Kitsap Public Utility District

P.O. Box 1989

Poulsbo, WA 98370

PROFILE – Kitsap Public Utility District

Kitsap Public Utility District owns and operates 55 public water systems throughout Kitsap County serving 12,982 Equivalent Residential Units or a population of approximately 32,455.The District also manages numerous private water systems with varying levels of service. In addition, the District owns a fiber optic “backbone” that runs from Mason County throughout Kitsap County providing high speed telecommunications to public and private organizations and agencies. Both the drinking water and fiber optic utilities have numerous facilities.


These facilities include offices and shop buildings, wells, direct filtration plants, reservoirs, booster and transfer stations, and various fiber optic point of presence sites.

Information on values of individual facilities is contained in the “Property Statement of Values” report that is provided to Public Utility Risk Management Services (PURMS) on a regular basis and is stated in the Kitsap PUD’s annual internal financial report.

Additional Equipment

As of 1/1/2010, Kitsap Public Utility District owns 32 insured vehicles worth an estimated $628,571.

Service Area

Kitsap County, Washington

Natural Hazard Events (1975 to present)

During this period, severe rainfall caused minor landslides damage to water mains and also caused private property damage.

Natural Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Rating

The District is most vulnerable to the following natural hazards ranked in order:

1.  Earthquakes

2.  Wind Storms

3.  Snow Storms

Mitigation Strategy

Goal: #1 – Eliminate or reduce the long-term risk to human life and property from identified hazards.

Category: IV – Earthquake Mitigation

Strategy: Pursue seismic upgrades to equipment, infrastructure, and critical facilities that do not meet current seismic codes.

Lead Agencies: Kitsap PUD 1

Support Agencies:

Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management

Probability of Occurrence: High

Probability of Future Occurrence: High

Implementation Time: Ongoing

Implementation Cost: To be determined as projects are identified. Agencies will pursue Hazard Mitigation Grant funding and low interest loans to complete projects.

After reviewing Section Three of the Hazard Mitigation Plan with our organization the following strategies have been determined to apply to the KPUD.

Cat II : Severe Storms Mitigation Strategies

Cat IV : Earthquake Mitigation Strategies

Cat V : Drought Mitigation Strategies

KPUD #1 Asset Profile

Assets Quantity Description

Reservoirs 67 Steel and Concrete construction

Buildings, Personal property 115 Offices, Well and pump stations, Fiber optic POP sites

Water Main 290.7 miles varying diameters and composition

Fiber Optic 88.9 miles varying cable sizes

Vehicles 32

Approx. Total Value 53,813,841