review is that there wouldn’t be any public input.

The Planning Commission could hold a CUP Review and then put a public notice in the paper regarding the review and inform the residents so that they could give input regarding the change of use.

Planning Commission Liaison Report –

Justin Well – Sign – Reported that the sign does meet our Commercial Ordinance Standards.

Sylvan Lake Park – After the Vision Session the Planning Commission was discussing the possibility of selling a couple of lots to help finance any improvements that might be made at the park. The question is would the Board be interested in approving of having an appraisal completed – on the Southside of Lower Sylvan Road SW and West of West Lake Ridge Road SW. They would be looking at lot sizes of one acre. Supervisor Schmit moved for the Planning Commission to go ahead and have an appraisal done but to not exceed $1,000.00, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger. The motion carried with Supervisors Schmit, Adelman-Dullinger and Booth voting for the motion and Supervisor Wulff voting against the motion.

Dave Johnson, Planning Commission Chair also reported that some of the results that came out of the Visioning Session were residents were interested in hiking, biking, and snowshoeing trails, landing for canoes and kayaks, some rest areas with picnic tables and some overlook platforms.

Old Business/Reports –

Bryan Drown Road Projects Report – Bryan already presented the bid results for paving of 125th Street SW. He mentioned to the Board since the road construction prices seen to be down this year that this might be a good time for the Board to look at doing some work on other road projects like Crow Wing Circle east and up on 43rd Avenue SW.

Road Supervisors Road Report – Supervisor Schmit explained the spreadsheet for the maintenance crew to use to report the day they worked on certain roads and the work done on them. The Board reviewed the document and after discussion decided the Clerk could remove Line #68.

Driveway on 125th Street SW – the landowner wants to bring in a house and there are some trees overhanding the road that need to be removed. The trees are in the Township’s road right-of-way.

Clark Drive – a cul-du-sac needs to be brushed out for the trucks to have a turn-around.

New Business

CLA Engagement Letter for Full Accrual Accounting – after reviewing the letter and noting that the Full Accrual Audit will not exceed $9,850. Supervisor Wulff moved to approve signing the engagement letter from Clifton, Larson and Allen for the accrual audit of 2015, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Winter 2016 Newsletter – the newsletter was reviewed at this time.

Annual Town Meeting Agenda - Draft copy of the Annual Town Meeting Agenda was reviewed. The Clerk will contact Roland Anderson and ask him to write a report for the Park for the Annual meeting.

Set the Board of Audit Meeting – Supervisor Wulff moved to set the Board of Audit for Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.

Other Business to Come Before the Board –

Contracts for Service –

Crisis Line and Referral – After discussion Supervisor Wulff moved to pay the Crisis Line $700.00 for their services in the Township, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried. Mary Marana would not have to come to the Annual meeting as this is a contract for service.

Faith in Action – after discussion Supervisor Wulff moved to contract with Faith in Action for service in the Township and to pay them $200.00, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried. As this is a contract for services, Theresa Eclov, Director would not have to attend the Annual Town Meeting.

Renea Barclay has also requested a donation to the Linus Partners who furnish blankets to people in crisis. The Board has asked the Clerk to send her a Contract for Services to fill out and return. The Board will consider this at their next meeting.

Cass County Economic Development Corp (EDC) – has sent a request for our membership for 2016. The Board discussed and asked the Clerk to invite Jim Tertin, President of EDC to come to one of their meetings to discuss their activity in the Township.

Review Claims – Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the payroll check #’s 21625 thru #21626 in the amount of $1,873.49 and the claims # 21627 thru #21633 in the amount of $8,217.02 for a total of $10,090.51, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Spring Short Course – Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the Board and Clerks attending the Spring Short Course at Breezy Point on Monday, March 21, 2016, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Adjournment: Supervisor Wulff moved to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Minutes submitted by,


Faith C. Broberg, Clerk/Treasurer Chair Greg Booth

Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the minutes, as presented/as amended, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried. Supervisor Anderson abstained.

Amendments: Page 2 under the Beimert Parcel Split change the word waved to waived. Under Sylvan Lake Park at the bottom of the same page insert after the hyphen, on the Southside of Lower Sylvan and the West of West Lake Ridge Road SW and remove the rest of that sentence.


Regular Board of Supervisors Meeting 2-18-2016 Page 4